Leftists Are Also Attempting To Court-Pack From The Bottom-Up

Leftist judicial activists have made calls to add as many as 250 judges between the district and appeals court levels.

Feinstein faces backlash after praising Graham for 'one of the best set of hearings' she has been in

Sen. Dianne Feinstein is facing criticism from some on the Left after she thanked Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham for how he conducted Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearings.

34 Days Is Plenty Of Time To Confirm Amy Coney Barrett

The rule of law, not rhetorical inventions and pleas of partisans, should guide the means by which we live out our political process.

Bork Widow: Biden ‘Orchestrated A Vicious Lying Assault,” A “Man Without A Compass, Guided Now By Prevailing Progressive Winds’

Mary Ellen Bork, the widow to the late federal Judge Robert Bork, wrote a response to an article in the Wall Street Journal reminding readers of Joe Biden's role in her husband's failed confirmation.

Yes, The Vice President Breaks A Senate Tie On SCOTUS Nominees

In Laurence Tribe’s telling, the vice president’s tie-breaking vote does not apply to judicial nominees. That is supported by neither the Constitution’s text nor the Senate’s historical practice.

How George W. Bush’s Supreme Court Nomination Cowardice Affected America

Nothing better captures the Republican disaster of Supreme Court nominations than George H.W. Bush selecting David Souter, who evolved from mild conservative to left-wing leader.

Trump Was Ready To Party In Pennsylvania

On the heels of his Supreme Court nomination, Donald Trump was ready to rock a rally.

Why Trump’s Honor Demands He Pick A Supreme Court Nominee From His 2016 List

Trump vowed to choose a nominee from the 2016 list, so he should nominate Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

Democrats’ Arguments For Confirming Merrick Garland In 2016 Support Confirming Trump’s Nominee Now

Democrats have advocated different sets of rules for handling nominations of Democrat and Republican presidents, and therefore, their lectures about what to do now are not exactly credible.
Media Will Try To Personally Destroy Trump Nominee, Just Like Kavanaugh

Media Will Try To Personally Destroy Trump Nominee, Just Like Kavanaugh

If we learned anything from Brett Kavanaugh, it's that if it's up to the media, there's no way the nominee's character makes it out of the next 42 days alive.