16 states AGs press SCOTUS to take up case about schools covertly transitioning children

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Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares (R) and 15 other attorneys general have filed an amicus brief on behalf of their respective states asking that the U.S. Supreme Court take up a case regarding schools' covert efforts to transition children into sexually-confused transvestites behind their parents' backs.

"Parents have the right to be involved in major decisions affecting their children's lives. This case presents an opportunity for the U.S. Supreme Court to provide much-needed clarity and reaffirm that government officials cannot override parents' fundamental rights simply because they believe they know better," Miyares said in a statement.


A group of parents in Wisconsin sued the Eau Claire Area School District in 2022 over the guidance it provided to schools and employees regarding how to handle students suffering from delusions about their gender.

The guidance, which wasconfirmed by a district spokesperson at the time, noted that some "transgender, non-binary, and/or gender-nonconforming students are not 'open' at home for reasons that may include safety concerns or lack of acceptance."

Accordingly, school personnel were instructed to first discuss the matter with the student before considering discussing the matter with the student's parents.

The parents' complaint claimed that the policy "mandates that schools and teachers hide critical information regarding a child's health from his or her parents and to take action specifically designed to alter the child's mental and physical well-being. Specifically, the Policy allows and requires District staff to treat a child as if he or she is the opposite sex, by changing the child's name, pronouns, and intimate facility use, all without the parents' knowledge or consent."

Teachers were apparently further instructed that "parents are not entitled to know their kids' identities" and that such "knowledge must be earned."

Educators in the district evidently took the guidance to heart, in one case textually informing students, "If your parents aren't accepting of your identity, I'm your mom now."

"The obvious purpose of such secrecy is to prevent parents from making critical decisions for their own minor children, from interfering with the school's ideologically-driven activities, from caring for their children, or from freely practicing their religion," read the parents' complaint. "The insidious invasion of parental rights at issue in this case cannot be tolerated by a free people who value liberty."

The plaintiffs, represented by the firms America First Legal and the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, claimed the district had violated their fundamental parental rights both under the 14th Amendment and under Article 1, Section 1 of the Wisconsin Constitution, along with their constitutionally-protected religious freedom.

Stephen Miller, president of America First Legal, stressed at the outset "Eau Claire schools have adopted a monstrous plan to secretly 'change' the genders of children as young as 5 — without parental consent — effectively subjecting them to unnatural ideological experiments contrary to their health and biology."


The case, Parents Protecting Our Children, UA v. Eau Claire Area School District, was kicked up through the courts to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

The appellate court ruled on March 7 that the district court was right to dismiss the parents' complaint "for lack of subject matter jurisdiction."

The court wrote that "Parents Protecting is clear that their members harbor genuine concerns about possible applications of the School District's policy. Unless that policy operates to impose an injury or to create an imminent risk of injury, however — a worry that may never come to pass — the association's concerns do not establish standing to sue and thus do not create a Case or Controversy. The district court had no choice but to dismiss the challenge for lack of Article III subject matter jurisdiction."

To the high court

Last month, the AFL and WILL filed a petition for writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court, stressing that the plaintiff and petitioner in the case — an association of parents who have children in the district — are both subject to the offending policy and directly harmed by it, contrary the conclusion reached by the district and appellate courts.

The petition posed the following question: "When a school district adopts an explicit policy to usurp parental decision- making authority over a major health-related decision — and to conceal this from the parents — do parents who are subject to such a policy have standing to challenge it?"

'Government officials cannot interfere with this right — 'perhaps the oldest of the fundamental liberty interests recognized by' this Court — just because the government officials believe that they know better.'

According to the petition, parents are injured in multiple ways, including by the loss of their exclusive decision-making authority over whether a sex-change transition is in their kid's best interest; by their inability to obtain information to which they are entitled, which is a "cognizable 'injury in fact' for purposes of Article III standing"; and by the strain placed on the parent-child relationship introduced by the policy's student-facing invitation to keep secrets from their parents.

