Exclusive: Maricopa Elections Chief Enlisted Foreign Censorship Group In War On Disapproved Speech

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer turned to leftist groups to guide his staff on targeting speech not approved by the government.

Emails: ‘Zuckbucks’ Group Coached Madison Clerk On ‘Combating Election Misinformation’

Witzel-Behl continued to participate in CTCL's 'misinformation' programming in the months leading up to the 2024 election, emails obtained by The Federalist suggest.

ROOKE: Walz Solidifies Harris Policy Position That Would Transform Country As We Know It

Americans' free speech rights will be infringed, not by accident but as a policy decision

Adam Schiff Demands Crackdown On Election ‘Misinformation’ After He Spent Years Spreading Russia Collusion Hoax

Schiff leveraged his role as the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee to leak unsubstantiated allegations to the media about Trump's alleged involvement with Russia.

John Kerry frustrated that First Amendment protects what the World Economic Forum regards as 'disinformation'

Hillary Clinton is apparently not the only failed Democratic presidential candidate presently frustrated over the political establishment's waning narrative control.

Former Biden-Harris climate czar John Kerry noted during a World Economic Forum panel discussion on trade and so-called sustainability last week that the First Amendment remains an obstacle to being able to properly clamp down on so-called disinformation.

According to the WEF's "Global Risks Report 2024," the greatest threats facing humanity over the next two years are "misinformation and disinformation" and bad weather.

Early in the conversation about sustainability, Kerry — to whom President Joe Biden just months ago awarded the Medal of Freedom — bemoaned the loss of a "truth arbiter" in the U.S., noting that "there's no one who defines what the facts really are."

Having an authority equipped to decisively correct would-be climate heresiarchs would apparently help expedite elites' planned transition away from relatively cheap, stable, and reliable fossil fuels.

'If it wasn't for that pesky Constitution, these commies could just roll right over us.'

When responding to a question about "tackling climate misinformation," Kerry said, "Everybody's wrestling with that right now."

"I think the dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing and growing," said the former Obama secretary of state. "It's part of our problem, particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue. It's really hard to govern today."

"The referees we used to have to determine what's a fact and what isn't a fact have kind of been eviscerated, to a certain degree," continued Kerry, likely cognizant of the humiliation that regime-friendly fact-checkers have suffered in recent months. "And people go and self-select where they go for their news or for their information, and then you get into a vicious cycle."

Kerry told the other World Economic Forum panelists, "You know there's a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you're going to have some accountability on facts, et cetera. But, look, if people go to only one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda and they're putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence."

Kerry indicated that in the face of this constitutional obstacle, which Bill Gates recently intimated was only really a notional obstacle, "What we need is to ... win the ground, win the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you're free to to be able to implement change."

Kerry characterized the 2024 election as an opportunity to "break the fever" and "bring ourselves back to a regular order."

The Biden-Harris administration has worked feverishly in recent years to control the flow of information and decide for Americans what qualifies as facts.

During the pandemic, for instance, the Democratic administration leaned on social media companies to suppress and sometimes outright censor Americans' free speech, even if the speech flagged by supposed arbiters of truth — such as those at the Stanford Internet Observatory — was accurate and possibly life-saving.

The desire among Democrats to implement arbiters of truth was not unique to the pandemic.

The Biden-Harris administration also established an outfit in 2022 for the purpose of "countering misinformation related to homeland security." The Department of Homeland Security's Disinformation Governance Board, which was derided by many as a federal "Ministry of Truth," was fortunately short-lived.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. responded to Kerry's comments, writing, "John Kerry is correct. The 1st Amendment DOES stand as a major roadblock to them right now."

Country music star John Rich said, "Yea, if it wasn't for that pesky Constitution, these commies could just roll right over us. Thank you Founding Fathers, for knowing someday we'd have tyrants like John Kerry to deal with."

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) wrote, "John Kerry and other elite democrats hate the Constitution. They see it as a road block to ruling over people. As a matter of fact, that is why it was written."

The arbiters of truth for whom the former secretary of state longs would likely have taken issue with Argentine President Javier Milei's speech to the UN General Assembly last week, in which he characterized the brand of climate goals and other globalist initiatives favored by Kerry as "nothing more than a super-national socialist government program that aims to solve the problems of modernity with solutions that undermine the sovereignty of nation-states and violate the right to life, liberty, and property of individuals."

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Hillary Clinton’s latest LIE about YOU

Hillary Clinton is continuing her honorable fight against free speech and, of course, former President Donald Trump.

The twice-failed presidential candidate is now calling for criminal charges against speech she deems “misinformation.”

