More uncounted votes found in second Georgia county, giving another boost for Trump

A second memory card was found in the Georgia recount process with uncounted votes that gives President Donald Trump a boost against former Vice President Joe Biden.

The Georgia Secretary of State's office told reporters on Tuesday that the discrepancy was discovered in the votes from Fayette County during a hand recount.

A total of 2,755 votes were discovered, with 1,577 going to Trump and 1,128 going for Biden. The new votes decrease Biden's sizable lead by about 450 votes.

This is an addition to the first batch of uncounted votes that were discovered in Floyd County on Monday. Those votes netted Trump about 800 votes.

Secretary of State official Gabriel Sterling said that while the mistake from Floyd County was due to ballots being accidentally uncounted and not entered into the system, the mistake in Fayette County had to do with a ballot count on a memory card not being added to the system.

He also said that officials from the county missed several methods meant to make sure the card had been uploaded.

"There were several spots, where the human beings were running it, just didn't follow the procedure, and that's why this happened. And that's why you have the audit, to discover these things," Sterling said.

He went on to say that 57 counties had no deviations at all from their original ballot count. Another 21 counties had a minuscule deviation of either one more or less in the count from the original, and 32 others are off by single digits.

He also said that there might be about 224 votes in a third county that could have been unaccounted for, but that those were still being investigated.

Officials are tasked with completing their recounts by Wednesday so that the state can officially confirm the results on Friday.

Despite both of the newly found votes from Fayette and Floyd counties, Biden retains a lead of 12,929 votes over the president.

Here's the media briefing with Gabriel Sterling:

Georgia election officials say there was issue in Fayette County that adds 2,755

2,600 uncounted ballots from pro-Trump county discovered during Georgia recount

Georgia officials said that human error led to 2,600 ballots being uncounted from Floyd County, which will likely lessen the lead of former Vice President Joe Biden over President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

Georgia's voting implementation manager Gabriel Sterling explained to reporters on Monday where the uncounted ballots came from.

"Well what it is, is they had these ballots in their ballot manifests, they had them there and they were counted in the audit. When they finished the audit, they had like 40,000 votes, when on the election night reporting they only had 38,000 votes, and that's how it was discovered," said Sterling.

"So that's where we came across this, and then they kinda back-figured that they came from those early vote results that were not uploaded," he added. "But that's where we're having an investigator to button up exactly where their breakdown came."

He said that the "amazing blunder" came from someone not uploading the ballot count from a memory card into a ballot machine.

"It's not an equipment issue. It's a person not executing their job properly. This is the kind of situation that requires a change at the top of their management side," Sterling said.

The ballots that were found included 1,643 new votes for Trump and 865 new votes for Biden, giving the president a boost. Sterling said that the new votes would not change the results of the Georgia presidential election because it would not be enough to change the outcome.

"It looks like it's about an 800 plus vote swing towards the president on this, but the lead statewide is 14,155, so that would take it down to 13,300 and something, I believe," Sterling said.

Here's the interview with Gabriel Sterling:

Georgia's voting implementation manager discusses Floyd County