Gov. Kemp Signs Bill Banning Dark Money From Georgia Elections, Dashing Democrats’ Latest Infiltration Efforts

Gov. Brian Kemp signed a bill on Wednesday prohibiting local election offices from using any kind of private funding to conduct elections.

Exclusive: DeKalb County Officials Skirted Georgia Law To Acquire Funds From Left-Wing Dark Money Elections Group

Emails obtained by The Federalist reveal how DeKalb County officials skirted Georgia law by accepting grant money from a left-wing elections group.

A Bill Banning ‘Zuckbucks 2.0’ In Georgia Elections Is Headed To Gov. Brian Kemp’s Desk

Georgia Republicans passed a bill prohibiting local election offices from working around state law to use private funding to conduct elections.

Calls Grow For Georgia Officials To Investigate DeKalb County’s Acceptance Of Shady Election Funding

The Honest Elections Project is requesting Georgia officials investigate DeKalb County for accepting $2 million from CTCL.

How Georgia Became Democrats’ Test Site For Their 2024 Private Takeover Of Election Offices

DeKalb County recently announced it had received a $2 million grant from the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence.

Leftists Regurgitate ‘Uncle Tom’ Smear To Dim Clarence Thomas’ Legacy, But It Won’t Work

No matter what the left throws at him, Clarence Thomas will be remembered as one of the greatest Supreme Court justices in U.S. history.

Georgia Democrats Cry ‘Voter Suppression’ Over A Law That Will Restrict Ballot Harvesting Plans

As Georgia gears up for a runoff between Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock and his Republican challenger Herschel Walker, Democrats in the state are once again crying wolf — aka, voter suppression — over a state law that prohibits early voting on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The Democratic Party of Georgia — along with Warnock’s campaign […]