“I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda, and whether they should be civil or even in some cases criminally charged, is something that would be a better deterrent,” Clinton said in a recent appearance on MSNBC.

Liz Wheeler of “The Liz Wheeler Show,” is horrified, and rightfully so.

“Let’s be very clear. It is your First Amendment right to say whatever the heck you want. You can say smart things, you can say dumb things, you can say offensive things, you can even say false things. You can try to convince people that the Earth is flat, or that birds aren’t real, or that the moon landing was fake,” Wheeler says.

However, Wheeler notes that by Clinton’s own standards, she would be in trouble as well.

“Maybe we should accept Hillary’s premise for just one second, as long as the first person it applies to is her. Want to criminalize people for spreading foreign propaganda? OK, first in line to be locked up in the federal penitentiary: Hillary Clinton herself,” Wheeler says.

“Who invented the Russia, Russia, Russia, hoax? Hillary Clinton. Who commissioned Christopher Steele, a foreign spy, to write a totally false, infamous, Steele dossier used to target Donald Trump? Oh, yeah, Hillary Clinton did,” she continues, citing even more crimes by Clinton’s own standards.

“If we want to entertain Hillary Clinton’s premise for just one minute, and criminalize Americans who collude with foreign powers and spread Russian propaganda, Hillary Clinton should be thrown in jail,” she adds.

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It May Seem Impossible, But You Don’t Hate Corporate Media Nearly Enough

With their war on former President Donald Trump — and anyone who even remotely supports him — corporate media deserve your loathing.

Clinton calls for continued demonization of Trump and jailing of Americans over 'propaganda'

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton appeared on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show" Monday, encouraging fellow travelers to continue with the anti-Trump rhetoric that set the stage for two assassination attempts and recommending the prosecution of American citizens over so-called undesirable speech.

After Maddow concern-mongered without interruption for over a minute, Clinton suggested that the mainstream media's failure to "cover Trump the way that they should" has "threatened the physical safety of so many people."

Clinton was not referring to President Donald Trump, who was targeted for assassination the previous day, but rather the illegal aliens he has criticized.

'I don't understand why it's so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative.'

Clinton intimated that dissenting views are the problem — that the press should adopt a single narrative moving forward.

"I don't understand why it's so difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is," said Clinton, a proponent of the Russian collusion hoax and an advocate for punishing standout journalists who faithfully fulfilled their duty.

It's unclear how much more conformity it would take to satisfy Clinton. After all, the mainstream media has consistently attacked Trump and portrayed him in a negative light over the past eight years.

Blaze News previously reported that Pew Research showed 20% of stories in the press about Obama in his first 60 days in office were negative and 42% were positive. In Biden's first 60 days, 19% of the stories were negative; 27% were positive. In Trump's first 60 days, 62% of the stories about his presidency were negative and only 5% were positive.

A Harvard University study found that 80% of the press coverage of Trump during his first 100 days was negative.

The Media Research Center revealed last month that on CBS, NBC, and ABC, Kamala Harris was painted in a favorable light in 84% of the networks' coverage, whereas Trump was depicted negatively in 89% of their coverage, reported the New York Sun.

The coverage has not only been consistently negative but hyperbolic. The mainstream media has dutifully worked in concert with Democrats to characterize Trump as a would-be dictator or a reincarnation of Hitler.

Having apparently not learned anything from the actions of Thomas Matthew Crooks and Ryan Routh — or perhaps just enough — Clinton stressed that Americans should be "outraged by what [Trump] represents," adding that he is a "very dangerous man."

After recycling Democrats' well-worn Project 2025 falsehood and joining Maddow in once again resurrecting fears about Russian election interference, Clinton suggested that Americans engaged in what she believes constitutes foreign-sponsored "propaganda" should be "civilly or even in some cases criminally charged."

'Something makes me feel like she might be talking about some friends of mine.'

According to Clinton, clamping down on the constitutionally protected speech of Americans accused of advancing Russian talking points would "be a better deterrence because the Russians are unlikely, except in a very few cases, to ever stand trial in the United States."

Responding to Clinton's comments, Blaze Media co-founder and nationally syndicated radio host Glenn Beck said Tuesday, "Something makes me feel like she might be talking about some friends of mine. I don't know. But that seems like dangerous talk and a slippery slope."

Clinton alluded to the suggestion by some Republicans in Congress that their colleagues had parroted Russian propaganda on the House floor. She appears to be referring to Ohio Republican Rep. Mike Turner's assertion to CNN earlier this year that "there are members of Congress today who still incorrectly say that this conflict between Russia and Ukraine is over NATO, which of course it is not."

