Mark Levin applauds Stephen Miller’s epic takedown of Jake Tapper’s illegal immigration narrative: ‘Who’s going to pick the lettuce?!’

Leftists love to clutch their pearls over the illegal immigrants who harvest our crops, but they never want to talk about the ones who commit violent crimes, the ones who peddle drugs throughout the country, or the ones who are just on the taxpayer dole with no intention of ever contributing to the system.

“We just let 20 million people in here; 325,000 kids are missing,” and yet Democrats continue to worry about “who’s going to pick the lettuce,” sighs Mark Levin.

CNN’s Jake Tapper is one of those liberals. Thankfully, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller didn’t let him get away with perpetuating the narrative that the majority of illegal immigrants are working on farms.

Levin plays the clip of Tapper’s humiliating experience being schooled with facts on his own show.

“The Department of Agriculture says that between 2020 and 2022, 42% of crop workers were undocumented immigrants,” Tapper began. “How does President Trump make sure that the effort to deport people who are not in this country legally doesn't end up hurting Americans who want safe borders, absolutely, but also don't want to see even more higher prices in groceries?”

“I'm sure it's not your position, Jake, you're just asking the question, that we should supply America's food with exploitative illegal alien labor,” Miller said with a not-so-subtle hint of sarcasm.

“Only 1% of alien workers in the entire country work in agriculture. The top destination for illegal aliens are large cities like New York, like Los Angeles. ... None of those illegal aliens are doing farm work,” he corrected.

When Tapper accused him of changing the subject, Miller only got more lethal:

“The illegal aliens [Joe Biden] brought in are from Venezuela, from Haiti, from Nicaragua. They are not doing farm work. They are in our cities collecting welfare. As for the farmers, there is a guest worker program that President Trump supports. Over time, as well, we will transition into automation, so we'll never have to have this conversation ever again.”

“But there's no universe in which this nation is going to allow the previous president to flood our nation with millions and millions of illegal aliens who just get to stay here, and we are especially not going to allow a subset of those illegal aliens to rape and murder our citizens, so we are going to unapologetically enforce our immigration laws, and as I'm sure you will celebrate, we are going to unleash the power and might of the U.S. government to eradicate the presence of transnational threats on our soil.”

All the while Miller was delivering this epic jeremiad, Tapper’s brows were knitted together; he stacked and re-stacked papers with a painful grimace on his face.

Levin can’t help but laugh at how Miller easily obliterated the leftist narrative that all illegal immigrants are farm workers all while hinting at the notion that Tapper supports exploitative illegal alien labor and doesn’t care about the dangers facing American citizens.

He then breaks down how most foreigners in our agricultural industry are actually doing work legally via work visas. To hear it, and see the footage of Tapper’s brutal schooling, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin explains why Tim Kaine is TERRIFIED of Trump’s federal buyout offer

Donald Trump’s buyout offer to two million federal workers as part of his initiative to return to in-person work has Democrats scared. If government employees take the offer, that means their precious bureaucracy will shrink.

One Democrat who’s literally begging federal workers to resist the offer is Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.). Like most Democrats, he’s built his argument on the stale premise of “Trump is a liar.”

“My message to federal employees who received this is, yeah, the president has tried to terrorize you for about a week and then gives you a little sweetheart offer — if you resign in the next week, we're just going to pay you for doing nothing for the next seven months. Don’t be fooled! He's tricked hundreds of people with that offer. If you accept that offer and resign, he'll stiff you just like he stiffed the contractors,” Kaine said.

Mark Levin, however, says Kaine is the only one who’s lying.

“It's a generous offer,” he says of Trump’s buyout plan.

Further, working for the bureaucracy is already an abuse of the system.

“If you go into government at the age of 25, you can retire at 45. A lot of people do, and then they work for defense contractors or other federal employees, so that's what they call double dipping, and you get medical coverage for the rest of your life” as well as a pension that matches wherever your salary topped out, Levin explains. “That's why a lot of people go into the government.”

Many of these federal workers, he says, are just “moving paper” but nonetheless reap the “enormous” benefits of working for the bureaucracy.

For example, “Maybe they'll live in Maryland, which is a fairly high tax state,” and as soon as they retire, “they move to a no-income tax state,” he says, adding that “Florida is filled with local, state, and federal bureaucrats who have retired.”

“It’s kind of perverse when you really think about it,” says Levin.

