California Democrats Work To Legalize Discrimination After Voters Rejected It Twice

California’s Democrat legislators should have accepted defeat graciously, respected voters’ wishes, and shifted their resources to other pressing issues.

Gavin Newsom falls apart when questioned on abortion

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If you’re going to debate Gavin Newsom on something, you might want to choose the topic of abortion — because the governor of California isn’t capable of winning.

In his debate with Ron DeSantis on Fox News, Newsom was asked about abortion.

“You have allocated in your budget $265 million for abortion last year alone. My question, very specific, do you support any restrictions at all on abortion, especially in months seven, eight, and nine?” Sean Hannity asked Newsom.

“I’m going to answer that question, but let’s talk about the issue of abortion,” Newsom answered, clearly trying to dodge the question.

He then immediately attacked DeSantis, which wasn’t his brightest idea.

“I think this is important and it bears repeating,” he began. “Ron DeSantis has signed the most extreme anti-abortion bills in America. He signed a bill banning any exceptions for rape and incest, and then he said it didn’t go far enough and decided to sign a six-week ban before women even know they’re pregnant.”

“Even Donald Trump said it was too extreme,” he added, before telling Hannity that he does in fact support late-term abortion.

“It should be up to the mother, and her doctor, and her conscience.”

Like many Americans, Pat Gray is disgusted with what he heard.

“Right up to birth,” Gray says sadly. “You talk about extreme — can you get too extreme when you’re talking about the life of a human baby? Can you be too extreme on that? I don’t know. Either you believe it’s life or you don’t. Either you believe that you're taking a life when you abort the child or you don’t. Which is it?”

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