Horowitz: 10 places that show the COVID shots have failed miserably

At some point the COVID fascists and the injection addicts need to own the failure of their own policies. For better or for worse, they have been successful in defeating and censoring any opposition, so it is their policies that are the ones in place — not ours. They must therefore own the panic from the growing spread in many states and countries.

The reality is that anyone who has not had prior SARS-CoV-2 infection is "unvaccinated." There is no vaccine for this virus, and the therapeutic that is fraudulently being marketed as such has clearly made the virus worse than last year, even though most adults have taken it and despite half the population already having had the virus.

As bad as the results from the so-called vaccine are, just remember the efficacy is even worse than you think. When outcomes (cases, hospitalizations, deaths) are subject to reporting delays but vaccination rates are not, the inevitable result is an overstating of vaccine efficacy. What this means is that much of what we think of as waning efficacy may actually just be poor efficacy from the get-go.

While there are dozens of examples of vaccine failure across the globe – with cases spreading quicker than they ever did before the vaccination – here are 10 of the most jarring examples:

1. U.K.

There is nowhere to run or hide from the negative effects of the shots in the U.K. After accomplishing one of the quickest and most universal vaccination drives, the U.K. now has more cases than it did during last winter's wave when nobody was vaccinated.

The new wave of Covid cases in the UK now surpasses the previous one, despite mass vaccination.pic.twitter.com/NfBRDzDlsz

— Covid19Crusher (@covid19crusher) 1637004364

The U.K. Health Security Agency also puts out the most consistent granular data on cases by vaccination status each week. Indeed, in all age groups above 30, there is now a negative efficacy to the shots, and in some age groups, the vaccinated are twice as likely to get COVID as those without the shots.

Plugging in the percentage vaccinated by each age cohort, you get a rough efficacy against symptomatic infection as follows:

Houston, we've got a problem. The only reason the numbers for children are so high aside from the fact that most were vaccinated recently is because they are mass-tested in schools.

According to the UKSHA data, roughly 82% of the deaths the past three weeks have been among the fully vaccinated.

2. Iceland

Few countries in the Western world did better than Iceland … before the mass vaccination. Although the country still isn't experiencing too many deaths, as the population appears to be somewhat immune all along, Icelanders have now experienced two larger waves than before 92% of adults chose to get the shots.

Cases in Iceland continue to skyrocket, even with ~92% of adults fully vaccinated\n\nIn fact, cases are up 4,600% since Fauci said getting 50% vaccinated would prevent future surges\n\nNot one person has asked him why he was wrong or how anyone can possibly justify vaccine passportspic.twitter.com/OEEKeEPH3Y

— IM (@ianmsc) 1637000232

Iceland is the 3rd most vaccinated nation in Europe and the 5th most boosted nation on Earth.\n\nDespite this, cases are now at record levels and restrictions are being tightened once again.\n\nApparently, not even boosters will buy back your freedom.\n\nhttps://www.icelandreview.com/society/covid-19-in-iceland-restrictions-tightened-again-following-sharp-increase-in-infections/\u00a0\u2026pic.twitter.com/f8RRnpVyHT

— PLC (@Humble_Analysis) 1637012232

3. Singapore

Singapore blows up the myth of the shots perhaps more than any other country. It is one of those Far East countries that, based on a year of data, appeared to be somewhat immune to the virus, especiall to critical illness. Yet, precisely after nearly every adult in the country was vaccinated, Singapore is now experiencing a wave that blows out any prior wave – to the point where the population is now incurring what is the equivalent of 800 deaths per day in the U.S.

Nearly 19 months into their mask mandate and with 85% of their entire population fully vaccinated, Singapore is reporting the equivalent of ~800 deaths per day in the US, proving once again that ending the pandemic is easy if you just listen to The Experts\u2122pic.twitter.com/M24p8SvAEN

— IM (@ianmSC) 1636322570

Although the U.S. has obviously experienced more than 800 deaths a day, that is a very high number for a country that enjoys much better health and lower obesity rates than Americans. There is nowhere to run or hide and nobody else to blame. Clearly, the shots have made the virus worse.

4. Netherlands

The Dutch mistakenly thought that a seasonal low in cases was really due to the vaccines. Well, after achieving an 84% vaccination rate among adults, they have now suffered a 680% increase in cases in the virus in just a month and a half. They set a record in cases per day as well as a 19.2% positivity rate.

Cases in The Netherlands are up 680% in the month and a half since they mandated vaccine passports for restaurants, bars and other businesses and are now at an all time high proving once again how unbelievably effective vaccine passports are at controlling COVIDpic.twitter.com/3agHcGRdIx

— IM (@ianmSC) 1637004481

Rather than suspending this dangerous shot and pushing early treatment and monoclonal antibodies, they are headed back to lockdown.

5. Belgium

If there is any country that you'd think would be done with this virus, it's Belgium. The Belgians already had a massive wave last fall and have suffered one of the highest death rates in the world. Yet despite (or perhaps because of) a similar vaccination rate to the Netherlands, they are now experiencing another large wave, several months after vaccinating most adults. Which province has the highest case rate? You guessed it – the most vaccinated one! According to the Brussels Times, West Flanders, where 60 out of 64 municipalities are above 80 percent vaccination (nearly universal among adults), is "experiencing an incidence of 1,363 cases per 100,000 inhabitants over the last 14 days, it is by far the province where the virus is circulating the most, and where the increase remains the strongest (+67 percent in one week)."

6. Cayman Islands

In case you think the surge is an anomaly in Europe, the Cayman Islands are now experiencing their worst surge in cases to date. With just 65,000 people, this island nation had very little COVID for the past year and a half. According to Reuters, the country has administered at least 116,507 doses of COVID vaccines so far, which would essentially be enough to give nearly every adult two shots. So, they avoided COVID altogether, right? Nope, they have one of the highest case rates per capita in the world precisely after they achieved universal vaccination.

6 weeks into a mask mandate & with ~85% of the population vaccinated, the Cayman Islands has the highest case rate in the world & is reporting the equivalent of ~760,000 cases per day in the US.\n\nJust goes to show how easy it is to control COVID with masks & vaccine passports.pic.twitter.com/99Vzv8I8Pw

— IM (@ianmSC) 1636324355

7. New Mexico

In the United States, we supposedly have states that did it right and states that did not. New Mexico has had strict lockdowns, strict mask-wearing, and one of the stronger vaccine coercion regimes. New Mexico ranks 14 among the 50 states in terms of vaccination rate. It now has a higher case rate than neighboring states experiencing the same seasonal wave among the Western Mountain states. Hospitals are now at 150% capacity.

New Mexico, with the highest vaccination coverage and an active mask mandate, has taken a substantial lead over Colorado & Utah in new cases\n\nAmazingly, no one in the media has the slightest interest in the fact that The Science\u2122 never actually seems to make much of a differencepic.twitter.com/dsDQ6SNATB

— IM (@ianmSC) 1637010340

8. Maine

After vaccinating, at least partially, nearly 100% of those over 65, Maine now has as many hospitalizations and more cases as last winter, and it's only mid-November.

With ~100% of everyone over 65 in Maine at least partially vaccinated, hospitalizations are at an all time high, which is bizarre because Fauci went on CNN 5 months ago & said 50% of adults being vaccinated would prevent surges\n\nIt is astonishing that anyone still listens to himpic.twitter.com/Q0GFM0tb4M

— IM (@ianmSC) 1636659570

Remember, Maine not only has a vaccine mandate on workers, but it does not accept religious exemptions. Points for "effort" are not awarded by this virus to faulty vaccines.

