Lincoln’s Inaugural Offers Timeless Words of Wisdom To Sustain The Nation In Dark Days On March 4, 1865, Abraham Lincoln stood on the East Front of the Capitol to deliver his second inaugural address. Let's revisit it today.
If Biden Really Wants Unity, He Will Affirm Equality Under The Law Like Lincoln And Jefferson Did If Joe Biden wants to unite America, he'd do well to ponder the speeches of Jefferson and Lincoln. Then, his words must be vindicated by his actions.
Mayor Karen Bass Silent When Confronted At Airport About Wildfires After Returning From Africa
Alan Dershowitz Says Al Gore Used Same ‘Alternate Electors’ Theory That Trump Was Indicted For
Navy Vet Suing CNN Warned He Would ‘Seek Legal Damages’ if It Ran Report Full of ‘Libel’
Red State Passes Law Prohibiting Schools From Secretly Allowing Sex Changes For Children
Capitol Police Arrest Man Trying To Bring Machete, 3 Knives Into US Capitol Hours Before Trump Visit