But, seriously, why are the Jews so hated?

It’s a question that demands an answer, especially considering we’re on the verge of Holocaust 2.0.

Experts, scientists, and historians have set out to find answers to this question, and “they came up with five reasons,” says Glenn Beck.

One: “Jews are hated because they’re an inferior race.”

Two: “Jews are hated because they possess too much wealth and power.”

Three: “Jews are hated because they’re different from everyone else.”

Four: “Jews are hated because they’re the cause for all the world’s problems.”

Five: “The Jews are hated because they killed Jesus Christ.”

But Glenn knows this “research” is rubbish and easily disprovable.

Rebuttal one: “Jewishness is not a race; any person, any creed, or color can convert to Judaism.”

Rebuttal two: “There are some well-off Jews, but there are millions of poor and downtrodden Jews as well.”

Rebuttal three: “Jewish communities often tried to assimilate in the 18th century — in Europe they tried desperately to assimilate — how'd that work out for them?”

Rebuttal four: “They’ve been hated because they’re an easy target.”

Rebuttal five: “I’m pretty sure those were the Romans that killed Jesus Christ.”

So why are the Jews historically hated?

“I think there’s really one reason,” says Glenn. “The Jewish people know who they are: they are the children of Israel. They are from the Promised Land. They are God’s chosen people.”

“Jews have something unique — they have an eternal identity that has been spoken, and it's an identity that is built on traditions, laws, promise, faith in God, a covenant — a rock of a covenant — and the Jewish people work hard at studying and teaching that covenant,” he continues, adding that the Jewish people have “handed down the traditions and blessings from one generation to another for thousands of years.”

Unfortunately, knowing who you are; preserving traditions, customs, and conventions; and holding tightly to a faith in God not only “makes you a little peculiar in today’s world,” but it also clearly puts a target on your back.

Miraculously, however, the Jews in Israel are “extraordinarily positive right now,” believing wholeheartedly that they’re “going to win this,” says Glenn, and it’s “the covenant of God [that] gives them confidence.”

“In a world where the foundations of truth and reality are being destroyed and being distorted, that kind of confidence lends itself to envy,” says Glenn, “and as Yoda warned us, 'Envy leads to jealousy, jealousy leads to hate, hate leads to anger, and anger leads to the dark side.'”

And when you take an honest look at the world we’re currently living in, “the dark side” certainly feels like a fitting description, especially considering the “riots, abuse, and kidnappings” as well as the wars and now “mass genocide” we’re seeing.

“I think why the Jews are so hated is it's Satan's way of winning against God,” says Glenn.

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Glenn says THIS subject has been haunting him for years

Glenn Beck has been chewing on something for quite some time now — “12 years, maybe,” he says. But he’s never found the right time or occasion to speak about it.

He arranged to raise this subject in Gettysburg a few years ago, but the pandemic thwarted his plans.

However, through prayer, Glenn has realized he doesn’t need an event to speak what’s on his heart. He already has “12 million people listening to [him] every day,” and now he’s ready to tell his audience about something he feels is “the most important thing America can do right now.”

And that is “restoring the covenant.”

“America historically is a covenant nation,” says Glenn. “The pilgrims actually came here to establish what they called the New Jerusalem.”

“There in Lower Manhattan, [George Washington] raised his hand to the square and [put] his hand on the Bible, and he swore to protect and defend the Constitution ... [and] he made a covenant,” says Glenn.

Later, Abraham Lincoln “asked Congress to pass a Thanksgiving proclamation to rededicate ourselves to the American covenant. It passed, and people all over the country prayed, humbled themselves, and fasted and dedicated their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor ... once again to God's will.”

But people forget what covenant means. They forget that it’s a promise you don’t break.

It’s no wonder Americans have forgotten what covenant means though, as we live in a time in which “we expect that most people are just lying to us all the time. Our president is lying all the time; so was the last one, the one before that, and the one before that, [and] our media is lying to us.”

“With all of this lying, truth no longer matters, but you cannot have a society or a civilization without truth,” says Glenn, or at least not one with any meaning anyway.

“You know, we throw words around like ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty,’ [but] what does that mean?”

“To me, it means opportunity to speak, to worship, to live, to work and better myself and our children's lives,” says Glenn. “We wrote them down in this country as rights, and we also said they come from God — all of the things that have any meaning at all all come from God.”

But people seem to have forgotten that.

Perhaps revival in this country begins with remembering the promises we made all those years ago.

Want more from Glenn Beck?

To enjoy more of Glenn’s masterful storytelling, thought-provoking analysis and uncanny ability to make sense of the chaos, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution and live the American dream.