'If I were a woman, I would be offended by the idea that women can't have sex and be responsible.' - Crowder
On Monday's episode of "Louder with Crowder", Steven reviewed a series of Tik Tok videos that urged women to go on a sex strike in protest of the Texas Heartbeat Bill. The bill — deemed by many on the political Left as being an assault on women would allow women to receive an abortion up to 6 weeks after becoming pregnant.
In this clip, Crowder showed a Tik Tok video featuring women making an appeal to all women to join them in fighting the so-called patriarchy by cutting sexual ties with all men. One woman went as far as saying that abortions should be free for all women.
As Crowder watched the video, he concluded that calling for a sex strike in response to not being able to receive abortion is an admission that women can't be responsible in their sex life. Adding that if he were a woman, he "would be offended by the idea that women can't have sex and be responsible."
Watch the clip for more from Crowder. Can't watch? Download the podcast here.