9. Seychelles

Nearly every African country has done pretty well with COVID, but this tiny island country in the Indian Ocean has more deaths than almost any country in Africa, even though it has, by far, the highest vaccination rate in the continent. In fact, the country barely had a single death before the mass vaccination! By my count, all but 14 of its 122 deaths occurred after 60% of the country and most adults were vaccinated.

10. Gibraltar

And now for the one that takes the cake. Despite having the seventh highest per capita COVID death rate and fifth highest case rate since the beginning of the pandemic, this tiny country is now on its second Delta wave. This, despite 100% of the adult population having had the Pfizer shots and 40% having had the boosters! You can't beat a tiny country that is 100% vaxxed and was "being careful" the entire time, right? Well, the Gibraltar government has just advised people to cancel Christmas plans. Its current case rate is over 160 per hundred thousand, nearly double the rate in the U.S. during its winter peak.

Gibraltar is the most vaccinated place on Earth (100% of population fully vaccinated)\n\nCurrent status pic.twitter.com/YGqB1eovIN

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) 1637077914

The media keeps asserting that a leaky vaccine is somehow better than no vaccine. But we know that a 2015 study on a leaky chicken vaccine concluded the opposite. "Our data show that anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease," warned the U.S. and U.K researchers on the failed Marek's disease vaccine. Given the reality of what we see before our eyes, why is this not a concern regarding the leaky vaccines for humans?

Horowitz: Is Europe getting crushed by variant completely immune to COVID shots?

With a 62.7% vaccination rate, Austria not only has a higher rate than the U.S., but most of the population has been vaccinated relatively recently, which should give those people better protection. Yet the country is experiencing its most prolific outbreak ever, as we are seeing across the globe, with a near-perfect inverse relationship between vaccination rates and COVID case rates. Now, Austria and other European countries are staring down the barrel of a completely new mutation, which German researchers believe might be completely immune to the vaccine-mediated antibodies.

According to Our World in Data, the Central European countries and the Baltic states currently have the highest case rates per capita in the world.

Most of them have higher case rates per million people than the U.S. ever had, but nearly all of them have recently been vaccinated. Slovenia now has over 1,300 cases per million, more than six times the rate in the U.S. Its vaccination rate is comparable to ours, except that most people were more recently vaccinated, which, if anything, should give them more immunity. Other Central and Eastern European states getting hammered have lower vaccination rates, but the Baltic states have higher rates. Then, of course, there is Ireland, with the highest vaccination rate in the EU, yet cases are surging, particularly in the parts of the country that have near 100% vaccination among adults.

Latvia, despite vaccinating 64% of their population and re-imposing lockdown and continued universal masking now has the 3rd highest rate of covid fatalities in the world (twice as high as the worst day in the USA).\n\nWould it have been worse w/o vaccines?pic.twitter.com/tmyzeBset6

— PLC (@Humble_Analysis) 1636378800

We already know from the U.K. data, the most granular and continuous of all world data, that the vaccine has negative efficacy against cases and increasingly low efficacy against critical illness, as over 82% of all deaths are among the vaccinated, according to the most recent weekly report from the U.K. Health Security Agency data. Now, according to a new study, Europe is likely experiencing a wave of a new variant that is completely immune to all the shots, a wave that will make anyone in the U.S. who has not experienced prior infection and does not have a plan for early treatment susceptible to serious illness.

Trial Site News is reporting on a study from German and Czech researchers who conducted genomic analysis from samples in the border region between Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic. They found that the predominant strain is no longer Delta. It is, in fact, a sublineage of the U.K.'s Alpha SARS-CoV-2 variant, known as B.1.1.7, and is likely responsible for the rapid surge throughout Europe. They believe it is the predominant strain in the Czech Republic, Austria, and Slovakiaand that this mutant is "3.2 fold less sensitive to vaccine-elicited antibodies as compared to other B.1.1.7 variants tested, indicating potential for immune evasion."

The research was funded by the German Ministry of Health, and the lead researcher was Buqing Yi, Ph.D., of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Virology, Carl Gustav Carus Hospital.

Ironically, Austria's Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg threatened the unvaccinated with a lockdown if cases continue to rise, even though they are likely rising because the vaccine created viral immune escape. Like the prophets of Baal in the Bible, the more these countries vaccinate and face an even more virulent virus, the more they cry out to the same failed gods and blame everyone else for their failures. In reality, as top vaccinologists like Geert Vanden Bossche and Luc Montagnier warned, mass vaccination with a narrow-spectrum vaccine that produces suboptimal antibodies is an obvious candidate for vaccine-mediated viral immune escape.

Denmark, with nearly all adults vaccinated, many of them more recently, is experiencing a surge and is now seeking to reinstate vaccine passports. When will these people ever take responsibility for their own failures rather than instigating a blood libel against those who clearly have nothing to do with the spread?

Just consider the fact that the case rates are much higher in every age group over 30 in the U.K. among the vaccinated. In the case of 40- to 49-year-olds, the case rate is 2.3 times higher among the vaccinated!

Looking back at the original infection rate chart, we see infection rates in the 18-29 cohort among vaxxed & unvaxxed converging over time. Remember that all sub-cohorts in that 18-29 group crossed the 50% vaxx rate threshold between weeks 36 & 38, or 6-8 weeks ago.pic.twitter.com/tuW8WLlv2s

— Don Wolt (@tlowdon) 1636046514

In Singapore, they are now saying that the government will not cover the cost of medical care for those without the shots, even though nearly all adults in the country are vaccinated. Yet despite that fact, they now have the worst surge ever, averaging what would be the equivalent of 800 deaths a day in the U.S. And that is high for Singapore, given the population's excellent health status and low obesity rates. The fact that this is much worse than ever before – following universal vaccination – is a clear indictment of the vaccine, yet that is what happens in a global blood libel.

The scary implication of this reality of record cases post-vaccination and new mutants completely immune to vaccine antibodies is that we are now forcing a dangerous vaccine that only has risk and almost zero benefit. Take Austria, for example, where the vaccines clearly are not working. According to Fact Sheet Austria, which downloaded excess death data straight from the government's sources, there has been a 33% increase in excess deaths through week 40 of this year for 15- to 24-year-old males and a 21% increase in deaths for 25- to 34-year-olds. It makes no sense to blame those deaths on the virus, because the number of COVID deaths in those age cohorts accounted for just a handful of people. Also, excess deaths among females in that age cohort were down.

Clearly this is another disturbing signal about possible cardiovascular issues among younger males who get the shots. Which would also explain why so many young male athletes are suddenly dropping like flies.

If we continue to follow the path of a failed vaccine-only strategy to this pandemic, we will wind up with a ton of excess deaths and no treatment for COVID when the shots fail. The question now is which will be the first state to change course from Pfi$er's greedy and selfish strategy that succeeds in nothing but lining its own pockets.

Horowitz: Irish county with 99.7% vaccination rate has highest COVID case rate

With 99.7% of adults in the Irish county of Waterford having received the COVID shots, they have the highest per-capita case rate of COVID anywhere in the country. Are they now going to suggest it's the fault of the 0.3%?!

The Irish Times reported last week that with one Waterford city district at a 14-day incidence rate of 1,486 cases per 100,000 of the population, Waterford has the highest incidence rate of anywhere in Ireland. The COVID case rate is three times the national average, which in itself has been increasing steadily in recent weeks, despite 91% of Irish adults being vaccinated. However, Waterford takes the cake.

"Waterford has the highest rate of vaccination in the country with 99.7 per cent of adults over the age of 18 (as registered in the last census) fully vaccinated," reports the Irish Times. "The county has gone from having one of the lowest rates of Covid-19 infection in Ireland to one of the highest."

How can a vaccine that is this leaky, and apparently even counterproductive, continue to be pushed on a population even if it had zero side effects? How many more examples of this do we need to see?

