With Russia Hoaxer Jim Baker On The Inside, The FBI Primed Twitter To Kill Hunter Biden Story Long Before It Broke

'The FBI's influence campaign aimed at executives at news media, Twitter, & other social media companies worked,' Shellenberger reported.

Third Batch Of Twitter Files Shows Twitter’s Lead Censor Joking About FBI Collusion

'I'm a big believer in calendar transparency,' Roth said. 'But I reached a certain point where my meetings became... very interesting.'

These 7 Trump-Critical GOP Senators Have No Plan To Deal With Unconstitutional, Election-Altering Censorship

The Federalist asked the seven senators if they have a plan to remedy the unconstitutional censorship of voters and news during the 2020 election. Not one of them responded.

Elon Musk Fires Former FBI Lawyer Behind Russiagate Hoax Following ‘Unconvincing’ Explanation For Hunter Biden Laptop Censorship

Jim Baker was the Clinton campaign's 'go-to, speed-dial contact' to plant false claims about Trump collusion with the Kremlin.

‘Our Kids Carpooled Together’: How Old Friends In High Places Assembled The Russia Collusion Hoax

Not just anyone can call up the FBI general counsel with claims of conspiratorial criminality by a presidential candidate and get a private sit-down. And yet that is exactly what happened.