He then tells a story about being confronted at a local diner by one of these individuals — a former New York teacher who moved to Florida following his retirement and then had the audacity to condemn the state’s conservative leadership.

“I let this son of a b**** have it,” says Levin. To hear the story, watch the clip above.

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In celebration of CNN departure, Mark Levin revisits Jim Acosta’s WORST moment

Mark Levin is doing his happy dance after CNN anchor Jim Acosta, a vehement Trump critic, has left the network where he’s worked since 2007.

Levin says he won’t miss watching Acosta “[destroy] press conferences” and act in ways that can only be described as “truly obnoxious.”

But for memory’s sake, he watches an old clip from a 2018 press conference, in which Acosta attempted to start a debate over illegal immigration with President Trump.

“The caravan was not an invasion. It’s a group of migrants moving up from Central America towards the border. Why did you characterize it as such?” Acosta fired at President Trump.

When Trump calmly responded that he considered the caravan an invasion and that they had a difference of opinion, Acosta accused him of “[demonizing] immigrants” and whined about a “campaign ad showing migrants climbing over walls.”

Trump responded, “Honestly I think you should let me run the country; you run CNN, and if you did it well, your ratings would be better” before he tried to move on to other reporters. Acosta, however, continued to interject and talk above others even when President Trump told him “that’s enough” numerous times.

Levin was and still is disgusted by the reporter's unacceptable behavior.

“They never did this to Obama; they certainly never did it to Biden; they would never do it to a Democrat; they’d never do it to a liberal Republican,” he says.

“[Acosta] is monopolizing the entire event. This is a press conference. What's the point of a presidential press conference? It's to inform the American people; it's not to get into a debate,” Levin condemns. “Jim Acosta is not interested in gleaning information for the American people; he's interested in making news.”

“It’s so wonderful that he’s gone from CNN, and hopefully he’s gone forever from journalism,” he adds.

Trump’s social media post following Acosta’s departure reveals that he feels the same way as Levin: “Wow, really good news! Jim Acosta, one of the worst and most dishonest reporters in journalistic history, a major sleazebag, has been relegated by CNN Fake News to the Midnight hour, 'Death Valley,' because of extraordinarily LOW RATINGS (and no talent!)," he wrote on Truth Social.

To see the footage of Jim Acosta’s worst moment in his career, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin EXPOSES how Democrats involved Pete Hegseth’s ex-sister-in-law in failed smear campaign

Democrats are known for orchestrating smear campaigns against candidates they don’t like — that is, candidates who aren't going to further their agenda. And they aren’t above employing any means necessary to drag someone’s name and reputation through the mud, even if it means outright lying.

Their thankfully failed attack on Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth is one of the most recent examples of how the left will coordinate with political operatives, the media, and even disgruntled family members to sabotage someone’s nomination.

Mark Levin exposes exactly how Democrats nearly succeeded in kneecapping America’s new secretary of defense.

Like most smear campaigns, the one launched against Pete Hegseth was multifaceted. First, they said he wasn’t qualified to do his job; then they dredged up old allegations of sexual assault, which were investigated and dismissed years ago; in the next phase, they obtained anonymous signatures from several of Hegseth’s former colleagues alleging that he was a drunk.

When none of that was sufficient to thwart his nomination, Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) sent a letter to Danielle Hegseth, Pete’s ex-sister-in-law, inquiring about any instances of aggression or violence. She then signed an affidavit alleging that Hegseth was aggressive and that Samantha, his ex-wife, was often fearful for her safety.

This is easily debunked, says Levin.

First, when Samantha was contacted about this affidavit from Danielle, she denied the claims and assured that Hegseth had never been physically abusive toward her. Further, in their divorce paperwork, both Pete and Samantha signed paperwork that neither of them were victims of domestic abuse.

The nail in the coffin of this ridiculous smear, says Levin, is that Pete and Samantha share joint custody of their three children.

“A judge or magistrate ... is not going to give joint custody of children if one of the parents is violent or abusive or threatens violence. In this case, they have joint custody because they sought joint custody,” he explains.

“[Democrats] are desperate to destroy what's left of the relationship between the ex-wife and Pete, and they're going to destroy the future of these three kids by continuing to pursue this, and they don't care because Schumer is the evil force behind this,” he continues.

The fact that Hegseth’s ex-sister-in-law was involved at all is evidence that this was “a complete setup.”