It indicates also that the "policy facially deprives Petitioner's members of their statutory rights, which presently harms them by making it impossible for them to withhold consent from the application of the Gender Support Plan process to their children. The denial of this right to information, protected by the Constitution and by statute, constitutes concrete harm under Spokeo, Public Citizen, and Akins."

The amicus brief

The attorneys general for Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Texas, and a dozen other states filed an amicus brief in support of the parents in the case, stressing they too have a "compelling interest in protecting parents' fundamental right to make decisions about 'the care, custody, and control of their children.'"

"This case presents the opportunity for this Court to reiterate that government officials cannot interfere with this right — 'perhaps the oldest of the fundamental liberty interests recognized by' this Court — just because the government officials believe that they know better," said the brief.

The brief noted that Article III's standing requirement comes down to answering the basic question, "What's it to you?" and that the "answer in this case is plain": Parents have an interest in making decisions about their children and the interference by school officials clearly amounts to injury.

It further emphasized that "[s]chool districts have no interest, compelling or otherwise, in wholesale concealment of children's gender transitions from parents, absent any evidence of abuse or neglect. 'Simply because the decision of a parent is not agreeable to a child or because it involves risks does not automatically transfer the power to make that decision from the parents to some agency or officer of the state.'"

Virginia AG Miyares added in a statement, "It is essential that schools work with parents, not against them, to support a child's wellbeing."

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Parents can't fully access their kids' medical records after judge partially blocks parental rights law

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Washington state's Republican-backed Initiative 2081, referred to as "A Parents' Bill of Rights," was approved earlier this year by the state legislature in two landslide votes. The Democrats who control both chambers apparently permitted it through knowing they will likely be able to transmogrify it in the next legislative session.

Nevertheless, to the chagrin of leftists and other groups ostensibly keen on cleaving children from their parents, Republican state Rep. Jim Walsh's Initiative 2081 became law on June 6.

The law declares 15 rights that parents and guardians of public school children necessarily have, such as the right to:

  • examine textbooks and curricular materials used in their kid's classroom;
  • inspect their kid's public school records, including their health, academic, mental health counseling, vocational counseling, and disciplinary records;
  • receive prior notification when medical services are being offered to their child, except in the cases of emergency medical treatment;
  • receive immediate notification if their child is being taken or removed from campus without their permission;
  • receive assurance that their kid's school won't discriminate against their child based on the family's religious beliefs; and
  • receive written notice and opt out of student engagements that include questions about the child's sexuality and sexual experiences or the family's moral and political views.

Walsh underscored that the focus of all the elements of the bill was information.

"Custodial parents and guardians cannot be kept in the dark about what their minor children are going through in their lives," Walsh said last month. "Parents have to be told — whether it's things happening at school or things happening in the healthcare or mental healthcare space connected with school, or really anything affecting a minor child."

The legal acknowledgement of such natural rights in a state where the family is otherwise under siege prompted legal action from a number of radical LGBT organizations, represented ultimately by the activist firms QLaw and Legal Voice along with the ACLU of Washington.

They sued last month to halt the implementation of the initiative. This week, a judge granted them a minor victory.

Upon filing their lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the legislation in the Superior Court of Washington for King County on behalf of various LGBT groups, the pair of legal outfits and the ACLU of Washington recycled debunked rhetoric intimating that a failure to allow kids to transition at school behind their parents' backs and receive "affirmation" with the help from adults outside the family would result in "irreparable harm."

Adrien Leavitt, staff attorney for the state chapter of the ACLU, claimed, "The initiative passed because of deception and confusion, and it will cause life-altering negative outcomes for queer and trans students if it is implemented."

According to their complaint, the Parents' Bill of Rights "undermines, contradicts, and amends numerous laws that protect students' rights to privacy, healthcare, education, and an affirming and inclusive school environment."

