MSNBC Darlings Jen Psaki, Rachel Maddow Mock Voters For Noticing Biden’s Border Invasion

However much you hate the corporate media and their lying and scheming to cover for the Biden regime, it is not enough.

Media Spin Nearly Record-High January Border Incursions As ‘Good News’ For Biden

Customs and Border Protection said there was a nearly record-high number of encounters at the U.S. southern border in January.

Former impeachment champion Joe Biden calls GOP efforts to hold Mayorkas accountable 'unconstitutional'

House Republicans successfully impeached Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Tuesday night, leaving it to the U.S. Senate to decide his ultimate fate.

While historically a champion of impeachment when a Republican is in the crosshairs, President Joe Biden lashed out at those seeking to hold Mayorkas responsible for overseeing the illegal entry of several million foreign nationals into the nation. Like the DHS, Biden called the vote to impeach his DHS secretary "unconstitutional."

The vote and the articles of impeachment

Without the help of Republican Reps. Ken Buck (Colo.), Mike Gallagher (Wis.), and Tom McClintock (Calif.), the House GOP managed to pass a resolution to impeach Mayorkas in a 214-213 vote Tuesday evening.

The first article of impeachment accuses the Biden Cabinet secretary of a willful and systematic refusal to comply with the law.

Mayorkas allegedly violated "his oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and to well and faithfully discharge the duties of his office," according to the article.

The second article accuses the DHS secretary of knowingly making false statements and obstructing lawful oversight of the DHS.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection figures indicate that in Mayorkas' first nine months as DHS secretary, 1,516,650 illegal aliens stole across the southern border and into the United States — nearly quadruple the number of migrants who entered throughout the entirety of the previous fiscal year. Roughly 6 million more have entered the country in the years since.

The Democratic-controlled Senate will almost certainly refuse to charge Mayorkas, rendering the House vote largely symbolic.

Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.), chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, stressed that his committee's "investigation and subsequent impeachment proceedings demonstrated beyond any doubt that Secretary Mayorkas has willfully and systematically refused to comply with the laws of the United States and breached the public trust."

"With this vote, Congress has made clear that we will not tolerate such lawlessness," added Green.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said, "Secretary Mayorkas has willfully and consistently refused to comply with federal immigration laws, fueling the worst border catastrophe in American history."

"Alejandro Mayorkas deserves to be impeached, and Congress has a constitutional obligation to do so," continued Johnson.

Biden lashes out

Biden was less than pleased over Republicans' successful vote to impeach Mayorkas.

"History will not look kindly on House Republicans for their blatant act of unconstitutional partisanship that has targeted an honorable public servant in order to play petty political games," Biden is credited as saying in a lengthy statement.

Although quick to invoke history in the abstract and to paint the impeachment initiative as petty, Biden previously championed impeachment when it meant the possible removal of a Republican from office.

Biden and other Democrats sought to impeach Trump over a phone call he had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy concerning possible corruption on the part of the Biden family.

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Biden even incorporated such demands for Trump's impeachment into his presidential campaign.

Time reported that while campaigning in 2019, then-candidate Biden told a small audience in Rochester, N.H., "Donald Trump has violated his oath of office, betrayed this nation, and committed impeachable acts. You know, to preserve our Constitution, our democracy, our basic integrity, he should be impeached."

In his Tuesday statement, Biden further claimed Mayorkas "has upheld the rule of law faithfully and has demonstrated a deep commitment to the values that make our nation great."

"Instead of staging political stunts like this, Republicans with genuine concerns about the border should want Congress to deliver more border resources and stronger border security," continued Biden. "Sadly, the same Republicans pushing this baseless impeachment are rejecting bipartisan plans Secretary Mayorkas and others in my administration have worked hard on to strengthen border security at this very moment."

Contrary to the president's suggestion, in recent weeks and months, Mayorkas and other elements of the Biden administration have fought not against illegal immigration but against Texas' efforts to secure the southern border. Just last month, the DHS threatened Texas after the Lone Star State seized control of a high-traffic area along the border in Eagle Pass.

A Jan. 14 letter from DHS General Counsel Jonathan Meyer instructed Texas to "remove all barriers to access to the U.S.-Mexico border."

Extra to casting Mayorkas as a man traduced, Biden accused Republicans of "playing politics with the border."

DHS echoes Biden

The DHS regurgitated the Democratic president's talking points in its response to the impeachment vote, noting, "House Republicans will be remembered by history for trampling on the Constitution for political gain rather than working to solve the serious challenges at the border."

"Without a shred of evidence or legitimate Constitutional grounds, and despite bipartisan opposition, House Republicans have falsely smeared a dedicated public servant who has spent more than 20 years enforcing our laws and serving our country," said DHS spokesman Mia Ehrenberg.

Ehrenberg further alleged that Mayrokas "will continue working every day to keep Americans safe."

Congressional investigators behind the impeachment push suggested in recent reports that Mayorkas' "open-border policies" and the illegal immigration they have ostensibly guaranteed not only impose an annual net burden of hundreds of billions of dollars every year on the U.S. economy but also exacerbate the fentanyl crisis, adversely impact public safety, contribute to a rise in human trafficking and exploitation of minors, and jeopardize public health.

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Republican Legislators In These 14 States Are Backing Texas Over Biden Border Standoff

Republican lawmakers in more than a dozen states are backing efforts by GOP Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to reinforce the U.S. border.