After vaccinating over 85% of its population, Singapore 🇸🇬 finally flattened the curve, but along the wrong axis: https://t.co/8XP2igBwkN

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) 1635361647.0

According to Our World in Data, most Irish began to get vaccinated in April/May, which is exactly when we saw a reversal of fortunes, with more cases than we've seen in months.

What else have we seen rise at the same time? You got it. COVID cases.

And no, it's not just mild cases. Ireland has the highest number of people in the hospital with COVID since March, and the trajectory is getting worse. This is with the highest vaccination rate in the EU – over 90% of those over 16 – and it's particularly bad in the most vaccinated county of Ireland. The state's chief medical officer, Dr. Tony Holohan, said he was "increasingly worried about the rising incidence of the disease nationwide" and that the primary focus "must be to protect the most vulnerable from Covid-19." He then proceeded to blame the unvaccinated! Gee, if just 9% of those over 16 in the country are unvaccinated and just 0.3% in the worst area, what percentage of the vulnerable do you think are not vaccinated?! And wasn't the vaccine designed to protect "the most vulnerable?"

At some point, there is nowhere to run or hide from the botched vaccine that not only fails to stop transmission, but causes viral immune escape and makes more virulent variants. A recent analysis of the emergent A.30 strain published in Nature shows that "the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 variant A.30 is heavily mutated and evades vaccine-induced antibodies with high efficiency." This is what happens when you "shoot at the king and miss," so to speak, by fighting a virus with weak, narrow-spectrum, and waning antibodies. We've gone backward. U.K. data already shows that the vaccinated are infected at a greater rate per capita – in some cohorts twice the rate – for every age group over 30.

During the past 4 weeks in the UK, for all ages > 30 years, the vaccinated were more likely to become infected. F… https://t.co/yfKwQazKcY

— PLC (@Humble_Analysis) 1635374310.0

It's becoming clear that not only does this vaccine create greater transmission, but it also fails to protect against critical illness, especially for those who need the protection the most. Even the studies that continue to rely on old data – before the vaccines fully waned – show that the protection against critical illness doesn't really work for the immunocompromised.

A new study from Sweden published as a preprint in the Lancet claims that the vaccine efficacy against serious illness is still holding up. There's just one catch. "The effectiveness against severe illness seems to remain high through 9 months, although not for men, older frail individuals, and individuals with comorbidities," conclude the authors. Well, isn't that why we needed a vaccine in the first place? Even the Swedish study shows that after 210 days, there is zero efficacy against symptomatic infection, after which there seems to be negative efficacy. Researchers found just 52% efficacy against severe illness in all men after six months, which means you can no longer count on it for protection.

It's also important to remember that many people in Sweden – more than most other countries – already had the infection, possibly asymptomatically. So, it's possible that the efficacy of the shots is being overstated because some of those people benefited from natural immunity.

Thus, where are we nine to 12 months after the shot? Negative efficacy against symptomatic infection for all, as witnessed by the hard data in places like the U.K. and Ireland, and very low and spotty efficacy for serious illness, going down to zero for those who need it the most. But this is not cost-free. Who is to say that the effectiveness against severe illness won't go negative as well, following some sort of pattern of antibody dependent disease enhancement? Moreover, who's to say more mass vaccination of children and boosters for adults won't create even more viral immune escape that will strengthen the virus and subject people to the risks of the shots without even protecting them for another month against these new self-perpetuated mutations?

This week, the Irish parliament was issued a "stark" warning from health officials about the growing threat of the virus. During sane times, policy leaders would reject the definition of insanity by engaging in introspection and changing course from existing failed policies. Yet in their warped minds, no matter how much the vaccines make the virus worse, you can always vaccinate more! So long as there is a single human being who didn't receive the latest number shot, there's always a way to project the viral enhancement on those who didn't create it.

Horowitz: CDC now admits 23% of hospitalizations in June — pre-leakage — were vaccinated

"Nearly everyone dying of the virus now is unvaccinated."

That has been the trope of anyone who has a platform or a modicum of power in America the past few months. And indeed, that is what we would expect from a vaccine that is as effective as the ones our government has traditionally endorsed. The problem is that a new CDC analysis, when coupled with Israel's experience of waning immunity, demonstrates that this statement is already untrue and will only become more obvious in the coming weeks.

"Population-based hospitalization rates show that unvaccinated adults aged ≥18 years are 17 times more likely to be hospitalized compared with vaccinated adults," concluded CDC researchers in a new analysis of COVID hospitalizations from Jan. 1 to June 30. That sounds very compelling, but when you look at their chart on page 23, it offers a very different perspective and is an ominous sign for the coming weeks.

Throughout the past two months, politicians have repeated the line ad nauseum that 97% of the people in the hospital are unvaccinated. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R), who oversees one of the 13 states studied by CDC, claimed that 100% of all deaths in June were among the unvaccinated. But this analysis from the CDC states that instead, 76.6% of hospitalizations were unvaccinated, and that was in June before this wave got really bad. Given the rapid acceleration of waning immunity, inquiring minds would like to know what that number will look like heading into September.

As a stagnant percent of efficacy against critical illness (they've already given up on stopping transmission), this would not be a bad record for the vaccines. But given what we already know from Israel, our government needs to be honest with us about where things stand now.

Israel has already concluded that there is a "significant increase of the risk of infection in individuals who received their last vaccine dose since at least 146 days ago, particularly among patients older than 60." The CDC in this study also recognized that older people — who are both more vulnerable and were vaccinated earlier — composed a greater share of the vaccinated hospitalizations. So again, what is the true percentage of hospitalizations that are from vaccinated individuals, especially among seniors, as it stands now? Unlike in Israel and the U.K., our government refuses to publish that data, other than exaggerate with anecdotal numbers that are already contradicted by their own data from June.

According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, as of earlier this week, "the percentage who have been fully vaccinated ranges between 7% and 40%, doctors say, depending on the time period measured." If I were a betting man, I'd say the time period means the more recent it is, the higher the percentage of vaccinated.

Another important point to keep in mind is that the CDC has instructed vaccinated people not to get tested in most circumstances. As such, there is a massive differential between the number of mild cases that are picked up incidentally in the hospitals among those who are unvaccinated (but automatically tested when they come in for surgeries or other ailments) and those who are vaccinated. Keep in mind that during a period of prolific spread, it is very likely that people coming to the hospital for non-COVID issues will either pick up the virus there or have just gotten over it but can still test positive.

It's also important to note that although the CDC found a much higher hospitalization rate among the unvaccinated, once they were hospitalized, the number and proportion of fully vaccinated persons admitted to the ICU or who died were similar to unvaccinated persons. Furthermore, "Median length of stay was significantly longer in fully vaccinated persons (median 5 days (IQR 3–8) v. 4 days (IQR 2–9), respectively." That might be due to the vaccinated cohort being more weighted toward older people, but again, these are the people who needed the vaccine the most.

If it is the position of our government, like in Israel, that everyone will need a booster, then it raises the obvious question: Who says that it will even work as well for the next five months as the first one did, and what is the cost-benefit analysis, given the widespread side effects of the shots and the fact that there are other early treatments available that are being suppressed? Meaning, now that vaccines do not stop symptomatic illness and their protection against critical illness wears off over time, we need to revisit the four most important questions:

1) What is the true extent of the side effects from the vaccine? Just in the VAERS system alone, there is a 98-fold greater risk of dying from the COVID vaccine than from the flu vaccine, and the FDA admits in its approval letter (p. 6) that VAERS "will not be sufficient to assess known serious risks" like myocarditis and pericarditis.

