Protests mounting and Pride flags underfoot after Ottawa teachers told to refer to all students with 'they/them pronouns' and prohibit opt-outs from '2SLGBTQ+ learnings'

In its latest effort to force staff and students to fully embrace LGBT activism and gender ideology, an Ottawa school board appears to have found Canadians' breaking point.

Upon learning that students will no longer be referred to as boys or girls, but will rather be addressed as sexless pluralities, protesters took to the streets, demanding that the leftist administrators "leave the kids alone."

How did it start?

A trio of Ottawa-Carleton District School Board superintendents reportedly sent a letter to staff May 31 entitled, "Supporting Inclusivity: Actions for Pride Month and Beyond." The letter, obtained by Chanel Pfahl, a school trustee candidate, clarified that nothing save for total submission to LGBT precepts would be acceptable in the district.

Mary Jane Farrish, the superintendent of equity instruction, Shannon Smith, superintendent of indigenous education instruction, and Brent Smith, acting superintendent of program and learning, stressed that "2SLGBTQ+" representation in the curriculum and classroom is a "fundamental human right."

Accordingly, staff must embed resources that "accurately reflect and honor 2SLGBTQ+ identities into curriculum subjects and the overall learning environment, from Kindergarten to Grade 12."

The superintendents noted that honoring non-straight "identities" and peddling LGBT propaganda in every grade were only partial measures.

Teachers were further instructed to use "they/them pronouns" when referring to all students, not just those with gender dysphoria.

Extra to asking teachers to apply a blanket denial of biological reality in their engagement with students, the superintendents underscored that "2SLGBTQ+ learnings should be offered to the school community without the option to opt out. It is essential to understand that human rights are not open to debate or selective participation."

The Counter Signal reported that last week there was a silent protest in the district: absenteeism skyrocketed on the first day of Pride, with absences reaching above 60% in two schools and over 40% in nine others.

Elsewhere in Canada, TheBlaze recently reported that Muslim students were told they "can't be Canadian" if they refused to participate in LGBT events.

Concerning the prohibitions on opt-outs, OCDSB spokesman Darcy Knoll told the Epoch Times said, "When providing learning experiences, we do not offer proactive exemptions or excuse students from the learning on the basis that we may be highlighting a particular group of people defined by their race, religion/creed, ability, sexual orientation or gender identity. This would result in sending a message that a group of people in our community is not valued and do not belong."

As for the letter itself, Knoll said the idea was "to suggest some actions that can be taken during Pride Month and beyond to promote inclusivity and belonging in our schools."

While the OCDSB presently officially celebrates Pride Month," it may soon follow suit with the Canadian government, which celebrates "Pride Season."

Not going to take it anymore

The Ottawa Sun reported that British Columbia-based Chris Elston, critic of gender ideology and father of two who goes by "Billboard Chris" online, joined other demonstrators outside of Notre Dame High School Friday for a rally called "Education over Indoctrination.

Elston forewarned Ottawa residences in April that he was coming, stating, "No more silence."

The OCDSB issued a statement ahead of the protest, noting, "This individual, as well as others associated with this demonstration, have a history of aligning with and promoting inflammatory, transphobic, and hateful content against members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community."

"There are many in the community who are deeply concerned about these protests and wondering how to respond," continued the statement. “We encourage you to keep your message positive, promote the inclusive nature of our community, and share your support for 2SLGBTQ+ students, staff and community members, but do not create additional risks outside of schools."

Masked leftists attacked Elston at the rally, though he did not appear to take the bait.

\u201cMasked antifa attacking @BillboardChris . He took it stoically and in his stride. The violence including violent language so far has been from the pro gender side.\u201d
— Rupa Subramanya (@Rupa Subramanya) 1686322273

Josh Alexander, the teen suspended from his high school in Renfrew, Ontario, after stating in class that God created only two genders, also attended the protest.

Parents, students, and other concerned citizens chanted, "Save our kids."

Just as various faith groups united in opposition to LGBT propaganda Tuesday in Rockville, Maryland, Muslim and Christian parents in Ottawa denounced the OCDSB's plan to force non-binary pronouns on kids, reported the Counter Signal.

During the protest, some protesters and their children stomped Pride flags.

\u201cYoung muslim kids STOMP the pride flag as their mothers cheer them on\u201d
— The Pleb \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 Reporter (@The Pleb \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 Reporter) 1686324836

Earlier in the day, one protester was filmed taking down Pride decor nearby the school.

\u201cBREAKING: A showdown is ramping up right now in Ottawa after the school board told all teachers to call all kids by "they/them" pronouns, permanently. Everyone student is now non-binary, and protesters are getting furious. Situation escalating.\u201d
— Keean Bexte (@Keean Bexte) 1686323281

Counterprotesters, some carting around signs that said, "Pride Not Prejudice," reported chanted, "Trans rights are human rights."

The black-clad militants among the pro-LGBT demonstrators also chanted, "Go home fascists."

\u201c\u201cGo home fascists!\u201d\n\nLarge crowd of antifa and far-left counter protesters in Ottawa today at the Education over Indoctrination rally.\u201d
— Harrison Faulkner (@Harrison Faulkner) 1686332830

CTV News indicated that five people were arrested at the rally.

LGBT activists are greatly troubled by the resistance they are now seeing by parents and students.

"We’re dealing with probably some of the scariest forms of pushback against LGBTQ2 rights, in particular to those who are transgender and non-binary," Debbie Owusu-Akyeeah, executive director of the Canadian Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity, told Global News. "We’re seeing a much more coordinated attack in areas that we’ve never seen before, including school board meetings, including Pride events, whether it’s drag story time – these are all new tactics that we’re seeing."

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