How Texas Protected Its Vote From Getting ‘Rigged’ In 2020

Mollie Hemingway’s new book, 'Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections,' confirms many fears about Democratic Party plans to change state election laws.

Celebrate ‘Consent Of The Governed’ This Weekend, Then Reject Democrats’ Attempt To Sabotage It

As we celebrate our founding, remember 'consent of the governed' is fundamental. And it is that principle Democrats are seeking to eradicate.

Jake Sullivan Says Democrats’ Power-Grab Election Reform Bill Is A ‘National Security Issue’

"The basic notion of democratic reform and voting rights in the United States is a national security issue," said Biden's National Security Adviser.

Manchin Comes Out Against Democrats’ Election Bill

'Partisan policymaking won’t instill confidence in our democracy.'

Democrats Scramble To Find Support For Partisan ‘Power-Grab’ Election Bill

Misleadingly named the “For The People Act of 2021," the 800-page election bill is a partisan one, and Democrats are struggling to find support for it.