On Friday, King County Superior Court Judge Michael Scott, appointed to the bench by Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee in 2018, granted a temporary block against parts of the law. Specifically, Scott blocked the requirement that parents are to be granted access to all of their children's medical and mental health counseling records and the requirement that school districts promptly turn such records over, reported the Washington State Standard.

Most parts of the Parents' Bill of Right will, however, remain in place for the time being.

While Scott figured the plaintiffs had done enough to demonstrate harm and potential unconstitutionality, he stressed, "It's not this court's position to determine whether that's good policy or not."

In response to Scott's ruling, Leavitt intimated in a statement it's not enough for parents to only partially be left in the dark.

'It is the student's decision when and if their gender identity is shared, and with whom.'

"We are pleased with this ruling as it will prevent parts of I-2081 from causing further harm while we seek a final decision in this case — but this is not the end," said Leavitt. "We will keep fighting this case in hopes of a final judgment that shows this harmful law violates the State Constitution and should not be implemented or enforced."

Walsh, meanwhile, indicated he was "encouraged that the judge left the bulk of the parents' bill of rights in place," reported the Seattle Times.

Democratic State Superintendent Chris Reykdal indicated that while the court did not block the remainder of Initiative 2081, he would effectively usurp the power of lawmakers and instruct Washington school districts not to apply aspects of the law.

"Until additional clarity is provided on the areas where the initiative conflicts with existing state and federal law, school districts should not make changes to any policies and procedures that are implicated by the conflicting sets of law," Reykdal said in a statement. "When in doubt, school districts should follow federal privacy laws."

In his statement, Reykdal also emphasized that schools don't have to disclose a student's transvestism at school to their parents.

“Our state's guidance has maintained that, in order to protect student privacy and safety, schools should communicate with students who disclose they are transgender or gender expansive about the student's individual needs, preferences, and safety concerns," Reykdal continued. "It is the student's decision when and if their gender identity is shared, and with whom."

Brian Heywood, a businessman from Redmond who helped bankroll the effort to advance Initiative 2081, suggested Reykdal was actively "shredding democracy."

"WA state Superintendent of Schools believes he is above the law and that the state knows better than parents what is best for your children," added Heywood. "In November he needs to go."

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Federal judge warns married teacher of 3 previously charged with sexual abuse of mentally ill student is 'danger to the community'​

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A former teacher allegedly broke the conditions of her home confinement regarding charges of sexually assaulting an underage mentally ill student. A federal judge warned that the married mother of three poses a "danger to the community."

As Blaze News previously reported, Sandy Carazas-Pinez was accused last year of engaging in multiple sexual acts in her car with a 16-year-old boy. The New York City public teacher was fired from her job. Carazas-Pinez, 34, had been a biology teacher at the Biondi School in Yonkers, New York.

Biondi is run by the nonprofit organization Rising Ground and assists students with special needs.

"The Biondi Middle and High School provides educational and therapeutic support to both residential and day students who have behavioral and emotional challenges, learning disabilities, or intellectual/developmental disabilities," the Rising Ground website states.

Carazas-Pinez was arrested in July after allegedly sending nude images and sexually explicit text messages to a 16-year-old student.

"I do miss your touch and kisses not going to lie. I also miss seeing you masturbate, I sound like a pervert," she purportedly wrote to the boy.

The mother of the alleged victim discovered the illicit content and reported the teacher to local authorities.

The mother said, "It’s the rape of a child with a mental illness. As a society, we have to prioritize the safety of children who are mentally ill and boys who are sexually assaulted."

The minor reportedly suffers from schizophrenia and a mood disorder.

Carazas-Pinez allegedly committed multiple violations after being arrested.

This week, Carazas-Pinez allegedly violated her bail conditions. She was instructed not to have any unsupervised contact with any child under the age of 18.

The married mother of three reportedly emailed another former student a day after he turned 18 to wish him a happy birthday.

The New York Post reported that Brooklyn federal judge John Cronan revoked the bail of Carazas-Pinez after she allegedly breached her bail conditions.

