Orchid Health’s Genome Testing Promises ‘Healthy Babies’ But Delivers Morally Deplorable Eugenics

Embryos deemed too predisposed to physical or mental suffering are often sidelined, abandoned, or even eradicated without scrutiny.

Republicans Press CDC Over The Unethical, Unchecked ‘Wild West’ Fertility Industry

‘Congress cannot allow clinics to continue concealing these activities,’ the Republican representatives warned.

IVF Kills Children While Idolizing Them

How can it be ethical to create one human, or a few, at the expense of other humans?

By Pretending Surrogacy Is A Right, Adults Deny The Rights Of Children

The reproductive industry commodifies and destroys embryonic human beings while denying children the natural right to a mother and father.

The Global Fertility Industry Seeks To Erase Women From Procreation One Manufactured Egg At A Time

As scientists ramp up their fantasies about fabricated female gametes, concerns about technology outpacing our humanity should be high.

Popular Genetic Testing Pits Unborn Siblings Against Each Other, And The Highest Scorer Gets To Live

Technology that replaces the inherent value of life with a numeric placeholder makes the precious gift of living seem expendable.