Bozell & Graham: Seth Meyers, Ilhan Omar's publicist

In the Trump era, the media not only made the late John McCain a sainted figure, they made his entire family saints. Attacking them was like an attack on the best that humanity has to offer. When reports emerged that then-White House aide Kelly Sadler said in the senator's last weeks that his opposition to CIA director nominee Gina Haspel was no longer relevant since he was "dying anyway," there was about a week of teeth gnashing and garment rending for political blasphemy. Sadler was tarred, feathered and eventually dismissed.

But this secular sainthood can quickly be rescinded. Meghan McCain says conservative things on television -- especially calling out the left for anti-Semitism, saying the Democrats may be echoing Britain's Labour Party soon -- and now she's getting thrown under the bus.

On NBC's "Late Night" on May 7, Seth Meyers interviewed this star of ABC's "The View" and tried to shame her televised remarks on radical Rep. Ilhan Omar. Criticizing Omar was "unfair" and even endangered her safety.

"I do think it's fairly dangerous, and you brought it up after Congresswoman Omar also had some death threats against her," Meyers lectured. "She's obviously now stated that she needs to be more careful with her language. Don't you think other people who talk about her need to be a little more thoughtful as well? Or do you stand by those comments of tying her to this -- her rhetoric -- to this synagogue shooting?"

Meyers is referring to an April 28 panel discussion on ABC's "This Week" where several panelists insisted President Trump's rhetoric on immigration could be associated with the synagogue shooting near San Diego. McCain countered that we should pay attention to extremism on "both sides" of the aisle and recalled Omar's ugliest tweets about Jewish money and how Jews "hypnotized" the world. It's apparently not "dangerous" to the president when you try to tie him to a synagogue shooting.

When McCain refused to retract anything she said, Meyers said he was trying to find "common ground." That's laughable. He was shaming. And he repeated himself. "I'm just someone who cares about the fact that there's someone out there who is in a minority, who has had death threats against her, and I think that we should all use the same language," he said. "You're asking her to be careful about her language, and I would ask everyone to be careful about theirs."

Does Meyers really think he and his fellow late-night lecturers are careful about their language? Stephen Colbert calling Trump Russian President Vladimir Putin's "c--k holster"? Samantha Bee calling the president's daughter a "feckless c--t"? Is that "careful"?

When the president gave a prime-time address talking about people like Kate Steinle who were killed by illegal aliens, Meyers tweeted a joke: "Is this Oval Office: SVU?" Don't forget Meyers let a lesbian staff writer describe Catholics on national television as guilty of "hosting a 2,000-year-long pedophile convention." How can he preach what he will not practice?

McCain insisted Omar's getting a lot of free passes, and Meyers brazenly supported that notion. "It's an interesting thing when we have two Muslim women for the first time" in Congress, he said. "They do have a different perspective on things. ... We have to listen to other people's perspective." Does that sound like something Seth Meyers practices nightly on television? He's beloved by the left for his vicious monologues ... not for dialogue.

McCain asked the perfect (rhetorical) question: "Are you her publicist?" He is. But Omar has many others.


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Limbaugh: Joe Biden's pathetic pandering

Joe Biden has reached new heights of pandering. He has achieved the Olympic gold in cultural groveling. He must really want to be president.

I am always amazed that people think Biden is so transparent and genuine. Yes, he shoots his mouth off before thinking sometimes, as we all do, but way more than a high-profile public official should. But that's more a function of his impulsiveness and arrogance than his authenticity.

Anyone willing to remake himself overnight to be more acceptable to voters wants power too much to be trusted with it. A politician so comfortable with prostituting himself should make people -- even Democratic voters -- nervous.

That's why I'm not surprised to read that Biden disgraced himself this week by lamenting the impact of "white man's culture" and apologizing for his role in supposedly undermining Anita Hill's credibility as a witness in the 1991 Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Justice Clarence Thomas.

Hill accused Thomas of having made sexually explicit comments and unwanted advances toward her when she worked for him at the Education Department and Equal Opportunity Employment Commission in the 1980s. Biden, as leader of the Senate Judiciary Committee, was in charge of the proceedings, and has been criticized by the left for his conduct of the hearings.