2) Once we know the vaccine wears off, why is there no concern about the leaky vaccine creating viral immune escape and allowing the virus to become stronger and more durable, inducing a vicious cycle of mass vaccination and antibody dependent disease enhancement reinforcing each other with each subsequent booster? This is what happened with the leaky chicken vaccine that induced Marek's disease, in which the vaccinated chickens were temporarily spared from serious symptoms but carried a much greater viral load, compared to those who weren't vaccinated. With Israel having vaccinated 80% of its adults, 25% of whom have been given boosters, they now have the highest case per capita rate in the world. How is this not a concern about some form of vaccine-induced viral immune escape?

Israel now has the highest current case rate in the entire world.Oddly, Israel was also the first country to vacc… https://t.co/DLxUkgABUR

— PLC (@Humble_Analysis) 1630437327.0

3) We are already seeing people hospitalized for COVID in Israel after the third shot, and data suggests that, just like with the first shot, people are actually more vulnerable to the virus in the week or so after getting the booster before it kicks in. Why are we not concerned about boosting during a period when the virus is circulating prolifically?

4) Given the censorship of dozens of potentially lifesaving preventive and early treatments with a much better safety record – from monoclonal antibodies on down – isn't that a better route to pursue?

On that last point, it's important to keep in mind that the "vaccine" is the one form of preventive that is being sanctioned. So, by definition, those who don't have it will be hospitalized more because they have zero options outside the hospital. Were we to even up the score with safer and more effective treatments, we'd be seeing a very different split in the hospital numbers. Then again, those who are vaccinated also need early treatment.

Those who say that nearly every COVID death at this point is avoidable are 100% correct. If we would allow and even guide all primary care doctors into prescribing early and often for their patients, the virus would have been done a long time ago.

Horowitz: No, this is not an epidemic of the unvaccinated

Those in favor of mass forced vaccination have an amazing narrative, or at least they think they do. They think that a bunch of "low vaccinated" areas are getting hit strongly with the virus and that somehow this is "an epidemic of the unvaccinated."

But when you open your eyes a crack, you can see that almost every area of America is relatively highly vaccinated for adults and especially seniors and that the virus is bizarrely spreading uncontrollably out of season, even in northern latitudes and even in areas with virtual universal adult vaccination. In fact, what this phenomenon might point to is not only a complete lack of power of vaccination to stop the spread, but also that it is serving as an unnatural viral escape mechanism to create durable and prolific mutations that would not have been created absent mass vaccination.

The truth about the southern states, seasonality, and vaccination rates

India had a low vaccination rate of 3% when cases began to plummet in mid-spring, and indeed the country achieved close to de facto herd immunity without the vaccine. On the other hand, no place in America truly has a low vaccination rate. Even states like Arkansas have 85% of seniors with at least one dose and 71% with two doses. It simply makes no sense that with the degree of efficacy the "experts" ascribe to the vaccine, we would be witnessing this amount of spread. What's more, Florida actually has a higher vaccination rate than California among seniors and a pretty solid overall rate.

Yet cases are spreading in places like Florida quicker than they did a year ago with much less immunity and 0% vaccinated last summer. There's no way the unvaccinated alone could explain this phenomenon, because even if the vaccine didn't exist today at all, we should be seeing less, not more spread, than last year, simply based on built-up immunity. Thus, this indicates something of a negative effect of the vaccine.

Obviously, we all expected to experience a summer uptick in the South because, as we saw last year, southern latitudes tend to get a wave in the hot months of the year, known as the "Hope-Simpson curve." However, this degree of spread makes no sense. Moreover, unlike last year, when the virus was essentially dead north of the 35th parallel in the summer, cases are spreading much more, despite extremely high rates of vaccination. Cases in New York and New Jersey are running four to five times higher than this week last year. San Francisco, with most adults vaccinated (and masked), is experiencing its greatest spread yet — all out of season.

Fully masked San Francisco, with one of the highest vaccination rates on earth, has now matched their highest case… https://t.co/9Rjm3G9jmG

— IM (@ianmSC) 1628451826.0

We can only imagine what these northern latitudes will experience in season, with the vaccination rates having a negative effect on the case rate.

Wherever one stands on the vaccine, the case explosion makes no sense. There are twice as many cases in the U.S. this week than this time last year, without any vaccine and with nearly half the country already immune. There is simply no way the unvaccinated could account for this degree of spread, because last year everyone was unvaccinated (plus fewer with natural immunity), yet we are seeing both greater numbers and off-season spread in climates that should not be getting a summer spread. For example, Oregon has nearly five times the number of cases over last year with very high vaccination rates.

Mass-vaccinated countries getting slammed with prolific spread

Our observations in America are accentuated in other countries, where entire populations are fully vaccinated. The entire adult population of Gibraltar is vaccinated, yet the country has one of the highest case per capita rates and the fifth-highest death rate. Israel was the poster child for successful vaccination, after draconian lockdowns and mask mandates, yet 17 months into this, the Israelis have double the case rate of this time last year. Then we are also seeing even northern climates get an out-of-season spread, like the U.K. last month and Iceland at present. Iceland's cases have gone up exponentially despite near-universal adult vaccination. Iceland has never seen any spread like this during the entire epidemic. How can it be that the worst spread is taking place after near-universal adult vaccination?

Everyone is quick to point out that most of these places, Iceland included, are not experiencing deaths, which they credit to the vaccines rather than the virus becoming less deadly (as we saw in India with a low vaccination rate).

If vaccines are causing the de-coupling of cases and fatalities, what explains what is happening in Finland?Cases… https://t.co/38g05u3aJQ

— PLC (@Humble_Analysis) 1628279587.0

They claim the vaccine ameliorates symptoms. That may very well be true – at least temporarily, before it wears off, as we are seeing in Israel – but clearly it is not doing one iota to stop the spread, and clearly the vaccinated are spreading the virus just as prolifically as the non-vaccinated. Unlike in America, some of these other countries (or places like San Francisco) are almost exclusively composed of vaccinated adults.

And let's not forget that in March, April, and May, when the South was completely clear, the Northeast and upper Midwest – with their impervious restrictions and mask mandates in place, along with already high vaccination rates – had high case counts.

Companion version for you, @ianmSC from your buddy Hold2...with another Neanderthal state added.Date range starts… https://t.co/CYH1JPOcFY

— Hold2 (@Hold2LLC) 1620433610.0

Thus, we've never seen any correlation of the vaccines with better outcomes on a macro level.

So why are cases worse than ever before?

There is no scientifically proven answer to this, but we should find out soon enough. With strong evidence from two Israeli studies that the efficacy of the vaccines even against severe illness wanes after about five months, particularly for the people who need it the most, and Fauci downright admitting they won't work against some variants, perhaps it's time to study Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche's concern that we are making things worse.

Bossche, a former top vaccinologist at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, clearly not an anti-vaxxer, has been frantically warning that mass vaccination (especially with a narrow spike protein vaccine) during the middle of a pandemic is unprecedented and comes with a degree of risk. He warns that weak and waning antibodies from the vaccine can create a natural selection for the virus to mutate around and induce a vicious cycle of endless strengthening of the virus, at least quantitatively if not qualitatively. This is the exact opposite of what Fauci is saying – that somehow more mass vaccination equals less viral immune escape.

