Russell Brand's bold message for OnlyFans star who slept with 100 men in single day
New Christian Russell Brand is sharing a message of hope for Lily Phillips.
Phillips, a 23-year-old British woman, recently completed a stunt in which she had sex with 100 different men in 24 hours. The degrading act became the subject of a YouTube documentary, which went viral this month and sparked a debate about the failure of liberal, postmodern sexual ethics.
'Jesus loves Lily Phillips.'
After playing a clip from the documentary in which Phillips admitted she dissociated during the stunt — suggesting that she knew it was a traumatic experience — Brand shared a personal message in which he implored Phillips to stop looking for fulfillment in sex and online attention.
Instead, Brand urged Phillips — and everyone — to look for love in the right place: Jesus Christ.
"Lily Phillips, I can relate," Brand said. "I've not done exactly that or even those numbers, but I know what it's like to commodify sex and to look to sex for some kind of fulfillment and to use the energy of sex as some kind of commodity."
"Sometimes what I think it is is an attempt to defibrillate divinity down here on the lower levels and the lower planes. Think about how often in scripture it talks about sexual sins and Christ being the bridegroom and us [the church] being like the bride," he continued.
"I would pray that all of us that have looked for love in the wrong places are able to find what it is we're truly looking for," Brand went on to say. "Dignity, sanctity, and sacred love with one another, rather than making everything profane, everything a game, everything a like and a click and a lick."
In the end, Brand urged people to "love one another" and to "forgive one another."
"There's a way home for all of us, and by individually changing, we can change our culture to something beautiful and look for the kind of conjugation and connection that we're all really looking for," he said.
Meanwhile, Brand wrote on X, "Jesus loves Lily Phillips."
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It's true that Jesus loves Phillips, and it's true that Jesus associated himself with people that polite society had shunned, including prostitutes.
But Jesus didn't simply "hang out" with such people as if he excused their sin. The Gospels, in fact, show Jesus confronting sin, urging repentance, and offering to the contrite new life in the kingdom of God. Most important: Jesus transformed and redeemed sinners. He did not leave them in the destruction of their sin, but he invited them to find true life in him.
Jesus even declared in one famous teaching, recorded in Matthew 21:
Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you [the religious leaders].For John [the Baptizer] came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.
This radical statement gives hope to everyone, including Phillips. If we repent from our sin and follow Jesus, he will save us.
It is important, meanwhile, to observe how Phillips' stunt exposes the failure of liberal sexual ethics.
"This tragedy, I suggest, is illuminating," observed James Wood, a professor at Redeemer University.
"It is a symbolic reductio ad absurdum exposing the limits of such a consent-centered, choice-maximizing morality," he explained. "Such a framework lacks the categories to account for the deep darkness involved in such acts, the damage they bring upon oneself and society, and the multifarious forms of failure involved."
Fortunately for Phillips, you, and me, there is no deep darkness that the grace and power of Jesus Christ cannot overcome. The tomb, indeed, is empty.