California sues Catholic hospital for refusing to abort twins after mother's water broke

California's Democratic Attorney General Rob Bonta continued his crusade against pro-life institutions Monday, filing a lawsuit against a Catholic hospital, Providence St. Joseph of Eureka, for not promptly aborting a mother's twins.

"With today's lawsuit, I want to make this clear for all Californians: Abortion care is health care. You have the right to access timely and safe abortion services," said Bonta. "At the California Department of Justice, we will use the full force of this office to hold accountable those who, like Providence, are breaking the law."

According to the complaint, Anna Nusslock visited Providence after her water prematurely broke and she began bleeding. A doctor allegedly diagnosed Nusslock, then 15 weeks pregnant, with previable premature pre-labor rupture of membranes and told the mother that while both twins had heart tones, one of them was sure to perish and the fate of the other baby was uncertain.

Another doctor at University of California San Francisco Medical Center told Nusslock over the phone that there was only a remote chance that the second twin might survive.

'We have a hospital implementing a policy that's reminiscent of heartbeat laws in extremist red states.'

The hospital, which recently saved the life of a baby boy born 96 days early, allegedly informed Nusslock that policy precluded medical professionals there from providing an an "emergency" abortion as long as one of the babies had a "detectable heartbeat" or unless there was an immediate risk to Nusslock's life.

"It is damning that here in California, where abortion care is a constitutional right, we have a hospital implementing a policy that's reminiscent of heartbeat laws in extremist red states," Bonta said of the apparent policy against elective abortions.

The complaint noted that the hospital initially recommended that Nusslock be helicoptered to the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, but she declined, unwilling to be separated from her husband and convinced that her insurance would not cover the cost. The hospital then allegedly discharged Nusslock with free towels and instructions to drive to Mad River Community Hospital, roughly 20 minutes away.

The lawsuit accuses the hospital of violating the Unruh Civil Rights Act, violating the health code's nonmedical transfer provision, and violating the state's Emergency Services Law, which requires hospitals to provide care "necessary to relieve or eliminate the emergency medical condition."

A spokesman for the hospital said in a statement to ABC News that "Providence is deeply committed to the health and wellness of women and pregnant patients and provides emergency services to all who walk through our doors in accordance with state and federal law. We are heartbroken over Dr. Nusslock's experience earlier this year."

"This morning was the first Providence had heard of the California attorney general's lawsuit, and we are currently reviewing the filings to understand what is being alleged," continued the spokesman. "Because this case is in active litigation and due to patient confidentiality, we cannot comment on the matter," the spokesperson added.

In his remarks, Bonta bemoaned the U.S. Supreme Court's recent refusal to qualify abortion as among the varieties of "stabilizing care" required of every hospital with an emergency department participating in Medicare under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act.

Without such a federal mandate conflating stability with the termination of human life, Bonta indicated that "states like California have to rely on their own state laws to protect pregnant patients."

Bonta has not only worked to combat policies ostensibly designed to protect life in his state but in other states as well. Last year, he joined New York Attorney General Letitia James in leading a coalition to back the Biden-Harris administration's challenge to Idaho's popular and democratically passed pro-life law. They failed.

Bonta also sued Heartbeat International last year and a chain of crisis pregnancy centers over their promotion of medical abortion reversal. That case has yet to be decided.

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State-facilitated suicide is now a leading cause of death in Canada

State-facilitated suicide is now a leading cause of death north of the border, according to a new report from the Canadian think tank Cardus. In the way of body counts, euthanasia under Canada's eugenicist-founded health care system may have already edged out what was previously the fifth-leading cause of death, cerebrovascular diseases.

Canada legalized euthanasia in 2016, referring to it euphemistically as medical assistance in dying. According to Cardus, court rulings emphasized early on that MAID should be a "stringently limited, carefully monitored system of exceptions." It appears that MAID has become anything but.

