Squires: The real ‘American Taliban’ wages a war on children by promoting abortion and death culture

There's a short video showing a British instructor explaining to an Afghan woman why she should appreciate an early 20th-century artist who turned a urinal into conceptual art. The scene epitomizes the failure of Western cultural imperialism.

It also reminded me that the left is engaged in a high-stakes conflict that it is winning: its all-out war on American children.

After Texas lawmakers recently passed a bill prohibiting abortion after a baby's heartbeat is detected, the phrase "American Taliban" trended across Twitter. It's hard to understand how the people who don't want babies dismembered in the womb would be seen as the backward theocrats while the people who would legalize abortion up until birth would be seen as caring and compassionate.

This development shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who understands that abortion — the intentional taking of innocent human life — is one of the left's most deeply held values. The Democratic Party paints itself as a pro-woman and pro-child coalition concerned for the marginalized and oppressed. Its legislative and cultural priorities reveal a very dark alternate reality. The truth is that the left hates women and children.

Like the immoral woman described in Proverbs, the lips of Nancy Pelosi's party drip honey and its speech is smoother than oil. It all sounds tempting until you realize it's a worldview that leads to death.

Abortion is the most obvious front of the left's war on children. There were over 600,000 abortions performed in 2018, according to the CDC. Democrats are quick to point out that most of the women having abortions are low-income and many are ethnic minorities. Both points are true. Apparently the party that decries the twin evils of capitalism and racism has no problem with fewer babies being born if they are poor and black. The party that boldly proclaims "black lives matter" while on a perpetual heat-seeking mission for any institution that honors bigots from the past has no issue with Margaret Sanger's racist views or the legacy of eugenics still seen in our nation's largest abortion provider. Planned Parenthood traces its roots back to Sanger's first birth control clinic in Brooklyn in 1917. To this day, about half of all black babies in New York City are killed in the womb before they draw their first breaths.

The left seethes with apoplectic rage whenever it feels abortion is being threatened, but it also has plans for the children who actually are born. Its first goal is to get the babies out of the arms of their mothers. They see women who stay home with their children as a step back in feminism's long march to turn women — in terms of priorities and temperament — into men who can give birth. Even though the research demonstrates the benefits of mothers staying home to care for their young children — something most Americans support — the left acts as if a woman has more value to her employer than to her own family. Part of the left's motivation is the knowledge that recruiting the next generation into its culture war requires thousands of hours of basic training.

That instruction starts in day care and moves to the school for some children as young as three. Once there, many kids are bombarded by teachers who have swapped a focus on reading, writing, and arithmetic for racial narcissism, activism, and protesting. Los Angeles teachers' union President Cecily Myart-Cruz recently admitted this when she claimed that it was fine if students didn't learn multiplication last year because now they know the words "insurrection" and "coup," as well as the difference between a riot and a protest. She is not alone. The Chicago Teachers Union claimed, "The push to reopen schools is rooted in sexism, racism, and misogyny." The education establishment in this country has been hijacked by partisan advocates who could not care less whether our children are literate and numerate as long as they come out every election to vote for Democrats once they turn 18. They have no problem openly admitting that critical theory is more important to them than critical thinking. What's the result? Our children are not learning. There was a time when American children learned Latin in high school. Now most need remedial English in college.

American children face attacks on all sides, from their personhood in utero to their minds in the classroom. The last ten years have been marked by growing intensity on the gender identity battlefront. Democrats are completely on board with the notion that people — including school-aged children — can pick their gender. They would never encourage an anorexic teenage girl to get gastric bypass surgery, but when it comes to other intense feelings of conflict between mind and body, they promote the radical alteration of the body. What most people probably don't know is that John Money, the man who introduced the term "gender identity," was a psychologist who was involved in the sex reassignment of a child named David Reimer in the 1960s. Money forced Reimer, who was raised as a girl, to perform sex acts with his twin brother while he photographed them. Both brothers committed suicide in their 30s.

The left hates your children. Democrats don't believe pre-born babies have inherent worth. They have no problem undermining parental authority if it means getting the opportunity to shape the minds and morals of the next generation of voters. Decades of research show children have the best outcomes when they are raised by their married biological parents. Yet it is easier to get an elected Democrat to promote pornography and sex work than to publicly affirm the role of marriage and the nuclear family in producing positive social outcomes.

Liberal ideology couldn't make Afghan women accept bathroom art as normal because the people in that country actually believe in something more important than superficial notions of identity. That may come as a surprise to American elites whose views are a mile wide and an inch deep. The quickness with which the Afghan government folded to the Taliban demonstrated that a small group of highly committed people can drive off a well-funded enemy who lacks the courage of its convictions. It's time for parents in this country to use their own weapons — prayer, petition, public pressure — to fight for what they hold most dear.