Cronan noted that the infraction was technically not a violation, but "it seems to fly in the face of the spirit of the conditions."

Cronan said Carazas-Pinez poses “a real danger to the community.”

Even her own lawyer called the ex-teacher's behavior "troubling."

Prosecutors said the former teacher’s conduct shows a "pattern of grooming" a student for sex.

The mother of the alleged victim told The Post, "She’s a very disturbed individual, and I’m glad she no longer has access to children — especially mine."

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Sandy Carazas-Pinez, 33, a biology teacher and married mother of three, was arrested and charged with sexual abuse of a minor with mental disabilities. The charges involve a sixteen year-old student at The Biondi School in Yonkers, New York. #TikTokJournalism🗣️#FirstThem👉🏾 #SexualAssault😤 #SexualViolence🤕 #ExposeGroomers👀 #fypシ SOURCE: https://nypost.com/2023/03/25/nyc-teacher-accused-of-sex-with-mentally-ill-student/

FACT CHECK: Video Showing ‘Child Groomer’ At City Council Meeting Is Actually Comedian

The video is not genuine, but instead was a skit created by a comedian.

North Face faces heat over sponsorship of overnight LGBT camp where kids perform in drag, explore sexuality

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The North Face is again facing scrutiny, this time over its sponsorship of a non-straight camp where children engage in sexualized activities.

The American athletic clothing company is listed with Toms, Brooks, and Eno among the leading sponsors of Camp Brave Trails, a "fully accredited overnight summer camp specially designed for LGBTQ teens, ages 12-17" with campgrounds located in New York and Southern California.

The North Face has apparently been shelling cash and gear for the camp for years, noting in a June 2021 post that it was donating over $70,000 in LGBT-themed products to the camp.

According to the camp's website, children attending the camp bunk with 9-10 peers of the same age group, never divided by gender. Campers are "encouraged to spread their wings and make their own decisions" and told to anticipate a "strong expectation of maturity, kindness, consent, and compassion."

The Daily Wire highlighted how in an appearance on the "Kelly Clarkson Show," the camp's lesbian founders, Kayla Weissbuch and Jessica Weissbuch, stated, "All of our housing is genderless, bathrooms are genderless, we ask for names and pronouns from campers, and they can change them all they like."

Kayla Weissbuch noted further that the camp has a clothing closet so that children can explore their gender identity and "try and find, like, who they are and what feels good to them."

One camper told Clarkson, "I was able to perform, do drag, I was able to do ... so many activities."

One promotional video for the camp shows children dressing up in drag and putting on performances.

The camp makes no secret of these activities, stating on its website, "We bid farewell to gender-segregated spaces and activities, tossed aside arbitrary dress codes, and ensured our campers wouldn't have to justify or explain their identities."

"Campers also embark on a journey of self-discovery and learn more about the LGBTQ+ community through exclusive programs you'll only find at an LGBTQ+ camp," continued the write-up on the camp's website. "This includes identity-based groups, captivating drag shows and workshops, enlightening queer history lessons, and a fantastic clothing closet where you can explore gender expression or experiment with a new look."

Kayla Weissbuch made clear in a Forbes interview that the camp is not just about isolating children from parents and society in a place where they can stage drag shows and explore their sexual identities. It's also a means of weaponizing children in the culture war. She suggested that non-straight kids are an "overlooked resource" when it comes to fighting for so-called social justice.

"If we can hone in on that, these ripples will start to show," said Kayla Weissbuch. "It's all about creating and starting those ripples."

The North Face, which still categorizes its clothing in accordance with the sex binary, appears keen to continue creating ripples of its own with leftist propaganda.

Last year, the company courted controversy and calls for a boycott with an ad campaign featuring a transvestite inviting viewers to "come out ... in nature with us."

— (@)

Newsweek noted that while Bud Light was taking a financial beating over its marketing partnership with transvestite influencer Dylan Mulvaney, The North Face doubled down, writing, "We recognize the opportunity our brand has to shape the future of the outdoors and we want that future to be a more accepting and loving place."

