20th Century’s Worst President Dead at 100

Editor’s note: The announcement that Jimmy Carter had entered hospice care—in early 2023, nearly two years ago!—stimulated the chattering class into another of its orgies of jibber-jabber, as Andrew Ferguson noted at the time (below). Now that Carter has finally signed out of hospice care for good, the blather will only increase in quantity. But we can guarantee it won't improve in tone, insight, or plausibility. Which makes Ferguson's piece as timely as ever.

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Dark thoughts about the New Jersey drones

As a strategist specializing in information warfare, the progenitor of the 1st Joint SOFTWAR Unit (Virtual), and the creator of the insidious FATEMAH “slow motion war” exercise taught to many students attending the National Intelligence University, I believe U.S. authorities must take the drone incidents over the northeastern seaboard seriously.

If U.S. agencies are not behind this chaos in pursuit of a nefarious “McGuffin,” and if it isn’t the work of a wealthy group of tech-savvy anarchists, then we must consider the possibility that a nation-state or its proxies are responsible.

Could this not be an ideal moment for China to invade Taiwan and secure it through fait accompli?

Two dark possibilities merit serious consideration. First, the northeastern seaboard incidents may represent an “information tsunami” designed to distract while a hostile power launches an offensive elsewhere. Second, the drone activity could signal the prelude to an attack on the U.S. homeland.

Whether the drones are part of a clandestine U.S. operation uncovering an infiltrated enemy plot or hostile drones conducting pre-attack reconnaissance, a significant threat looms.

In either scenario, the United States faces its weakest strategic posture since Pearl Harbor, led by a cognitively impaired President Joe Biden and a Vice President Kamala Harris whose speeches lack strategic clarity, to put it charitably.

Donald Trump will not return to the Oval Office until January 20, leaving the nation — after four years marked by inflation, unpopular diversity initiatives, and surges in illegal immigration — focused upon the temporary fully respite provided by the Christmas and New Year holidays.

This moment presents an opportune time for a strategic move by a nuclear-armed adversary such as China, Russia, or North Korea, potentially joined by an unexpected latecomer to the nuclear club, Iran — or perhaps a coordinated effort by all four.

The term “information tsunami” refers to a massive surge of televisive content generated by global media, including social media, broadcast television, satellite, cable, and podcasts. This wave overwhelms and displaces most other information for a set period.

During such a wave, national focus shifts entirely to its subject — in this case, the mysterious New Jersey drones. This redirection of attention creates the ultimate strategic feint, leaving critical issues unmonitored. And no one seems to be minding the store.

Could this not be an ideal moment for China to invade Taiwan and secure it through fait accompli?

Or for Russia, desperate to expand its gains, to launch a larger offensive in Ukraine before the United States can respond?

Or for North Korea to strike South Korea, exploiting political turmoil in Seoul?

Or something even darker: Could this be the prelude to a direct Chinese attack on the U.S. homeland, aimed at preventing American interference in a takeover of Taiwan?

Such a prelude could unfold in three ways:

Reconnaissance: China might conduct a detailed survey of U.S. military and civilian infrastructure, gathering an electronic order of battle akin to the U.S. Cold War U-2 missions that provided critical insights into Soviet vulnerabilities.

Desensitizing deception: The situation could mirror the Nazi Kriegsmarine’s “Channel Dash” during Operation Cerberus in 1942. The Germans gradually increased low-power radar jamming to lull the British into complacency, then switched to high-power jamming to evade detection and escape through the English Channel. Similarly, Americans growing accustomed to White House spokesman John Kirby’s droning assurances that there is “nothing that indicates a public safety risk” might face a devastating national surprise.

Target selection: The drones could be identifying way points for smaller drones to carry out precision strikes. These future attacks might target individual windows or open doors in key buildings, operations sheds, and hangars, or focus on specific aircraft, weapons systems, or military personnel.

Another, even darker possibility emerges: The drones’ iterative, slightly offset racetrack flight patterns reported by witnesses on the ground in New Jersey and elsewhere resemble the flight paths crop dusters use to disperse chemicals over land to neutralize plants and insects. This same pattern could serve to drop biological warfare agents, with an incubation delay designed to achieve maximum surprise.

Chinese researchers, for instance, have gained significant insights into the effectiveness of such biological agents through numerous U.S. studies. Skeptical? Just Google “COVID.”

In an independent study, to which I contributed late in the process, retired Air Force Colonels John Warden III and Larry Weaver developed a notional scenario of a future Chinese attack on U.S. soil.

Weaver’s video depiction of this hypothetical attack stands out for its acute relevance. Although set in the future, the idea of using bioweapons as the initial phase to induce strategic paralysis in the United States remains a credible and valid concern.

So, I offer these scenarios, not to induce fear, but to encourage U.S. leadership to focus on what could be an immediate and lethal strategic threat and to level with the American people.

Is the US covering up UFOs firing on New Jersey?

Mysterious drones have been spotted flying over the United States, and a recent video purports to show a drone firing tracers over New Jersey.

New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew told Fox News that “Iran launched a mothership probably about a month ago that contains these drones” and that “we know it’s not our own government.”

While the government continues to deny and claim ignorance, Sara Gonzales of “Sara Gonzales Unfiltered” doesn’t believe for a second that it's giving us the whole story.

“He’s like, ‘Well it’s not our own government, because then we’d know,’” Gonzales tells Eric July. “No you wouldn’t. How many times has the Biden regime gone rogue on so many different things?”