To hear more of Levin’s analysis, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin GOES OFF on ‘Democrat Islamist’ Chris Van Hollen for arguing Gaza deserves ‘self-determination’

To give the people of Gaza “self-determination” would mean death to Jews and Israelis. Such a privilege would only lead to the re-election of Hamas and the perpetuation of its violent agenda.

But apparently this common sense is lost on Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) — “a Democrat islamist” who’s one of the worst Hamas apologists in Congress, says Mark Levin.

In a recent hearing, Sen. Van Hollen pressed U.N. ambassador nominee Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) to vow that she believes Palestinians have a right to self-determination.

“[President Trump] said he wants to bring long-term peace and security to the region. Clearly Hamas can have no role in that future, but long-term peace must include security, self-determination, and dignity for Israelis and Palestinians alike,” he began, before attempting to force Stefanik into agreeing with the statement that “in order to achieve long-term peace and stability in the Middle East," "we have to secure the human rights and rights of self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians.”

Levin lambastes Van Hollen for his ignorance.

“You talk about dignity and self-determination among Palestinians? Well, where is it? They're slaughtering each other,” he says.

“Even though Gaza is Israeli territory, always has been, for thousands of years — it's actually a beautiful place, or was. … They could have built industries there; they could build tourist attractions,” he points out. “They had all the opportunity in the world, all the money in the world from one foreign government after another and UNRWA — the terrorist organization working for the terrorist United Nations — and what do they do with all this money?”

“They built an underground cave system to slaughter people — slaughter their own people — and yet they're the most popular party among the Palestinians,” Levin says. “But we're going to give them a state, and we're going to carve it out of the ancestral homeland of the Jews?”

As for Van Hollen’s insistence that we need to “secure the human rights and self-determination” of Palestinians, Levin asks, “How do we secure the human rights and self-determination of a people that don't even want to secure it for themselves?”

Pointing out a long list of barbarities committed by Hamas and the Palestinians who put the regime in power, he says it’s clear that “they don't give a damn about their self-determination."

Further, many of the victims who were slaughtered on October 7 were socially liberal Jews who voted against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and supported the idea of “cultural relationships with the Palestinians in Gaza.”

But did that stop Hamas from murdering them in cold blood? Of course not.

“How many Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East have self-determination? How many democracies are there?” Levin then asks. “Exactly zero. You have a military dictatorship, you have monarchy dictatorships, you have Islamic dictatorships; there are no democracies.”

“So this one place we're going to have self-determination? Where people are committed to slaughtering the Jews and the Israelis from the river to the sea? And we have to ensure their self-determination?” he asks in disgust.

“No, there is no self-determination because they don't want it.”

To hear Mark Levin rip into Senator Van Hollen, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin ROASTS corrupt politicians orchestrating character assassination against Pete Hegseth — ‘Capitol Hill is a cesspool’

Confirmation for Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of defense, Pete Hegseth, remains uncertain. While support from Trump’s base has remained unwavering for the combat veteran, Hegseth has lost support in the Senate, even among Republicans, due to allegations of sexual misconduct and alcohol abuse, Hegseth’s former denunciation of women in combat roles, and because of his so-called “inexperience.”

Hegseth was cleared of all sexual misconduct allegations, and nearly all alcohol abuse allegations were made anonymously. Hegseth has repeatedly denied and debunked every accusation launched against him. He also has softened many of his former statements about women in combat roles since his nomination. As for his “inexperience,” it’s only his naysayers who take issue with his background.

Even still, he was unable to secure the vote of Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. To be expected, all Democrats voted against him.

But Mark Levin knows that this is just an effort to thwart Trump’s agenda — “They want to destroy Pete Hegseth because he wants to reform [the military].”

“What President Trump is looking for is not somebody who's been at the Department of Defense. ... He wants somebody who's going to look after the war fighters, who's going to represent them — not all this woke stuff that comes from the politicized generals,” he explains.

But Democrats and RINOs don’t want reform, so they’ve orchestrated a character assassination against Pete Hegseth.

That’s why in the confirmation hearing, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) asked Hegseth the following:

“You referenced a minute ago [something] that occurred in Monterey, California, in October 2017. At that time, you were still married to your second wife, correct? And you had just fathered a child by a woman who would later become your third wife, correct?”

“What is this all about?” asks Levin, noting that this line of questioning is coming from “the party of Joe Biden sniffing the hair of little girls and rubbing their shoulders, the party of Bill Clinton — a serial molester.”