Here is a small synopsis of Dr. Bossche's warning from March, when there was little evidence to support his concern:

Why is nobody worried about "immune escape" whereas Covid-19 has already escaped people's innate immunity as reflected by multiple emerging, much more infectious, viral variants (most likely due to the global implementation of infection prevention measures)? Vaccine deployment in the ongoing mass immunization campaigns are highly likely to further enhance (adaptive) immune escape as none of the current vaccines will prevent replication/ transmission of viral variants. The more we use these vaccines for immunizing people in the midst of a pandemic, the more infectious the virus will become. With increasing infectiousness comes an increased likelihood of viral resistance to the vaccines. It's not exactly rocket science, it's a basic principle taught in a student's first vaccinology class: One shouldn't use a prophylactic vaccine in populations exposed to high infectious pressure (which is now certainly the case as multiple highly infectious variants are currently circulating in many parts of the world). To fully escape selective immune pressure exerted by vaccinal antibodies, Covid-19, a highly mutable virus, only needs to add another few mutations in its receptor-binding domain ...
I am beyond worried about the disastrous impact this would have on our human "race". Not only would people lose vaccine-mediated protection but also their precious, variant-nonspecific (!), innate immunity will be gone (this is because vaccinal antibodies outcompete natural antibodies for binding to Covid-19, even when their affinity for the viral variant is relatively low).

Fast-forward five months, and Moderna has already warned everyone will need a third dose, something that is already under way in Israel. But this is akin to giving last year's flu shot to this year's strain. We will continue chasing our tails. Rather than achieving natural immunity, which is much broader and longer-lasting – and using cheap medicines to get people through the virus safely – we will continue to make the virus worse in the long run while continuously offering shorter-term protection for those vaccinated themselves. Israel is already seeing hospitalization from the brand-new third injection!

Iceland's Chief Epidemiologist Þórólfur Guðnason appears to finally understand the failures of the past and the only way forward. When I point to Iceland's unprecedented spread post-universal vaccination, opponents are quick to point out the country's terrific record on preventing deaths. However, notwithstanding the fact that (for whatever reason) Icelandic people appeared to do better with this virus even before the vaccine, their chief epidemiologist clearly understands that 0% efficacy for cases is an obvious harbinger of waning efficacy against critical illness in the future. Which is why in a recent interview he lamented that vaccination failed to achieve herd immunity and conceded that nothing we do, short of focusing on those vulnerable, will stop the natural progression toward herd immunity, whether we like it or not.

"We need to somehow navigate this way, and we are now in this, not to get too many serious illnesses so that the hospital system does not collapse, but still try to achieve this herd immunity by letting the virus somehow run," said Guðnason [translated from Icelandic via google translate].

Thus, as Bossche has been warning, you can't vaccinate your way out of a pandemic. Fortunately, we need not choose between ineffective and harmful interventions and simply letting the virus rip us without protection. There are numerous ways to treat this virus early and even preventively, if only our government would facilitate a new plan. But alas, the administration would rather constantly lead us to hell than follow others on a new path to heaven.

Horowitz: Data from India continues to blow up the ‘Delta’ fear narrative

Rather than proving the need to sow more panic, fear, and control over people, the story from India — the source of the "Delta" variant — continues to refute every current premise of COVID fascism.

The prevailing narrative from Fauci, Walensky, and company is that Delta is more serious than anything before, and even though vaccines are even less effective against it, its spread proves the need to vaccinate even more people. Unless we do that, we must return to the very effective lockdowns and masks. In reality, India's experience proves the opposite true; namely:

  1. Delta is largely an attenuated version, with a much lower fatality rate, that for most people is akin to a cold.
  2. Masks failed to stop the spread there.
  3. The country has come close to the herd immunity threshold with just 3% vaccinated.
  4. Most people are now getting cold-like symptoms from Delta, but to the extent countries hit by Delta suffered some deaths and serious illness, they could have been avoided not with vaccines and masks, but with early and preventive treatment like ivermectin.

In other words, our government is learning all the wrong lessons from India, and now Israel and the U.K. Let's unpack what we know occurred in India and now in some of the other countries experiencing a surge in cases of the Indian "Delta" variant.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) recently conducted a fourth nationwide serological test and found that 67.6% of those over 6 years old in June and July had antibodies, including 85% of health care workers. This is a sharp increase from the 24.1% level detected during the December-January study. What we can conclude definitively is that strict mask-wearing (especially among health care workers) failed to stop the spread one bit. Yet now they have achieved herd immunity and burned out the virus with just 3% vaccination (now up to 6%) with roughly one-sixth the death rate of the U.S. and the U.K. and less than one-half that of Israel.

Immediately, naysayers will suggest that somehow India is vastly undercounting the deaths because it is a shabby third-world country. However, if we are to suggest that, it would mean that so much of the data from so many other countries we use for studies must be ignored. Also, it's true that India is poor in some areas, but it is highly developed and has a very strong bureaucracy and administrative state throughout. There might be undercounting, but the notion that it can account for that wide a gap between India and the U.S./U.K. was always unlikely.

However, now that the Delta has spread to other countries like Israel and the U.K., we need not speculate who is right about India's death rate. The fact that Israel and the U.K. have so many Delta cases yet so few deaths relative to the winter spread of the original strain demonstrates that Delta is likely much weaker and India's numbers are probably close to accurate. Remember, most of India's spread, unlike in the West, occurred with Delta, long after the ancestral strain that hit the West was gone. If it really was the bloodbath some are suggesting (a tenfold undercount of deaths, in their estimation), why is the data from the U.K. showing just the opposite?

The latest data from the U.K. show that the case fatality rate for the Delta is just 0.2%, much less than the others. And we need not speculate with generalized studies. The raw data shows that since May 1, there have been approximately 1,300 deaths in the U.K. out of roughly 1.1 million confirmed cases. But those are confirmed cases. The likely infection fatality rate is much lower because now more than ever, people are avoiding testing, and the U.K. media has been reporting for weeks that the symptoms of the Delta for most people appear more like a cold.

The Guardian reports that based on data from the app-based Zoe COVID symptom study, the symptoms being reported are mainly headaches and runny nose. "People might think they've just got some sort of seasonal cold, and they still go out to parties … we think this is fueling a lot of the problem," said Tim Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at King's College London, who is leading the work on the reporting app.

The U.K. media are trying to panic people about spreading a cold, but in fact, they are reporting good news! This virus has attenuated for most people to the point that they can't even distinguish it from a cold, much less a flu. Thus, the fact that India achieved most of its immunity throughout the spread of the Delta variant actually lends a lot of credence to the fatality rate of one-sixth of that of the U.S. and the U.K., which experienced most of its deaths from the ancestral strain.

If you look at any chart from Scotland, which is now mainly over the curve, there is a complete decoupling of deaths from cases.

It looks like the Delta wave is rolling over in Scotland, with deaths nicely contained.The UK cannot be far behin… https://t.co/Jy0HlYrqz4

— Covid19Crusher (@Covid19Crusher) 1626813556.0

The same thing is being observed in Israel, which is slightly behind the curve. The country has had just 20 deaths so far in July, but again, 15 of them were of vaccinated individuals.

However, to the extent that there are cases, and the relatively rare serious cases, the vaccines have proven to be a bust in preventing them. The Western countries are relying on an exponentially higher vaccination rate than India with a much lower seroprevalence rate from infection. It's simply not working. According to Israel's Ministry of Health, the Pfizer vaccine efficacy against infection dropped 42% since the start of the inoculation drive in Israel, and efficacy against severe illness has dropped 60% among those vaccinated early on. Ditto for the United Kingdom.

Scottish data indicate those 60+yo who are vaxed are trending towards testing C19 positive & being hospitalized at… https://t.co/LGed7H8dXV

— Andrew Bostom, MD, MS (@andrewbostom) 1626890920.0

In fact, in Israel, the case rates track almost perfectly with the percentage of those vaccinated stratified by age range.

We have more data!It is now clearer than ever:*Pfizer vaccine has completely FAILED to prevent the spread.*Hence… https://t.co/GmLcySd5qH

— Ran Israeli (@RanIsraeli) 1626862961.0

Thus, the experience from India and the Delta variant teaches us the exact opposite of what the panic-mongers are pushing. Natural immunity, not vaccination, is king. Which explains the dichotomy between India and countries like Gibraltar. In Gibraltar, nearly every adult in the tiny country has been vaccinated, yet it has the third-highest per capita rate of infection in the world.

