‘Not So Good For Harris’: Democratic Strategist Pours Cold Water On Dems’ Hopes For Rust Belt 'Working-class voters seem to be moving towards Trump'
‘A Major Course Correction’: Dem Strategist Says ‘Elites Are Out Of Touch’ On Border 'He can do it with a stroke of a pen'
Canceled Classes, Rescheduled Midterms, and Stress Baking: How Elite Universities Are Coddling Students Grieving Over Trump's Victory freebeacon.com
3 Florida women shot during drunken argument over politics after Election Day, police say www.theblaze.com
Gavin Newsom calls special session of legislature to fund legal challenges against Trump's presidency www.theblaze.com
Michigan Democrat — arrested for allegedly sexting underage boy in sting operation — wins re-election in landslide www.theblaze.com