The clothing brand is not just committed to pushing LGBT propaganda. It is also apparently captive to the strain of identitarianism that predominates on the left.

The Sun reported last month that the company offered customers a 20% discount if they agreed to suffer through an hour-long course on racial inclusion and "the unique challenges that people of color face when accessing the outdoors."

One critic noted that "the irony is that The North Face is implicitly acknowledging here that all its customers are white."

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New Jersey youth wrestling coach – NCAA's first openly gay wrestler – sentenced to prison for distributing child porn

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A New Jersey youth wrestling coach has been sentenced to serve over seven years in federal prison for reportedly disturbing child pornography.

Alec Donovan, of Brick, New Jersey, was sentenced on Thursday to serve 87 months in federal prison after being found guilty of distributing child porn. In addition to the prison sentence, U.S. District Judge Zahid N. Quraishi also sentenced Donovan to 30 years of supervised release.

Donovan, 26, had previously pleaded guilty to one count of distribution of child pornography.

Court documents stated:

From January 2021 through March 2021, Donovan used an internet-based application to exchange multiple images and videos of child sexual abuse, including depictions involving pre-pubescent children. Donovan also used the web-based messaging application to solicit and engage in conversations with minors, including requesting nude photographs from the minors and sending nude photographs to them.

Donovan grabbed headlines in 2015 for becoming the "NCAA's first openly gay wrestler," according to the Associated Press.

The outlet added, "A 2017 story in the NCAA-published Champion magazine detailed Donovan's struggles with depression in high school and his efforts to counsel other gay wrestlers."

Donovan had been a youth wrestling coach and referee in New Jersey before being arrested.

The Asbury Park Press reported, "Donovan was also the NJSIAA seventh-place finisher at 145 pounds in 2014, a three-time state qualifier, the NJSIAA Region VI champion in 2015 and a four-time NJSIAA District 23 champion during his scholastic career from 2011 to 2015."

The investigation into the purported pedophile was launched by the Newark Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force, under the direction of FBI Special Agent in Charge James E. Dennehy in Newark.

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Former MTV star arrested for grooming in Florida after nationwide manhunt initiated over a year ago in Illinois

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Following a nationwide manhunt that was initiated in Illinois and lasted more than a year, a former MTV star has been arrested in Florida for child sex crime accusations.

On Thursday afternoon, law enforcement tracked down Connor Smith at a residence in Clearwater, Florida.

Smith, 33, was arrested by officers with the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office on an open warrant originating from Lake County, Illinois. The warrant was issued in February 2023.

Smith, from Orland Park, Illinois, was booked into the Pinellas County Jail – where he is being held without bond. Smith is awaiting extradition to Illinois.

As Blaze News previously reported, the Lake County Sheriff’s Office announced that detectives obtained a nationwide arrest warrant for Smith.

The former MTV star was accused of committing three felonies: traveling to meet a minor, grooming, and disseminating harmful material.

Authorities said Smith attempted to groom a girl under the age of 15 and meet her for sex in Illinois.

Smith communicated with someone who he believed was a girl under the age of 15 for several weeks, according to police. However, the girl was actually an undercover detective.

The catfish was part of an undercover sting to catch child predators that was executed by the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division in collaboration with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

Smith reportedly sent the "girl" sexually explicit photos and videos of himself.

Smith allegedly attempted to meet the "child" for sex on Feb. 9, 2023. When Smith went to visit the "girl," detectives attempted to arrest him, but he was able to escape the authorities.

In December 2021, Smith was arrested for an alleged rape and assault of a 16-year-old girl in Indiana. Smith was charged with felony rape, sexual battery, and two counts of criminal confinement.

However, the charges were dropped after the alleged victim stopped cooperating with investigators and prosecutors said they didn't have enough evidence to convict him.