Gibraltar fully vaccinated every eligible citizen by April. Now 2.5 months later, they have the 3rd highest per ca… https://t.co/jEdIxG6dS6

— PLC (@Humble_Analysis) 1626538049.0

Gibraltar's government provides vax status for all recent covid cases. I aggregated the data for residents and have… https://t.co/ipmtmzmNPu

— Teddy Petrou (@TedPetrou) 1626561122.0

Widespread immunity also likely explains why the current wave of Delta infections rapidly declined (only 2% of the… https://t.co/RxcdhjTdHR

— PLC (@Humble_Analysis) 1626814594.0

The same trend appears to be playing out in Cyprus:

Cyprus currently has the most Covid cases per capita on Earth yet, before the most recent wave began, they had alre… https://t.co/GHEojcsGW2

— PLC (@Humble_Analysis) 1626385071.0

In general, there is zero correlation between vaccination rates and better outcomes, and in fact, many Latin American countries with the highest vaccination rates have recently had high infection rates, and many eastern European countries with lower vaccination rates had many fewer cases than their vaccine-obsessed western European counterparts. Here in the U.S., San Francisco, which had a low infection rate until recently, has seen an explosion in cases, despite a 70% vaccination rate.

In the last month Covid cases up 800% in San Francisco. Hospitalizations up 300%Damn all of those rural white un… https://t.co/vuaYdLth6A

— Mommar (@MisterCommodity) 1626891444.0

At the same time, as I chronicled last month in great detail, even within India, the states that used ivermectin to treat COVID experienced a much sharper and quicker drop in cases in May. Imagine if the Western world used ivermectin and many other treatment options pre-emptively and prescribed them at every testing station. That is how you flatten a curve.

The lesson is clear: The only way out of this is for most people to get it, and the best way to do that safely is to make sure early treatments with drugs like ivermectin are made available and to be used even preventively for vulnerable populations. If this is really about saving lives, rather than doubling down on all of the things that have failed and distorting data and history to comport with pseudo-science, they would try the one thing they have shunned until now – actually treating the virus before people have trouble breathing.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is correct when she says, "Nearly every death, especially among adults, due to Covid-19 is at this point entirely preventable." But the data and learned experience show that it's not because of a lack of vaccines, but a lack of treatment.

Horowitz: Israeli government data shows natural immunity from infection much stronger than vaccine-induced immunity

Everything the public health "experts" said about the shortcomings of infection-induced immunity actually appears to hold true for the vaccines. If you speak to any man on the street, they will tell you, based on every censored article they read online, that vaccines are stronger than infection in terms of immunity. New data from Israel, the epicenter of mass vaccine hysteria, demonstrates just the opposite.

Israel's channel 13 reports very preliminary data showing that the resurgence of COVID infections in Israel is being driven almost exclusively by those who never had prior infection – whether they are vaccinated or not. In fact, 40% of the 7,700 new cases since May 1 in this very heavily tested and traced country were among those who were fully vaccinated.

Israel National News reports that this data was presented to the Israeli Health Ministry and yielded the following breakdown of breakthrough infections of those vaccinated vs. those with prior infection:

With a total of 835,792 Israelis known to have recovered from the virus, the 72 instances of reinfection amount to 0.0086% of people who were already infected with COVID.

By contrast, Israelis who were vaccinated were 6.72 times more likely to get infected after the shot than after natural infection, with over 3,000 of the 5,193,499, or 0.0578%, of Israelis who were vaccinated getting infected in the latest wave.

With over 60% of their respective populations now fully vaccinated, Israel and the U.K. are perfect case studies demonstrating that vaccines are not playing the predominant role in slowing down the viral spread. If you compare all of the European countries by recent cases per million to vaccination rates, you will find zero correlation, and in fact, eastern European countries with low vaccination rates seem to have fewer cases.

In Europe, there is no correlation between level of vaccination and covid infection - if anything, nations with mor… https://t.co/ZfjgJd3UFy

— PLC (@Humble_Analysis) 1626108448.0

Dr. Ryan Cole, a Mayo Clinic-trained pathologist who runs the largest independent laboratory in Idaho, explained to me how infection-induced immunity is much deeper and broader. "A natural infection induces hundreds upon hundreds of antibodies against all proteins of the virus, including the envelope, the membrane, the nucleocapsid, and the spike," said Dr. Cole, who has spent the past 16 months examining and culturing SARS-CoV-2 specimens. "Dozens upon dozens of these antibodies neutralize the virus when encountered again. Additionally, because of the immune system exposure to these numerous proteins (epitomes), our T cells mount a robust memory, as well. Our T cells are the 'marines' of the immune system and the first line of defense against pathogens. T cell memory to those infected with SARSCOV1 is at 17 years and running still."

However, in vaccine-induced immunity, according to Cole, "we mount an antibody response to only the spike and its constituent proteins." He explains how this produces much fewer neutralizing antibodies, and "as the virus preferentially mutates at the spike, these proteins are shaped differently and antibodies can no longer 'lock and key' bind to these new shapes."

It is simply criminal for the global governments to suggest that those with deeper and broader natural immunity should risk the side effects of a vaccine that is now expected to wane in effectiveness. Much of the focus now is on scaring people about the "Delta variant," but it could very well be that the vaccine effectiveness was bound to wane (unlike what they predicted with natural infection) over time, regardless of the mutations. Some Israeli health officials are hypothesizing that the vaccine-induced immunity might wane after six months, which is why Pfizer is already pushing for a third dose, without learning any lessons from all of the needless deaths and side effects people have just incurred in return for questionable immunity.

Contrast that with immunity from infection, which has been shown to be impervious in every study. Irish researchers recently published a review of 11 cohort studies with over 600,000 total recovered COVID patients who were followed up with over 10 months. They found the reinfection rate to be just 0.27% "with no study reporting an increase in the risk of reinfection over time."

Moreover, the only study (from Qatar) analyzed that estimated the population‐level risk of reinfection based on whole genome sequencing in a subset of patients with supporting evidence of reinfection estimated the risk at 0.1%. Most importantly, the study found no evidence of waning of immunity for over seven months of the follow-up period. The few reinfections that did occur "were less severe than primary infections" and "only one reinfection was severe, two were moderate, and none were critical or fatal."

Despite the endless search by the media to find cases of severe reinfection, they have failed to find it. Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist and vice chief of medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, told me in an interview that "there has never been a confirmed second infection beyond 90 days with similar or worse cardinal symptoms and confirmed PCR/Antigen/Sequencing test" in a case where the patient already had a well-documented case with acute illness. He notes that most database studies that attempt to quantify reinfection "are not sufficiently reliable to declare recurrent cases" and usually contain a false positive PCR on one or more occasions.

McCullough is of the top five most published medical researchers in the U.S., and his paper in the American Journal of Medicine in August 2020 about treatment protocol for COVID remains the most downloaded and used paper during the pandemic from that journal.

The media has focused incessantly on antibody levels and the observation that they often drop months after the infection; however, as with other viruses, that does not indicate waning immunity. "Yes, our antibody levels drop over time, however, scientifically, the memory B cells that make antibodies have been proven to be present in our lymph nodes and bone marrow," explained Dr. Cole. "They are primed and ready to produce a broad array of antibodies upon viral pre-exposure. It would be physiologically, energetically impossible to maintain high antibody levels to all the pathogens we are constantly exposed to, and we would look like the 'swollen Stay-Puft marshmallow man' of lymph nodes, constantly, if the immune system were required to do that."

Already in April, researchers from Tel Aviv University concluded that their research "puts into question the need to vaccinate recent previously-infected individuals." Unfortunately, it appears that the Israeli government did not listen.