Kaine went on to lambaste Hegseth for his infidelity — “I assume that in each of your weddings you've pledged to be faithful to your wife; you've taken an oath to do that, haven't you?”

“What is the point of going there other than to try and create some kind of drama?” asks Levin.

“This disgusts me. ... This process is intended for the Senate to make a determination if somebody's qualified that a president wants in a high position,” he explains.

But the Senate is rather using this process to drag Hegseth’s past out in the open for all to see, assuming the role of moral arbitrator.

As Levin watched the hearing, he thought: “You bastards — Capitol Hill is a cesspool of grotesque politicians who cheat on their wives, who lie to the American people, who are power hungry.”

To hear more of his commentary, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin explains the brilliance of Trump’s plans to reclaim Panama Canal and annex Greenland

Per usual, the left is hysterical about every single policy change and ambition proposed by Donald Trump. That includes his plans to reclaim the Panama Canal and annex Greenland.

Mark Levin, however, knows that these objectives are not just necessary, they’re downright brilliant.

“The Communist Chinese control both ends of [the Panama] Canal,” he says. Trump, in his wisdom, is asking, ‘“How the hell are we going to get our Navy from one ocean to the other if a horrible war breaks out?'”

As for Greenland, Trump knows that “Russia working with China is trying to take over the Arctic” and is attempting to “control Greenland,” Levin explains.

Trump’s answer to this problem is simple, yet genius: “Greenland should be a part of the United States.”

“Can you think of another president who thinks like this or would talk like this?” Levin asks in awe. “Nobody does.”

In his quest to acquire Greenland, Trump sent his son Don Jr. to the country a couple of weeks ago to speak with authorities.

“That's how you prevent wars,” Levin praises.

“I like [Trump’s] mindset,” he adds. “You know we used to have a Monroe Doctrine — anything that goes on in our hemisphere is our business: geographic, economic, or military.”

It seems this is exactly the doctrine Trump is employing, as he well should, considering “the Communist Chinese have more than 40 bases in our hemisphere,” and “their military [controls] both ends of the Panama Canal,” Levin says. Despite abundant claims that Trump is an “isolationist,” the truth is: “He believes in peace through strength.”

“He's going to need to build up the military given what Joe Biden, the fascist, has done. ... They’re going to have to change the mentality over there; that’s why we need Hegseth, that’s why we need Kash Patel at the FBI,” says Levin.

Even though the swamp is already working to thwart Donald Trump’s agenda, Levin knows that Trump is aware of what he’s up against this time.

“I'll leave it to Trump,” he says. “There's no better guy in terms of figuring these things out, getting things done ... than him.”

To hear more of Levin’s commentary, watch the clip above.

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Can Kash Patel actually fix the FBI? Mark Levin weighs in

The FBI is rife with corruption. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a partner in crime or has his head under a rock.

Mark Levin knows this is true.

“The FBI is a disaster; Chris Wray is a disaster. They're going after ‘white supremacists’ when the Islam Nazis are all around us; the jihadis are all around us,” he condemns.

But hope for true reform has come in the form of former federal prosecutor Kash Patel — Trump’s pick for the next FBI director.

But Democrats, doing what they always do, are attempting to disqualify him before he can rise to power.

Sen. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), for example, told "Meet the Press’" Kristen Welker that “Kash Patel should not be confirmed.”

Schiff pointed to the “the importance of having someone directing the FBI that has experience, that has judgement, that has character, that will prioritize defending the country against the violence we saw in New Orleans or the violence we saw on January 6, and not someone whose top priority is political vendettas, who believes in Deep State conspiracy thinking, and not someone as unqualified as Kash Patel.”

“He’s certainly qualified for the position,” counters Levin, but Schiff and other naysayers are trying to convince the public that he’s not because “he actually might fix the FBI.”

“The Democrats like the FBI the way it is,” he explains. “They don't want any changes; they don't care about the election; they're going to rely on their tactics in the Senate to do everything they can to kneecap Trump.”

This anti-Trump agenda will employ “radical left-wing judges,” “the unelected administrative State” (aka “the swamp”), and all the people who belong to this “massive bureaucracy” in Washington, D.C.

Levin also exposes Schiff’s glaring hypocrisy. He loves current FBI Director Chris Wray but says we need someone who is experienced enough to handle the violence of January 6.

But January 6 “happened under Christopher Wray; it happened under Merrick Garland; it happened under their FBI leadership,” he points out before debunking Schiff’s other false claim that Kash Patel doesn’t have enough experience.