"MAiD in Canada is no longer unusual or rare. Federal predictions about the expected frequency of MAiD have significantly underestimated the numbers of Canadians who are dying by this means," said the report. "More troubling, instead of physicians acting as 'reluctant gatekeepers' for assisted dying, as the lawyers for the plaintiff in Carter envisioned, they appear highly favourable to MAiD requests, as shown by the available data on length of time from assessment to provision, the percentage of MAiD requests that are denied, and the sheer prevalence of occurrences."

Blaze News previously indicated that in its first year, MAID killed 1,108 Canadians. That number tripled the following year, and by 2021, the number had climbed to over 10,000 assisted-suicide deaths a year in a country with an overall population of less than 39 million. State-facilitated suicides jumped another 31% in 2022, accounting for over 4% of deaths in Canada.

"We've seen that between 2016 and 2022, deaths from euthanasia have grown 13 times higher than when we originally started,” study author Alexander Raikin, a visiting fellow with the Washington, D.C.-based Ethics and Public Policy Center, told Postmedia. "In short, Canada has the fastest-growing euthanasia regime of anywhere in the world."

In 2022, there were reportedly 84,412 Canadian cancer deaths; 57,357 deaths resultant from diseases of the heart; 19,716 alleged COVID-19 deaths; and 18,365 accidental deaths.

According to Cardus, MAID and cerebrovascular diseases — a condition group that includes aneurysms, carotid stenosis, and stroke — were neck and neck for fifth place. There were 13,915 deaths from cerebrovascular diseases and 13,241 deaths from MAID in 2022.

'If it can happen there, it can here.'

While it appears cerebrovascular diseases have a numerical edge over state-facilitated suicides in terms of victims, Cardus indicated Statistics Canada possibly counted MAID deaths toward its cerebrovascular disease total as it does not recognize MAID as a cause of death. That would mean it's too close to call.

Not only is MAID killing many moribund people, it's killing people who could otherwise live for years or decades, as well as victims whose primary symptom is suicidal ideation.

Originally, those seeking MAID had to be at least 18 years of age with a "grievous and irremediable medical condition" causing "enduring physical or psychological suffering that is intolerable" to them. Additionally, they had to be in an "advanced state of irreversible decline," with death a likely outcome in the foreseeable future.

The rules have been loosened in the years since, such that those with PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other survivable issues can be put down.

According to the report, there is ample evidence now indicating that "medical professionals are not viewing MAiD as an option of last resort only."

"In less than a decade, euthanasia has gone from being a rare exception — as was originally intended by proponents, by policymakers, by the courts, by even the lead lawyer for the plaintiff in Carter v. Canada, to a routine cause of death in Canada," said Raikin.

It appears some in Ottawa may regard euthanasia as a way to save money and ease strain on a socialized health care system burdened by massive influxes of immigrants under the Trudeau government.

Canada's Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer highlighted in an October 2020 report that "expanding access to MAID will result in a net reduction in health care costs for the provincial governments" — saving those governments hundreds of millions of dollars that would otherwise be spent on saving lives and providing Canadians with the treatment they paid for as taxpayers.

Wesley J. Smith, a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism, recently said of Cardus' findings, "If it can happen there, it can here. The only sure preventative is to reject the assisted-suicide agenda while it remains relatively limited in scope and reinvigorate the ethical tenets of Hippocratic medicine."

Smith is right to be concerned.

Last week, Gallup revealed that the majority of Americans now support legal euthanasia.

71% of respondents indicated that doctors should be "allowed by law to end the patient's life by some painless means if the patient and his or her family request it." 66% said doctors should be allowed to assist their patients in offing themselves.

Despite this overwhelming support, only 53% of Americans indicated doctor-assisted suicide was morally acceptable; 40% said it was morally wrong.

It's clear that religion plays a role in shaping views on whether it's acceptable for white-jacketed professionals to exterminate their patients. 77% of Americans with no religious identity said doctor-assisted suicide was morally acceptable. Meanwhile, only 46% of "Protestant/Other Christian" and 44% of Catholics said the same.