Ilhan Omar insults Republican voters: 'Ignorance really is pervasive in many parts of this country'

After months of criticism for repeated anti-Semitic comments, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., is finally in the news for something else: Insulting the intelligence of Americans who disagree with her politics.

On the first episode of the Nation's "Next Left" podcast, the Somali-American congresswoman talked with host John Nichols about President Trump, immigration and refugee policy, and the "ignorance" of voters who are supposedly misled by Republicans.

"So suddenly you’re elected, and you had this teaching moment," Nichols says during a portion of the podcast discussing President Trump's comments about refugee resettlement. "It strikes me that, in watching you, you are conscious of teaching moments and of that opportunity to say something that might cause people to think differently about what’s going on."

Omar responded by saying that American voters suffer from "a misconception about refugees and the process they go through to come to the United States." She went on to say that voters have also been "misinformed" about the issue as well, and that "Republicans are really good at misinformation."

As an example, Omar cited a previous candidate for governor in Minnesota who pledged to end the refugee resettlement program in the state, which she said was an uninformed promise:

"There are agencies that run the resettlement program," the congresswoman said. "If you end that contract, it’s not that refugees are not going to be resettled, it’s that the state just doesn’t get informed. And so the only leverage you have is that you are part of this contract and you can be part of the negotiations on how many people get resettled in your state."

"And so it is not that they might not be knowledgeable about this, but they use it as a tool to stir up hate and division," Omar continued. "And ignorance really is pervasive in many parts of, of this country. And as someone who was raised by educators, I really like to inform people about things that they might be ignorant to, willingly or unwillingly."

Omar herself fled war-torn Somalia and spent four years in a refugee camp before eventually coming to the United States; however, she may have committed massive immigration fraud in reportedly marrying her brother.

Omar's insults put her in line with failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who infamously called Trump supporters "deplorables" during the 2016 campaign and later blamed her loss on parts of the country that were "looking backwards."

Here's a sample of the audio:

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Covington teen Nick Sandmann is wise beyond his years

What I wouldn’t give for a majority of American adults to know what Nick Sandmann has learned.

The Left wants no compromise, no competition of thought, no civility, no possibility for introspection, no benefit of the doubt, no leniency, no moderation, no tolerance. Leftists wish no goodwill, no mercy, no meekness, no levity, no charity, no tenderness.

Their “truth” is based on false assumptions and lies that eat out their souls. They want us to suffer for disbelieving their lies. They want us to bow to their false assumptions and cry out for their forgiveness. They want us on our knees begging.

Nathan Phillips is a seasoned activist for the Left. He knew what he was doing. He used the Alinsky tactic of singling out Nick Sandmann, freezing him, making his existence out to be a personal threat, and creating a narrative to polarize the boy. It worked, and so many people, many of whom probably pride themselves among their families and friends as caring and even-handed, destroyed that boy publicly because Phillips handed them the picture of a monster instead of the innocent youth Sandmann really was.

His smile was interpreted by the hateful Left as a sneer. His red hat automatically became a scarlet letter. His tolerance and respect for the elderly Phillips were interpreted as privilege and snobbery. Right down to the effort to defuse a difficult situation, Sandmann’s conscious effort not to move in the face of Phillips’ encroachment on him was cast as indifferent insubordination to a representative of a holier-than-thou protected group. And these purposeful mischaracterizations were created and spoon-fed to hateful leftists worldwide by the leftist activist Nathan Phillips.

And as if the boy was mere chum in the water, the Left attacked Sandmann and fed their hatred for days.

How many of us could truthfully say we would have been able to withstand the treatment Sandmann and his family have? For that matter, how many of us would have stood with arms by our sides while the ridiculous show of stolen righteousness played out? It is no stretch to say that Sandmann is the beneficiary of good parenting to be able to stand in the face of uncertainty and chaos without retreat and without attack.

The Left wants to manipulate us all, in all possible ways. We see the manipulation in the press and in the halls of Congress. We are being shown every day that there is no depth the Left will not descend to in order to control us. They control an entire political party made up of the weak and disturbed and exalt the morally destitute.

What I wouldn’t give for the majority of Americans to know exactly what we are dealing with and to add the knowledge that our country is slipping away from us and into the hands of these deceiving sociopaths.

Their manipulation in this instance and thousands of others goes on, with reactions that are ridiculously naive. It is their intent to destroy the good. Not just Sandmann, not just this time; always.

Nick Sandmann is wise beyond his years. Not only because of how he carried himself, but also because he has witnessed something firsthand that shows exactly what leftists wish to do to all of us one day if we let them take control. Anything or anyone who represents goodness, righteousness, and truth is their enemy, and they will stop at nothing to make their enemies pay.

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