Smith's claim to fame is appearing on the third season of the MTV reality series "Are You The One?" in 2015. The dating show features single contestants competing to find their perfect match.

Smith found his "perfect match," but the couple split up after filming the reality TV show.

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National Education Union Spends Teachers’ Dues Pushing Anti-Child Policies

The National Education Association's expenditures show it gives teachers' dues to many anti-American, leftist organizations.
'Boy Meets World' stars detail grooming and manipulation by guest-star convicted of child sex abuse

'Boy Meets World' stars detail grooming and manipulation by guest-star convicted of child sex abuse

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Will Friedle and Rider Strong, along with "Boy Meets World" co-star Danielle Fishel, explained that they had a strange relationship with a former guest star on the show who was later convicted of sex offenses.

On the group's podcast "Pod Meets World," the trio discussed "the difficult subjects of grooming, childhood sexual abuse and their effects on victims," alongside a family therapist.

Friedle and Strong particularly recalled the relationship they had with actor Brian Peck ("X-Men," "Living Dead") who was convicted of sexually abusing a minor a few years after the ABC sitcom ended in 2004.

According to TMZ, Peck was accused of molesting an unidentified Nickelodeon child actor and took a plea deal to reduce his sentence, which ended up being a reported 16 months.

Friedle explained that he became close with Peck soon after joining the show. Friedle played Eric Matthews, with his real life age ranging between 16-23 years old during the course of the show's seven-year run.

"I didn’t really go to parties. I didn’t really do that stuff. But I was working a lot after ‘Boy Meets World,’ and this guy had so ingratiated himself into my life, I took him to three shows after 'Boy Meets World.'"

Strong, who played Shawn Hunter and was between 13-20 during the show, said he and Peck "hung out all the time," Variety reported, despite there being a near 20-year age difference.

Fishel, who was Topanga Lawrence on the show, did not spend as much time with Peck during her time as a 12-19-year-old actress.

"All the years of having stand-ins, no one ever, do I remember, regularly went to lunch with the cast members. But this person did and part of that’s because, when they arrived on set, they were extremely charming. They were very personable. They had a lot of jokes," she explained.

"They also, because of their many years of experience working in the entertainment industry, knew other, very successful, famous kids and young men and regularly talked about them."

Fishel also said that other adults refrained from questioning why the young actors were "going to lunch" or going to Strong's house "for a party" with Peck likely out of fear of appearing homophobic, due to Peck being gay.

"There was probably a part of them that didn’t say it because they were afraid it was going to be taken as homophobia, instead of, ‘This is a boundary, gay or not. This is a boundary about adults and kids,'" Fishel said. "I also think that’s important in the story of Rider and Will, about why he befriended the two of you so closely. And I did have lunch with him a couple of times, but only because someone else would invite me … He didn’t really make an effort to get to know me. He didn’t ingratiate himself as much into my life. I never heard from him again after the show ended," she added.

Peck also appeared in a 1999 episode of the show, when Friedle and Strong would have been adult-aged.

When Peck was accused in 2003, he reportedly called Friedle crying while "instantly spinning it to where it wasn’t his fault, it was clearly the fault of his victim," a 16-year-old male.

Feeling indebted to Peck after helping him get a movie role, Friedle agreed, along with Strong, to write letters to a judge in support of Peck.

"We’re sitting in that courtroom on the wrong side of everything … The victim’s mother turned and said, ‘Look at all the famous people you brought with you. And it doesn’t change what you did to my kid,'" Friedle recalled. "I just sat there wanting to die. It was like, ‘What the hell am I doing here?’ It was horrifying all the way around."

Strong then detailed that he saw Peck years later at a party and finally realized he peddled "nonsense" by constantly referencing famous people who he thought "validate him and put him in a category of Hollywood royalty."

"He did that constantly when we were on the set of 'Boy Meets World' and I never saw it because it was so effortless. Here I was like at this party and I had to leave, I was so freaked the f*** out."

