Here Are All The Radical Plans Democrats Will Ram Through Congress If They Nuke The Filibuster

Harris’ campaign is promising that if she is elected and the numbers in Congress work, Democrats will eliminate the Senate filibuster.

Dems Use New Election Law To Bully A New York Town That Won’t Accept Illegal Aliens

Democrats are attempting to use the New York Voting Rights Act to force Mount Pleasant to change the way it conducts its elections.

Kamala Harris Owns The Biden Administration’s Record Of Undermining Election Integrity

As Biden's voting czar, Harris owns a record of federal meddling in elections and attacking election integrity laws.

198 Democrats Vote Against Bill To Keep Foreign Nationals Out Of American Elections

[rebelmouse-proxy-image PM-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" expand=1]On Wedneday night, 198 House Democrats voted against a bill that would require documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote.

Biden’s ‘Amnesty’ Plan Could Turn 500,000 Illegal Aliens Into Future Voters

Biden just gifted Democrats with hundreds of thousands of potential future voters.

Biden’s Home State Enlists Former Obama Solicitor General To Defend Loose Election Laws

Biden's home state of Delaware has enlisted the help of former Obama Solicitor General Don Verrelli to argue in favor of loose election laws.

Biden Has Let In Almost As Many Foreigners Illegally As Ellis Island Did Lawfully In 60 Years

Democrats use illegal immigrants as political pawns to inflate politically important population counts even when those migrants technically can't vote.

Not A Single Democrat Witness In Congress Agreed Only Citizens Should Vote In Federal Elections

If the legislation is passed, it would allow the U.S. Justice Department to take over elections wherever voters have to provide ID.

Democrats’ Bill Would Give The DOJ Veto Power Over State And Local Election Laws

The legislation is a power grab meant to circumvent the Supreme Court's 2013 decision that restrained the federal government's overreach into elections.

What Did Election Integrity Laws Achieve In 2022? New Report Details What Worked And What Didn’t

A new report highlights the successful election integrity reforms made this past cycle and makes future recommendations for policymakers.