“Oh, you think they’re not going to keep that from you?” She continues, adding, “I just don’t buy that to begin with.”

“I think when things like this happen, a lot of people’s minds just go in the complete opposite direction, where they assume that it could be, let’s say, some foreign country or something of that nature. I think it’s very dangerous, especially when you start looking at these government officials who go out on a limb and are like, ‘Oh, I think it was that person or that group,’” July says.

“We’ve seen war started for less,” he says, noting that meanwhile, drone technology is only escalating.

“They’re advancing quick, man. These things are able to do some really, really, I’d argue, cool things. But yeah, when I see something just sitting there floating and it’s spraying something, I’ll be like, ‘Is it mosquitoes? Or are you doing something else?’” He continues, adding, “And I think any person that’s going to see something floating in the air is going to be kind of turned off by that.”

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Biden Admin Takes Credit for Israeli Victories It Tried To Prevent

TEL AVIV—Biden administration officials have claimed credit this week for the ongoing collapse of the Iranian axis, seeking to recast their role in a series of Israeli victories that they worked to thwart. Hours after the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria on Sunday, President Joe Biden touted "the unflagging support of the United States" for Israel’s war against "Iran and its proxies" Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Biden noted that Israel had weakened the coalition of tyrants and terrorists in the region to a point where it became "impossible ... for them to prop up the Assad regime." "Our approach has shifted the balance of power in the Middle East," the president boasted in remarks at the White House. "Through this combination of support for our partners, sanctions [on the Assad regime], and diplomacy and targeted military force when necessary, we now see new opportunities opening up for the people of Syria and for the entire region."

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Phil Murphy whines as Pete Buttigieg vanishes in drone crisis

In the last few days, over 180 car-sized drones have reportedly been seen flying over New Jersey, and somehow, to quote the local vernacular, "Nobody knows nuthin'.”

It doesn’t really matter where the drones have come from. It could be, according to Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.), Iran. (The Pentagon denies this.) It could be Russia or China. It really doesn’t matter.

The orders should be: 'Locate them, follow them home, and bring the whole world down on whatever you find.'

New Jersey residents haven’t quite realized the real drones are Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and their own Gov. Phil Murphy. Buttigieg, a DEI appointee, did nothing when a hazmat train wreck devastated East Palestine, Ohio. Meanwhile, Murphy’s response has been little more than hand-wringing and complaints.

Buttigieg, supposedly in charge of all modes of transportation as head of the U.S. Department of Transportation, has been missing in action. This, despite car-sized, remotely piloted drones buzzing through the countryside.

Pete, it’s your airspace — do something! Get FAA Administrator Mike Whitaker moving. If one of these drones causes a mid-air collision or falls from the sky, innocent Americans will be injured or killed.

Photo courtesy of Chuck de Caro

As someone who had the wonderful opportunity to actually fly and control car-sized RPVs (that's old school for unmanned aerial vehicles) in the 1990s, I can assure you that the Federal Aviation Administration was watching every minute, ready to slap a $37,000 fine on me if I violated any regulations. So where is the FAA now?

If the FAA can "see" the drones with radar, it should pass the information to Flight Aware so that every agency can determine the location of the intruders.

Meanwhile, as long as the Pentagon is looking down at its boots and kicking pebbles around, perhaps Gov. Murphy could stop whining about how he needs “more help from the federal government, we need them to be bigger, faster, stronger” and show some testicular fortitude.

Apparently, the governor doesn’t remember that he is commander in chief of the New Jersey National Guard, and, as such, he can order, under Title 32, the New Jersey Army Guard's 1-150th Assault Helicopter Regiment to launch standing helicopter patrols around the affected airspace. That particular regiment has UH-60L Blackhawks, which can carry long-range fuel tanks for great on-station time.

Their orders should be: “Locate them, follow them home, let them land, and bring the whole world down on whatever you find.” If possible, shoot the drones down over uninhabited terrain or fly just above a drone and drop an A-22 cargo net over it, causing it to crash.

In the meantime, ground-based agencies can attempt to get audio recordings to determine the noise signature of the unknown drones for comparison to known drones. Such data could help track down the manufacturer and ultimately the operators of the aircraft.

While all this is ongoing, maybe Mayor Pete can use the last few weeks of his tenure to actually do his job.

The new administration can’t arrive soon enough.

‘This Is ILLEGAL’: Speaker Johnson Calls For Further Investigation Into Democrats’ Fundraising Machine

The Democrats' campaign fundraising platform hauled in record cash while raising troubling questions about foreign donations.

With Biden on His Way Out, GOP-Led House Ramps Up Funding for Joint Military Projects With Israel

Congress’s annual defense spending bill includes $500 million in funding for joint military projects with Israel, including a reversal of the Biden-Harris administration’s decision to cease production of a missile interceptor used to defend the Jewish state from Iranian attacks, sources briefed on the matter told the Washington Free Beacon.

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Days After Trump's Victory, Biden-Harris Admin Granted Iran $10 Billion in Sanctions Relief, Congressional Notice Shows

The Biden-Harris administration waived sanctions on Iran three days after the November election, providing Tehran access upward of $10 billion in once-frozen funds, according to a copy of the non-public order transmitted to Congress and reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

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A Weakened Iranian Regime Dealt Another Severe Blow as Syria's Assad Falls to Rebel Factions

After 13 years of civil war, Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad’s regime has fallen. The stunning development further weakens a battered Iran, removing from the Middle East a longtime ally who helped Tehran expand its militant footprint.

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