Opposition was strongest (66%) among those respondents who admitted of weekly religious attendance. Only 28% of those with seldom or no religious attendance signaled opposition.

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Kamala Harris Fails To Distance Herself From Left-Wing 2020 Campaign, Despite Aides’ Best Efforts

Kamala Harris Fails To Distance Herself From Left-Wing 2020 Campaign, Despite Aides' Best Efforts

Texas requires hospitals to collect, report health care costs for illegal aliens

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) issued an executive order on Thursday that will require the state’s public hospitals to collect and report health care expenses for illegal immigrants. A press release from Abbott’s office stated that the executive action aims to track the costs of the Biden-Harris administration open-border crisis.

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission will be required to “collect information on illegal immigrants who use Texas public hospitals for inpatient and emergency care and to report incurred healthcare cost.” HHSC will provide annual reporting to the governor and the Texas legislature, which will be used to request financial reimbursement from the federal government.

To track such information, hospitals will ask patients about their immigration status and collect information regarding the costs associated with their care. Hospitals under HHSC will be required to submit quarterly reports to the commission. HHSC will begin collecting this information starting no later than November 1.

“The surge of individuals unlawfully crossing the Texas-Mexico border posed an ongoing and imminent threat of disaster for a number of Texas counties and for all state agencies by this disaster,” the executive order read. “The surge of individuals crossing the southern border has continued, resulting in more than 11 million people—a number larger than the population of 40 different States—entering this country illegally in less than four years under the Biden-Harris Administration.”

The executive order requests hospitals to inform patients that their responses to immigration status questions will not impact the care they receive.

Abbott released a statement regarding the new executive order, saying, “Due to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ open border policies, Texas has had to foot the bill for medical costs for individuals illegally in the state.”

“Texans should not have to shoulder the burden of financially supporting medical care for illegal immigrants,” Abbott continued. “That is why today I issued an Executive Order requiring the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to collect and report healthcare costs for illegal immigrants in our state. Texas will hold the Biden-Harris Administration accountable for the consequences of their open border policies, and we will fight to ensure that they pay back Texas for their costly and dangerous policies.”

U.S. Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-Texas) responded in opposition to the governor’s order.

“Here we go again,” Garcia stated. “Our MAGA Republican Governor just can’t stop social engineering. First, he wants doctors and nurses to police women’s choices for reproductive care, then he wants to make criminals out of parents who support their child in seeking gender-affirming care, and now he wants to make ICE officers out of doctors providing immigrants with medical care.”

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It Did Not Take Long For Harris’ Campaign To Start Backtracking On Her Left-Wing Positions

'Forgiving of authenticity than they are of bullshit anonymous statements'

Study Shows True Costs Of Health Care Spending Are Lives And Livelihoods

A new study provides more tangible evidence as to the true effects of rising health care costs.

A Woman Frantically Cutting Off Her Own Breasts Proves We Need Less ‘Gender Affirmation,’ Not More

The 18-year-old girl's case has been widely reported as evidence of a larger system that discriminates against transgender-identifying people.

Study finds microplastics in every single human and canine testicle: 'The plastic makes a difference'

A peer-reviewed study published last week in the official journal of the Society of Toxicology indicated that human and canine testicles are teeming with microplastics. This may help account for the precipitous global decline in male fertility.

Awash in microplastics

Nature Medicine noted in an editorial last month that the "world is awash" with over 6 billion tons of plastic.

'MNPs are found everywhere on the planet, including the oceans, air, and food supply.'

Roughly 353 million tons of plastic waste were produced in 2019 alone. Nature Medicine indicated that's particularly bad news since plastics contain over 10,000 chemicals, including endocrine disruptors and cancer-causing carcinogens, and can easily steal into the human body.

