FACT CHECK: Did HAARP Cause Historic Flash Flooding in Roswell, New Mexico?

There is no proof that HAARP caused this, and they fully deny the accusation

FACT CHECK: Is HAARP Positioned Around Florida and Influencing Hurricane Milton?

A post on X claims that HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is responsible for manipulating weather patterns in Florida, supposedly influencing Hurricane Milton. #BREAKING– SHARE HAARP is positioned perfectly right around Florida. It does seem to be activated at as the whole state of Florida seems to be needing to prepare from wants to […]

FACT CHECK: Does This Video Show Weather Control Tech Causing Earthquake In Turkey?

A post shared on social media purportedly shows a video of weather control technology being used in Turkey just before a recent earthquake. This is HAARP in action over Turkey on February 6, 2023, just before the earthquake. The wave ring of light emitted from the frequency represents the wave motion of an underground earthquake. These are […]

FACT CHECK: Does This Video Show A HAARP before The Turkey Earthquake?

The video shows a rocket launch in September 2022 in Kazakhstan