In an interview with NBC News last fall during the confirmation hearings of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Biden voiced regret over his inability to shut down senators who were cross-examining Hill. "The woman should be given the benefit of the doubt and not be, you know, abused again, by the system," said Biden. "My biggest regret was, I didn't know how I could shut you off because you were a senator and you were attacking Anita Hill's character. Under the Senate rules, I can't gavel you down and say you can't ask that question, although I tried."

This week, he echoed the same regret. "To this day, I regret I couldn't come up with a way to get her the kind of hearing she deserved," he said. "I wish I could have done something."

Notice in both instances Biden was not apologizing. He knows that in this #MeToo era, he must get in front of any perceived criticisms of his treatment of women. But he also knows he bent over backward to help Hill and smear Justice Thomas. He owes Thomas an apology, not Hill. Instead, he pretends he's sorry that he couldn't muzzle Republican senators and conduct a kangaroo hearing against Thomas.

Does America want to elect a man who is so anxious to be president that he regrets his inability to violate Senate rules and our enshrined common law tradition of allowing the accused to confront the witnesses against them? If Biden really believes Hill should have been insulated from cross-examination, then he's sold his soul in his quest for power. He understands that to curry favor in today's Democratic Party, you must be willing to deny freedom of expression and due process to your political opponents. If Biden doesn't believe it, then what else is he willing to say to become the 46th U.S. president?

Well, we have the answer, don't we? As a white male, he has to say he's ashamed of his race and gender. He said that Hill, an African-American, shouldn't have been forced to face a panel of "a bunch of white guys" about her sexual harassment allegations against Thomas.

Really? So Biden regrets he didn't issue a lawless edict, as head of the Judiciary Committee, to reconstitute that committee on the spot by expelling some old white guys and replacing them with black senators? Or that he didn't ask some of them to stand down? Do you see how utterly ridiculous this is?

How can you take Biden seriously when he says something so ludicrous? Hill wasn't a victim. She was a witness making damning allegations against a Supreme Court nominee. Her race and gender don't entitle her to special protection or exemption from rigorous cross-examination. These white male liberals are appallingly patronizing. Anita Hill was an accomplished law professor at the time. Why would Biden treat her as if she's some vulnerable wallflower? Is that what the woman's movement has come to?

But Biden outdid himself in his denunciation of the impact of "white man's culture" in America. "We all have an obligation to do nothing less than change the culture in this country," said Biden. "This is English jurisprudential culture, a white man's culture. It's got to change."

Well, Joe, when it comes to radically changing the culture, thanks to your party, that ship is already sailing. But I guess you get props for trying to catch up to the postmodern cruise ship in your canoe. How much must you disrespect yourself to get on board with this divisive race- and gender-obsessed party?

At least Biden realizes that the driving issues in his party are no longer the economy or foreign policy but identity politics on steroids.

I keep telling you worriers that the notion that the Democratic old guard will bring the extremist upstarts back to Earth in time for the presidential campaign is a myth. Instead, the old guardsmen are sprinting to the left to capture some of that AOC-type love that now dominates the party. It's a beautiful thing.


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Levin: The media must stop speculating. This bomb threat is 'deadly serious'

Wednesday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin said the person or people who sent suspicious packages possibly containing explosives to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, CNN, Eric Holder, and George Soros "need to be found as quickly as possible."

"It's a deadly serious matter — I underline the word 'deadly,'" Levin said. He criticized those speculating about the nature of the individual(s) who sent these packages without a factual basis to do so.


"Now, we have no idea who's behind this. We have no idea of the quote-unquote political affiliation of the people behind it," Levin said. "We know all of those targeted are Democrats and CNN. That we know. But why comment beyond that? Because we don't know anything else. And yet, that's what's taking place now."

He added it was "grotesque" for the media to lecture Americans on heated and hateful rhetoric.

"Do the media in this country understand that they are leading the charge on the heated and hateful rhetoric?" Levin asked. He showed why the media is in no place to lecture anyone on rhetoric given the appalling rhetoric they use daily.

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