Plastics find their way into the human body in the form of tiny particles called microplastics (less than 5 mm in diameter) and nanoplastics (less than 1 μm in diameter). Microplastics and nanoplastics (MNPs) can arise from a variety of sources, including by design, as in the case of microbeads used in cosmetic and personal care products, or inadvertently, as the result of degradation of larger plastic products, such as through the laundering of synthetic clothes or abrasion of tires. MNPs are found everywhere on the planet, including the oceans, air and food supply.

Blaze News previously detailed the findings of an Australian June 2023 study that suggested humans might be inhaling roughly 16.2 bits of plastic every hour — enough to make a credit card per week. These credit cards can prove costly.

According to the scientific journal, microplastics have been shown in rodent studies to adversely impact various organs, including the intestine, lungs, and liver along with the reproductive and nervous systems.

In terms of their impact on human beings — where they have been found polluting various organs along with placenta and breast milk — researchers have identified links between microplastics and various health conditions, including cardiovascular disease and inflammatory bowel disease.

It appears scientists may have come across yet another troubling link.

Devaluing the family jewels

Blaze News previously reported that sperm counts have been trending downward in men on every continent since at least 1973.

A 2022 peer-reviewed study published in the journal Human Reproduction Update confirmed a trend detailed by the same researchers years earlier in a groundbreaking meta-analysis. The researchers indicated that "this world-wide decline is continuing in the 21st century at an accelerated pace."

The study, led by Dr. Hagai Levine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Dr. Shanna Swan of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, revealed that the trend was "driven by a 50%-60% decline among men" in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

After combining the findings from over 250 other studies and increasing their sample size — so as to include men not already worried about their fertility — the researchers determined that between 1973 and 2018, sperm counts "declined appreciably," not just in Western men but in 53 countries across the world.

The sperm count decline has "become steeper since 2000," dropping by 1.4% per year and by 62.3% overall.

Declining sperm counts have been attributed to various factors, including chlormequat chloride, an agricultural chemical found in oat-based foods; mobile phone radiation exposure; and certain vaccines.

Microplastics are evidently another contender.

Plastic baggage

Researchers at the University of New Mexico recently studied 47 canine and 23 human testes. Every single testicle contained microplastics, polyethylene — used to make plastic bags and bottles — being the most prevalent.

'When I first received the results for dogs I was surprised. I was even more surprised when I received the results for humans.'

According to the University of New Mexico, the researchers chemically treated the testicle samples to dissolve the fat and proteins. They then spun each sample in an "ultracentrifuge, leaving a nugget of plastic at the bottom of a tube. Then, heated the plastic pellet in a metal cup to 600 degrees Celsius. They used a mass spectrometer to analyze gas emissions as different types of plastic burned at specific temperatures."

They found that the average concentration of microplastics in testicular tissue were 122.63 micrograms per gram in dogs and 328.44 micrograms per gram in humans.

"At the beginning, I doubted whether microplastics could penetrate the reproductive system," said Dr. Xiaozhong Yu, head of the research team. "When I first received the results for dogs I was surprised. I was even more surprised when I received the results for humans."

Matthew Campen, one of the authors of the study, told NPR the tiny particles are "shard-like, stabby bits."

The human testicles, which the Guardian reported were taken from the corpses of men between the ages of 16 and 88, had been chemically preserved such that their sperm count could not be measured. Researchers were, however, able to assess whether higher plastic contamination in the dog's testes corresponded with lower sperm counts.

Researcers found that high levels of PVC — the second-most prevalent polymer in dogs — correlated with a lower sperm count.

"The plastic makes a difference — what type of plastic might be correlated with potential function," said Yu. "PVC can release a lot of chemicals that interfere with spermatogenesis, and it contains chemicals that cause endocrine disruption."

The research team examined canine testicles in particular because "compared to rats and other animals, dogs are cloer to humans," said Yu. "We believe dogs and humans share common environmental factors that contribute to their decline.

"We don't want to scare people," continued Yu. "We want to scientifically provide the data and make people aware there are a lot of microplastics. We can make our own choices to better avoid exposures, change our lifestyle and change our behavior."

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