Thus, dealing with variants like "Delta" by focusing solely on risk-fraught injections with questionable effectiveness is the most counterproductive strategy ever. The U.K.'s very thorough data updated last week shows just a 0.2% case fatality rate for Delta, and only 0.03% for those under the age of 50, lower than any other variant. If it's more transmissible, it's less deadly. Natural infection is the only phenomena that will ultimately burn out all variants, and the entire focus should be on getting seniors and other vulnerable people early treatment the minute they feel symptoms and even a prophylactic regimen of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine when appropriate.

Just imagine if all of the trillions spent on lockdowns and vaccines had been used for cheap anti-viral and anti-inflammatory treatments to be used outside the hospitals. It's the only thing that hasn't been tried, because there is nothing to be gained but saving lives.

Horowitz: Contagious lies: CDC claims hospitalization rising among unvaccinated teens — contrary to its own data

We all knew this was coming. In order to justify the forced vaccination of children, the powers that be would somehow have to overturn 15 months of observations that COVID is less a threat to children than the flu and that unvaccinated children are less at risk than vaccinated adults (100 times less at risk than seniors), even if we are to believe Pfizer's efficacy data.

"CDC director reports spike in teen hospitalizations, urges parents to vaccinate kids over 12," was the headline at the Hill on Friday, reporting on the CDC's new study of hospitalizations. Naturally, it caught my attention because we all know that hospitalizations among all age groups have been plummeting to record lows across the country in recent weeks. It turns out that along with its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), the CDC published a "study" purporting to show an increase in hospitalizations among 12- to 17-year-olds, with one-third of them being in the ICU and 5% of them being placed on ventilators.

A new @CDCMMWR finds of 204 adolescents hospitalized for COVID-19 during Jan–Mar 2021, nearly a third were admitted… https://t.co/LN3kQlMQJp

— CDC (@CDCgov) 1622819402.0

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky was ready to pounce. "I am deeply concerned by the numbers of hospitalized adolescents and saddened to see the number of adolescents who required treatment in intensive care units or mechanical ventilation," said Walensky in a statement.

Of course, the solution is the great experimental gene therapy. "Until they are fully vaccinated, adolescents should continue to wear masks and take precautions when around other [sic] who are not vaccinated to protect themselves, and their family, friends, and community," Walensky stated.

CNN dutifully echoed the false data and the premise it engenders without investigating it.

New CDC report shows a recent increase in Covid-19 hospitalizations among people ages 12 to 17, reinforcing the imp… https://t.co/0lZSNIMOTt

— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) 1622819579.0

But there's one problem. The CDC's own data show that hospitalizations among all groups have plummeted over the past six weeks. It turns out they picked arbitrary start and end points – an old trick they've used with mask studies – which coincides with a period of increased hospitalizations among all age groups, including those with high vaccination rates.

The study period of the CDC's report was from March 1, 2020, to April 24, 2021. It just so happens that April 24 was roughly the peak period for ALL age groups!

@kerpen Guess where the CDC stopped their study: https://t.co/3reIhWzEmv

— Woke Zombie 😊 (@foogatwo) 1622829400.0

Most of that mini increase (after the major winter spread) was due to the final spring spread in the northeast and upper Midwest. Based on the CDC's headlines, one would think that childhood hospitalizations are spreading nowand that they are rising relative to other age groups. In reality, they have plummeted and only rose slightly from a near-zero baseline earlier this year along with other groups.

For 2 days @CDCgov @CDCDirector have falsely claimed #COVID19 kids hospitalizations are rising and are using that c… https://t.co/pleAk7kfYD

— Philip Holloway 😊 (@PhilHollowayEsq) 1622899248.0

If anything, the April 24 "peak" hospitalization rate among teens was lower than the peak during the winter, yet nobody ever felt there was an emergent situation with teen COVID hospitalizations during the worst months of the winter.

This is the same thing the CDC and others did when they picked arbitrary start and end points last year showing a decline in cases after mask mandates were instituted, while ignoring the massive subsequent increase over the winter in these same places.

But here's the kicker: Hospital rates among children actually increased more slowly during the early spring spread than among those over 65, which is the most vaccinated demographic.

4/ "Rising hospitalizations" also misses very important context - hospitalizations were rising in ALL age groups ar… https://t.co/u9chQLjRC9

— Eric (@The_OtherET) 1622832099.0

So, there is no way to chalk up that superficial increase with an arbitrary start and end point to lack of vaccination. It's merely a reflection of a time when cases went up mildly in a minority of the country (while plummeting in the South and West). Whatever tiny baseline of hospitalizations there are among children went up commensurately with the baseline increase during any other period of spread. Of course, today, hospitalizations are lower than ever. There is zero evidence that vaccination rates played any role in that trend.

Finally, numerous studies, including the CDC's own data, show that there is a much higher rate of fake COVID hospitalizations among children than adults, aka when there is no proof they were hospitalized because of COVID. According to this very report from Friday, 46% of those reputed teen hospitalizations were "not clearly COVID-19 related."

5/ Something in this MMWR study that is worth mentioning, though - almost HALF (172 out of 376) of "COVID" hospital… https://t.co/VSTDh6D4KS

— Eric (@The_OtherET) 1622832207.0

What's worse, almost half of those teens in the observational study where the cause was unclear appear to have been admitted for psychiatric reasons!

6/ Additionally in this table, of the 172 children admitted to the hospital, but not for COVID, over 44% were there… https://t.co/GAIjRh0w1a

— Eric (@The_OtherET) 1622832255.0

In other words, it's likely the depression induced by the very panic the CDC is trying to exacerbate among kids that has engendered a decline in mental health leading to hospitalization, not the virus itself.

According to the U.K. Daily Mail, a recent U.K. survey of humanitarian organizations found that "more than a quarter of 75 charities surveyed said some children had expressed suicidal thoughts, while 41 per cent said some had been abused at home in lockdown." In the U.S., the CDC reports 1,139 deaths from COVID under the age of 25, but concedes that 30% of those deaths included could not plausibly be linked to the virus. At the same time, there were over 2,500 non-COVID excess deaths for that age cohort, meaning that the panic, hysteria, drug overdoses, and suicides likely killed 3.5 times as many teens and young adults as the virus.

The CDC reports 1139 deaths with Covid for those under 25, with ~30% of those not plausibly connected to Covid (can… https://t.co/00jyYqZsWp

— PLC (@Humble_Analysis) 1622964789.0

It doesn't take a forensic investigator to realize that there has been a plethora of teenagers in the hospital due to the lies overstating the threat of the virus to them. Naturally, at a time when COVID is increasing in all age groups, a certain percentage of those youngsters will test positive for the virus. Accordingly, any subsequent death of any teen who tested positive – whether he or she died from drugs or suicide – will be recorded as a COVID death.

In May, New York magazine published a story highlighting new studies showing that the pediatric hospitalization numbers for COVID have likely been dramatically inflated throughout the country. The first study, published in the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, was conducted by Stanford researchers and examined 117 reputed COVID hospitalizations among those under 18 at a children's hospital in Northern California. They found that just 7.7% exhibited severe illness and 12.8% critical illness. Overall, 45% were classified as "unlikely to be caused by SARSCoV2," and it appears that most of the others weren't suffering life-threatening illness.

The second study, published in the same journal, found in America's fifth-largest hospital that, among patients younger than 22, 40% had "incidental infection," only 47% were "potentially symptomatic," and just 14% were "significantly symptomatic." They further found that "Fifty-five percent of incidental and 47% of potentially symptomatic patients had at least one identified comorbidity, while 90% of significantly symptomatic patients had at least one."