“Christopher Wray was a prosecutor. He was the head of the Criminal Division under George Bush. ... Kash Patel was a prosecutor,” but he “did a lot more than that. He was involved in secret missions dealing in the Middle East, involved in an enormous amount of National Security activity at the Department of Defense,” and he was “a former federal prosecutor, so he's qualified,” says Levin.

“Joe Biden has dementia and has had dementia, and Adam Schiff was all for him. Kamala Harris had no qualifications to be vice president — let alone president — and Adam Schiff was all for her, so we don't need these lines about qualifications,” he adds, pointing out that if Democrats fail to disqualify someone, they will next resort to defamation of character, as was the case with Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh.

As for Schiff’s claim that Patel is wrapped up in “political vendettas,” Levin scoffs, “We don't need Democrats lecturing us about political vendettas when they tried to put Trump in prison for the last two years.”

To hear more of his commentary, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin: Joe Biden is the real fascist. Here’s proof

Democrats partnered with their allies in the mainstream media have circulated the narrative that Donald Trump is a fascist. Right now, there are millions of Americans who actually believe that come Monday, a real fascist will step into the White House.

Mark Levin has a message for these misguided people: Fascism is actually on its way out of the Oval Office.

The truth is, Joe Biden is the real fascist.

Levin gives four examples that prove it.

1. “[Biden] is doing everything he can now to try and prevent the institution of the Trump agenda where Trump won by a landslide.”

2. “He just released 11 terrorists out of Guantanamo Bay and sent them to Oman” without consulting any committees.

“He commutes the sentences of the most loathsome murderers in the federal prison system,” says Levin.

3. “He's just decided that there will be no oil and gas drilling on the West or East Coast.”

“There are rigs there. There's money invested there. There are leases there. There are companies that have spent a fortune on infrastructure to drill; some of them have been there for a long time,” condemns Levin, but “with the sign of a signature, he just said no.”

4. After four years of open borders and untold millions of illegal immigrants pouring into our country, Biden is telling the American people that his administration “[deported] more people than ever before.”

“If you bring in 20 million people, and you're deporting 50,000 more people than you did 10 years ago, that means nothing,” says Levin, adding that thanks to Biden, “There's more murderers, rapists, drug cartel types, gangs from all over the d*** world, Communist Chinese adult soldier-age men ... in this country than ever in our history.”

“[Biden] is a fascist,” Levin reiterates. “Everything he’s doing here runs counter to the fact that we had an election.”

To hear more of Levin’s commentary, watch the clip above.

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Mark Levin EXPOSES Liz Cheney and January 6 Committee’s cover-up

You know what they say about lies — they only breed more lies.

Take the “insurrection” that happened on January 6, 2021, as an example. We still don’t know the full truth about what happened that day, but we do know with certainty that we were lied to — repeatedly.

To cover these lies, more lies were needed. Those came in the form of the corrupt January 6 Committee — “the Stalinist Pelosi committee,” Mark Levin calls it.

This committee, we were told, was formed to investigate the events of January 6, but actually the opposite was true — it was formed to cover the events of January 6.

That’s why Pelosi appointed Trump-hating “reprobate Republicans” Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger to the board, Levin explains.

For starters, the committee “sent recommendations with a report to prosecutors at the United States Department of Justice to urge the criminal indictment of Donald Trump on a number of issues,” he recounts. “That is not covered by the Speech and Debate Clause [of the Constitution], in my view.”

According to Levin, the committee members can be prosecuted and charged for this because “it's not [their] official congressional duty to be pushing for criminal charges against somebody in the other branch of government.”

“That is not what the framers considered speech and debate on the floor of the House or the Senate,” he says.

On top of that, the committee “destroyed a ton of data and information.”

“If there's exculpatory information for Donald Trump or anybody else who's been charged and you don't provide it and you have it as a committee, or you destroy it … you've committed a crime; you've committed obstruction,” says Levin.

As Oversight Committee Chairman Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) pointed out in his report, “that obstruction statute is 18 USC 1512,” which is ironically “the same obstruction statute that [the committee] tried to use against Donald Trump and the January 6ers.”

“Liz Cheney and every member of that committee … need to answer for this,” says Levin. There’s only one reason you “destroy mountains and mountains of data” — “it’s called a cover-up.”

To hear more of Levin’s analysis, watch the clip above.

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