According to Variety, Friedle and Strong were contacted for a statement about Peck, likely for an upcoming docuseries called "Quiet on Set," investigating alleged abuse on Nickelodeon sets. Peck did not return the outlet's request for comment.

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'Parents should know': Kansas AG turns up the heat on school districts that 'socially transition' kids behind parents' backs

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Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach is turning up the heat on "troublesome districts" that have doubled-down on policies allegedly allowing schools to "socially transition" students without parental consent. The Republican AG has narrowed the remaining offenders down to a handful of districts, which he appears keen to rein in.

"A child changing his or her gender identity has major long-term medical and psychological ramifications," Kobach said in a statement Thursday. "Parents should know, and have an opportunity to be involved in such an important aspect of their well-being."

According to the Washington Examiner, Kobach used Parents Defending Education's list of parental exclusion policies to pinpoint offending districts in Kansas. After drilling down on each district's policies and weighing their constitutionality, Kobach identified six school districts that were allegedly undermining parental rights.

The Republican AG penned letters to the districts in December, specifically challenging policies that require school staff to hide a student's transvestism or "gender non-conforming" status from their parents, reported the Associated Press.

The letters accused the districts of surrendering "to woke gender ideology" and stressed it "would be arrogant beyond believe to hide something with such weighty consequences from the very people (parents) that both law and nature vest with providing for a child's long-term well-being."

Kobach indicated Thursday that upon notifying the districts and asking whether they had collected parental input prior to adopting the radical policies, two districts — Belle Plaine and Maize — "responded that they had no intention of cutting parents out of the process and immediately rescinded or amended their polices."

"A lot of times these policies are pushed by outside activist organizations and adopted by school boards without being fully informed about what the policy would actually do," said Kansas Deputy Attorney General Abhishek Kambli. "Belle Plaine and Maize should be praised for responding swiftly when they saw what was going on."

Three of the four other districts — Kansas City, Shawnee Mission, and Topeka — refused to back down on keeping parents in the dark, according to Kobach.

The Olathe School District alternatively appears to have had a change of heart this week. The attorney general noted on X that the OSD has scheduled a meeting to discuss its policy.

OSD said in a statement obtained by KSHB-TV that they had developed "internal administrative guidelines" for staff, but that no formal policy has ever existed.

The OSD's "Guidance Related to Gender Identity," obtained by Parents Defending Education via a public records request, states the "best practice is for staff to obtain parental consent before addressing the student publicly by their preferred name and/or pronoun." However, it goes on qualify such disclosures, noting instances where parents could be left in the dark.

"Staff must be carefully to refrain from incautious disclosure of a student's gender status and/or sexual orientation. Informing the decision to disclose to a parent/guardian are considerations related to the age of the student; whether the student has developmental disabilities; protecting the privacy interests of the student; whether the communications with the parent would cause trauma to the student, and a fear for the child's health as a result of the communication," says the guidance.

If a child expressed delusions about their sex, teachers in the Shawnee Mission School District are apparently required to notify the principal, who in turn "meets with the student to share support and gauge the level of family involvement."

The Kansas City Kansas Public Schools' guidance that the PDE has on file states, "School personnel should not disclose information that may reveal a student's transgender status or gender or gender nonconforming presentation to others, including parents and other school personnel, unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure."

Topeka Public Schools' revised 2018 guidance echoes the KCKPS recommendations.

Topeka told the AP that its practices are legal.

Shawnee Mission superintendent Michelle Hubbard claimed Kobach was relying on "misinformation" from "partisan sources" and indicated she took offense to his use of woke "as an insult."

KCKPS declined the AP's request for comment. The other outliers claimed they handled gender dysphoric students on a case by case basis and seek to work with parents.

"Parental exclusion policies purposely tarnish relationships between parents and children," Caroline Moore, vice president of Parents Defending Education, said in a statement. "Kansas is a great example of recognizing an issue that impacts all and correcting course, so these policies don't plague another generation of students and their families."

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