The twisted irony is that the CDC is lying about COVID hospitalization trends in order to get children to vaccinate when, in fact, vaccine-related hospitalization are really on the rise today. Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist at UCSF, tallied the data from just one reported serious side effect listed in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), myocarditis, and found that hospitalization for myocarditis post-vaccination among 12-17-year-olds is currently 12 times greater than hospitalization for COVID. Why do our "public health experts" not find that current trend alarming?

It's quite evident that the pandemic in America is over with and it never affected children, even during its peak. However, the pandemic of lies, fear, panic, and emotional abuse is continuing indefinitely until Pfizer and Moderna satiate their rapacious appetite for children's blood. Who will defend our children?

Horowitz: Late surge of COVID in Argentina and India exposes fraud of mask mandates

One hundred days of Biden's mask-wearing have come due, and they have failed miserably to alter the natural trajectory of the virus. The time has come for lawsuits against the demonic mandate that 2-year-olds wear masks on planes, forcing the government during legal discovery to produce a morsel of evidence that masks make a difference even with adults.

Given that COVID fascism and mask-wearing are a cult, its practitioners will never admit that the viral spread is 100% natural, seasonal, and geographical and that it will continue until every country reaches immunity. But given the terrible physical and psychological consequences of these policies, it's important for us to remind ourselves that they were all pain and zero gain.

Argentina did everything "right," according to the public health "experts." The country had one of the earliest and most draconian lockdowns, a mask mandate in place since April 14, and even forced cremation of some of those who died from the virus against the will of Jewish residents who asked for a proper burial.

Argentina, like many of the countries around the world that barely experienced any virus deaths during the first few months of the pandemic, thought that its draconian policies enabled the country to dodge the bullet. But when spring turned into summer, the population began experiencing growth in cases that later intensified, as we have seen in many countries that first escaped the virus. Argentina was praised by the liberal media for following the science and imposing a "strict COVID-19 lockdown," which "saved lives."

Given that Argentina had only one major wave, it was due for at least one more robust round, like every other country has had. The "virus is gonna virus" until populations reach herd immunity, like what happened in England and most parts of the U.S. All the places that "defeated" the virus are now having to defeat it again; all the places that did better than those hit first are now doing worse. It's all natural and has nothing to do with human intervention. Some people might have forgotten about the trajectory of cases in Argentina, but the inimitable Ian Miller is here to remind us:

Argentina was one of the earliest countries in the world to mandate masks, back on April 14th, when cases were incr… https://t.co/FQ83B9If5t

— IM (@ianmSC) 1619810712.0

The bottom line is that Argentina is a large country and could not escape the full spread of this virus, just like California, where officials erroneously thought they had defeated it through the voodoo of non-pharmaceutical interventions. Yet, as hospitals began to fill up, the Argentine government doubled down on failure, as President Alberto Fernandez declared that the previous restrictions were "insufficient." He therefore announced limited travel during nighttime hours because, of course, the virus spreads more at night. Now, watch Argentina catch up to the herd immunity level of other countries as this wave spreads undaunted by the power grabs, yet he will credit those measures for the inevitable decline in cases that always follows a sharp increase.

Then, of course, there is India. During December, as most of the world was experiencing its large winter wave of the virus, India barely had any spread after experiencing a large spread over the summer. The WSJ published an article on Dec. 30 titled, "COVID-19 was consuming India, until nearly everyone starting wearing masks." You know, because we've never seen any place in America with everyone wearing masks that suffered from the virus! NPR hailed India's success in enforcing mandates on outdoor joggers by stationing police outside to hand out fines.

Well, like every other place in the world, masks "worked" until it was time for natural seasonal spread in that given area. Yes, India, given its massive share of the world's population, had relatively few cases for the first year of the pandemic. Which is why it had the greatest spread of any country when it was time – because there was so much new ground unprotected by herd immunity for the virus to target.

Now, let's put aside the fact that much of India already had a strict mask mandate early last year and still experienced a first wave. As Ian Miller shows, India suffered a 1,400% increase in cases since the Wall Street Journal quoted Indian health officials as crediting their universal mask mandate for stopping the spread. However, they will never follow up on their drive-by reporting. In each case, the media credits periods of lack of spread to mask-wearing, but then forgets about the masks when the virus spreads with a vengeance. Then, when cases inevitably come down again, it's the masks, or perhaps more recently, the vaccines.

In reality, it's an all-natural phenomenon. In California, where the virus spread prolifically in the late fall/early winter despite the earliest lockdown and mask mandates in America, the virus had already peaked before a single vaccine was administered:

While the vaccines appear to be very effective, they simply came too late to have made much of a difference in the… https://t.co/Ll00Dy8n4a

— PLC (@Humble_Analysis) 1620016163.0

Let's now travel farther east than India, and we will discover the fact that, for whatever natural reason, the virus has barely spread for the first year. Which is why the Far East is the world's new hot spot. There are few people there with immunity.

@ianmSC Coincidence? https://t.co/f4gtJaLIyr

— Kyle Lamb (@kylamb8) 1619986510.0

You have to hand it to the media that they’re so effective at memory holing when they credit masks for keeping case… https://t.co/lfM32Ym6RV

— IM (@ianmSC) 1619980892.0

Japan is part of the Far East surge this spring. The Japanese have been hailed for months for their "mask culture" even predating this virus. You'd be hard-pressed to find people more disciplined about wearing masks than the Japanese. Well, it "worked" until it didn't.

So Japan’s 7-day average is now nearing the highest level it’s been over the past year, despite 98% mask compliance… https://t.co/8dKgUhMCXF

— IM (@ianmSC) 1619548674.0

But we need not travel around the world to discover the obvious fact that it is natural phenomena, not human interventions, that are driving the cyclical and geographical spreads. All the experts warned that there would be catastrophe when nearly half the states got rid of their mask mandates, beginning with Texas and Mississippi two months ago, especially with the supposed new mutant variants. Yet at the same time, it was the northeastern states that spread much more severely as cases plummeted in the southern states and other non-masked states.

How many more weeks of hospitalization data from Texas will it take for experts and media and Twitter personalities… https://t.co/REcTW1eJTD

— IM (@ianmSC) 1619897934.0

On 2/10, after Iowa’s Governor lifted restrictions & the mask mandate, the Washington Post published a piece entitl… https://t.co/JiLSijqmR8

— IM (@ianmSC) 1619806321.0

Remember how lifting mask mandates was neanderthal thinking and was going to cause huge spikes in cases, then the e… https://t.co/dpnuSNIthn

— IM (@ianmSC) 1619467097.0

Just checked again & the top 7 states in population adjusted hospitalizations all still have mask mandatesThe inf… https://t.co/pOfMNtyw8w

— IM (@ianmSC) 1619390438.0

Gee, why do you think the most recent spread all happened to be clustered in the Mid-Atlantic states? No mask mandates? Well, in these states, people are wearing them even outside. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to discover that this is all natural based on timing and geography.

As WalletHub found in a recent analysis ranking the 50 states and D.C. by stringency of restrictions, there is simply zero correlation between stringency and outcomes with the virus. Our government succeeded in locking down everything but the virus.

In reality, lockdowns and masking were just as logical before the vaccine as afterward. Which is why Biden is still pledging to wear his mask outdoors. This was always about the cult of control. Likewise, it was always known that schoolchildren were never major vectors of spread. Now that new emails between the CDC and the teachers' unions have come to light, it is clear that the CDC knew this fact as well but allowed the teachers' unions to rewrite its February guidance to limit its categorical advice of returning to in-person instruction.

Just like with the Jonestown Cult in the 1970s, an entire society has been programmed to commit suicide based on illogical faith in idols and fear of fellow man rather than embrace grounded common sense. Now that Fauci has been exposed as the Jim Jones of our time, how many will continue drinking the Kool-Aid?