McConnell, Tillis Openly Trash ‘Dim’ And ‘Short-Sighted’ GOP Voters After Base Rejected McConnell’s Bogus Border Bill

Republicans eager to ram Ukraine funding through the upper chamber are just as eager to dismiss their voters as dimwitted.

The Border Crisis Is The Definition Of A Foreign ‘Invasion’

The Founders would have immediately recognized current criminal cartel activities and their collaboration with a foreign state power as an 'invasion.'

'A disqualifying betrayal': House Republicans vow to kill the Senate's so-called border bill

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) plans to hold the first vote on his $118 billion "Emergency National Security" bill Wednesday. However, following the bill's long-awaited reveal Sunday, House Republicans made clear that Schumer's efforts will be in vain.

According to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), the bill will be "dead on arrival."

What's the background?

Blaze News previously detailed how the 370-page bill, which has the blessing of Schumer and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), would provide $60.06 billion in support for Ukraine in its war with Russia; $14.1 billion in security assistance to Israel; $10 billion in humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza, the West Bank, and Ukraine; and $20.23 billion for American border security.

McConnell claimed in a statement Sunday that the bill "begins with direct and immediate solutions to the crisis at our southern border."

A closed border is evidently not among the solutions. Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) admitted the "border never closes" under the proposed scheme.

Coons suggested that rather than preventing thousands of illegal aliens from entering the U.S. daily, the bill would ensure that those unaccompanied minors who have jumped the border get free immigration lawyers; that all illegal aliens are afforded the right to legal representation; and that asylum-seekers will not be detained while their claims are processed.

The bill would also fund an increase in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention capacity from 34,000 to 50,00; fast-track asylum cases; raise the standard for illegal aliens to qualify to apply to asylum; and grant the government the power it already has to secure the border if there is a one-week daily average of 5,000 illegal entries or 8,500 illegal entries in a single day. reported Newsweek.

Dead on arrival

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said in an X post Sunday evening, "I've seen enough. This bill is even worse than we expected, and won't come close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created."

"As the lead Democrat negotiator proclaimed: Under this legislation, 'the border never closes,'" continued Johnson. "If this bill reaches the House, it will be dead on arrival."

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House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) vowed that the bill would not get a vote in the House, underscoring the legislation would serve only to exacerbate the crisis at the border.

"Here's what the people pushing this 'deal' aren't telling you: It accepts 5,000 illegal immigrants a day and gives automatic work permits to asylum recipients — a magnet for more illegal immigration," said Scalise.

According to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the bill would indeed "expedite protection and work authorization" for illegal aliens "with legitimate claims."

Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs (R) piled on hours later, writing, "The Senate border bill is the worst idea on border 'security' — EVER.' Frankly, it makes matters worse than they already are. It is a disaster. Hard to believe, but this is even more terrible than the old Gang of Eight legislation."

Rep. Mary Miller (R-Ill.) wrote, "The Senate AMNESTY bill erases our borders. Every Senator took an oath to uphold our laws, including our border security & immigration laws, inluding our border security & immigration laws. ... This is AMERICA LAST!"

According to House GOP conference chair Elise Stefanik (N.Y.), the bill is an "absolute non-starter."

"This Joe Biden/Chuck Schumer Open Border Bill is an absolute non-starter and will further incentivize thousands of illegals to pour in across our borders daily," said Stefanik. "House Republicans have already passed HR2 - the Secure Our Border Act, which would actually secure the border and return to the effective Trump policies with the most secure border in our nation’s history."

Senate opposition

Senate Republicans already critical of the bill reiterated their opposition after the text of the bill was revealed to the public.

"I can understand why Chris Murphy supports it," wrote Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio). "I cannot imagine why any Republican supports this atrocious proposal."

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"Now that the text of the bill has been released, it appears even worse than we feared," said Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.).

Johnson suggested Sunday that the bill serves to give Democratic lawmakers in Washington, D.C., "cover" now that the border crisis has become an issue for blue cities such as Chicago and New York City. Johnson noted further that President Joe Biden already has the authority and ability to stem the flood of illegal aliens into the country, making this legislation largely unnecessary.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) dismissed the legislation, calling it the "Border Capitulation Bill."

Lee suggested that the bill had much to offer in the way of "protecting aliens and their personal information [but] nothing protecting Americans."

"Senate GOP leadership screwed this up — and screwed us. Even while refusing to let us see the bill they claimed to be negotiating on our behalf — for MONTHS — they were never in doubt, insisting we’d be dumb and even unpatriotic NOT to support it," wrote Lee. "This is a disqualifying betrayal."

Senate GOP leadership screwed this up\u2014and screwed us. Even while refusing to let us see the bill they claimed to be negotiating on our behalf\u2014for MONTHS\u2014they were never in doubt, insisting we\u2019d be dumb and even unpatriotic NOT to support it. This is a disqualifying betrayal.
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Sen. Eric Schmitt (Mo.) said, "There you have it: Dead on arrival in the House. This bill is a disaster. Yet Schumer is trying to jam the Senate."

Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford (R), who took the lead in brokering the deal, has attempted to defend the bill, claiming parts of it have been misunderstood or misrepresented.

Lankford stressed in a statement that "this is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to close our open border and give future administrations the effective tools they need to stop the border chaos and protect our nation."

Lankford was censured in advance for allegedly "playing fast and loose with Democrats on our border policy" and helping Democrats advance legislation that authorizes "several thousand people to invade our borders."

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