County sends woman letter telling her she has COVID. But she died 6 months ago and was never tested.

A Tennessee man is sounding the alarm after his local health department sent a letter addressed to his departed mother this week to notify her that she has tested positive for COVID-19, and that she must isolate.

But his mother died from other causes in February, and was never tested for the virus at all — and certainly not in June, as the letter claimed — leading to questions over how the county's notification was ever triggered in the first place and how tallies of cases are being calculated.

What are the details?

Troy Whittington showed KGW-TV the letter from the Shelby County Health Department addressed to his mother, Sandra Whittington, stating that two months prior she had tested positive for the coronavirus. But Ms. Whittington passed away from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in February as confirmed on her death certificate, weeks before anyone was even being tested in the county.

She had fought a long battle with the disease that took her life, and she passed away in hospice care.

Ms. Whittington had been cremated for months at the time the county claimed she had been tested, indicating that it is "clearly impossible" that she could have been tested on June 20 as the county told her son, according to the outlet.

"I'm just having a hard time understanding how they can say someone has COVID-19 when they are not even alive," Whittington said.

What's more, Mr. Whittington questions why — if the county truly believed his mother tested positive in June — did it take so long for the health department to send out a letter telling her to self-quarantine.

"We're talking two months later," Mr. Whittington said. "She needs to be quarantined for 10, well we've got 60 days from the time of the test to get the letter out to her, which is unacceptable."

He pointed out that the notification from the health department came from the same county building that issued his mother's death certificate, adding further to his questions over how the letter was issued.

KGW also reported that "Whittington says this situation makes him question not only the Shelby County Health Department's COVID-19 statistics, but statistics across the country."

A spokesperson from the health department told KGW that a representative called Mr. Whittington on Thursday to apologize for their mistake, and that measures have been implemented to assure it does not happen to anyone else.

Shelby County woman who died gets letter saying she has COVID-19

Vox: Yup, even the Left's math shows that democratic socialism will tax us into slavery

With all they hype surrounding democratic socialism, it's surprising that a left-wing publication like Vox would run an in-depth article proving socialism's math is impossible, but it did.

Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Brian Riedl wrote a great piece showing how Bernie Sanders' and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's demands for free college, a single-payer health care system, guaranteed jobs, and other big-government programs "would require astonishingly high expenditures that would cause the federal deficit to skyrocket."

Conservatives would say "no duh," but the Left wants to believe, so Riedl goes through the cost estimates from nonpartisan and even left-wing political groups to show exactly what democratic socialism is asking us to pay for. Here's a summary of costs spread out over the next decade:

  • Expanding Social Security like Bernie Sanders wants costs $188 billion.
  • 12 weeks of paid family leave costs $270 billion.
  • Sanders' single-payer health care plan costs $32 trillion.
  • A more moderate version of Ocasio-Cortez's and Senate Democrats' guaranteed jobs plan will cost $6.8 trillion.
  • Senate Democrats' infrastructure plan will cost $1 trillion.
  • Paying off student loan debt will cost $1.4 trillion.

The total cost, excluding other "vague promises" from the Left: "$42.5 trillion in new proposals over the next decade, on top of the $12.4 trillion baseline deficit." And when you project these costs over 30 years and add the costs of Social Security, Medicare, and the interest on the debt, Democrats are demanding programs that will put federal spending at a whopping 50 percent of GDP.

"Including state and local government spending would push the total cost of government to 60 percent of GDP by that point — exceeding the current spending level of every country in Europe," Riedl writes.

So how are the democratic socialists going to raise $42.5 trillion in the first decade of their policies? They would have to cut defense spending and pass impossibly large tax increases.

Under the most generous assumptions possible, liberal proposals would cut $8.5 trillion on the spending side. To begin with, state governments no longer burdened with health care costs would save $4.1 trillion, according to the Urban Institute. The popular leftist goal of slashing defense spending down to Europe’s target of 2 percent of GDP, for which there is no plausible blueprint, would nonetheless save $1.9 trillion if achieved, according to CBO data. Charitably assuming that the jobs guarantee would reduce antipoverty spending by one-quarter would save $2.5 trillion.

Paying for the remaining $34 trillion would require nearly doubling federal tax revenues (emphasis added).

To raise taxes to the levels required to pay for democratic socialism, the United States would have to:

  • Seize "roughly 100 percent of all corporate profits as well as 100 percent of all family wage income and pass-through business income above the thresholds of $90,000 (single) or $150,000 (married), and absurdly [assume] they all continue working."
  • Pass a value-added tax at a rate of 87 percent.
  • Create a new payroll tax of 37 percent on top of the current 15.3 percent payroll tax.
  • Hike income taxes across the board by 15 percent to pay for current federal programs.

"Mix and match these tax policies and it still represents an unfathomable and impossible tax burden," Riedl writes.

Go and read Riedl's piece for yourself. Share it with your leftist friends.

Show them that democratic socialism is a mathematical fantasy that will irreparably destroy the economy.

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