Turner, who was reportedly advancing an accusation made earlier by Rep. Mike McCaul (R-Texas), added, "To the extent that this propaganda takes hold, it makes it more difficult for us to really see this as an authoritarian versus democracy battle, which is what it is."

Americans who would dare exercise their constitutional rights to suggest that NATO expansionism was a motivating factor behind Russia's invasion would apparently be ripe for prosecution if Clinton got her way.

Clinton has been pushing for a clampdown on speech she finds undesirable for a while.

In 2021, Clinton told the Guardian, "The technology platforms are so much more powerful than any organ of the so-called mainstream press, and I do think that there has to be not just an American reckoning but a global reckoning with the disinformation, with the monopolistic power and control, with the lack of accountability that the platforms currently enjoy."

"In particular Facebook, which has the worst track record for enabling mistruths, misinformation, extremism, conspiracy, for goodness' sake, even genocide in Myanmar against the Rohingya," continued Clinton. "So governments are going to have to decide right now that the platforms have to be held to some kind of standard, and it's tricky."

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CBS News Present Leftists As ‘Experts’ To Smear Opponents As Spreading ‘Disinformation’

But undermining and discrediting election-related information isn't a new strategy for the propaganda press and its Democrat allies.

Michigan's leftist secretary of state warns local officials to certify election results or else: Video

In a new video, Jocelyn Benson, the leftist Democratic secretary of state in Michigan, warned local officials to certify election results, mocked those suspicious of government narratives, and billed the government as the arbiter of truth.

Earlier this month, Benson partnered with the Recount for a video in which Benson responded to a series of "angry election tweets." The Recount is a "far-left" outlet, according to the Midwesterner, and its website offers the tagline "No bulls**t. No bad faith. And no time wasted."

'She'd be much more at home in Nazi Germany.'

In the Recount video, Benson addressed a number of issues social media users mentioned online. One X user identified as Joan Crawford's eyebrows asked about county officials in Michigan who may not "want to certify" election results. Benson was clear: They don't have a choice.

"If someone were to violate the law and not certify the election at the local level, we will come for you," Benson said as she stared into the camera.

"So any local certifier thinking of skirting the law and not certifying the vote, don’t even think about it, because we’ll get you."

She pointed to issues in 2020 in Wayne County, where the city of Detroit is located, claiming that officials there had been "pressured" not to certify the results.

In response to a request for comment from Blaze News, Republican state Sen. Jim Runestad likewise referenced the issues in Wayne County in 2020 and claimed that the county's results were never "lawfully certified" after "71% of Detroit's absentee voter counting boards were found to be 'unbalanced.'"

"Under current law, if a local board of canvassers does not certify the results, they are not imprisoned," Runestad continued in a statement to Blaze News. "Instead, all election records are forwarded to the state board of canvassers, who then investigate and make the necessary determinations. After these determinations, the county canvassers are given the chance to certify based on the 'corrected returns.'"

In addition to threatening to possibly prosecute local election officials, Benson repeatedly mocked people who recoiled at efforts by Michigan executive officials such as herself and Attorney General Dana Nessel to limit so-called misinformation regarding elections.

When a user named Winchester Colt expressed concerns about Benson allegedly trying to "shut people up if they don't conform to the official State narrative," Benson seemed bewildered at the notion of a "state narrative" and joked, "I'm not sure what Winchester Colt had for breakfast."

But just moments after waxing ignorant about state narratives, Benson encouraged listeners to "let us know" about any "misinformation about our elections."

"That [way] we can correct it and help you get trusted information out there. Bottom line is we want everyone to to know where to find out trusted information about our elections ... so that we can protect voters from being fooled by lies about our elections processes."

Benson made a similar response to another user, Donnie Detroit, who took issue with Benson's recent attempts to convince Michiganders to "rat out their neighbors" for failing to adhere to "government sponsored truth."

"There's not government-sponsored truth," she insisted dismissively. "There's just the truth."

Yet, just a few seconds later, Benson asserted that the most "trustworthy source of information is going to be your local election official every time."

Despite presenting government as the best source for election truth, Benson still appeared surprised that Donnie Detroit denounced her obsession with people's thoughts and statements about elections and hinted that he had unfairly made her sound like a "terrible person."

"Ooh, that sure sounds awful," she said.

In response to a request for comment, Donnie Detroit noted to Blaze News that Benson never defines misinformation in the video but nevertheless "warns there's lots of it out there." He characterized such actions as "reminiscent ... of the DDR Stasi."

"Benson is in the wrong country. She'd be much more at home in Nazi Germany or in the East German's Stasi," he continued.

As Blaze News previously reported, Benson has requested that Michiganders report "misleading or inaccurate information regarding voting or elections in Michigan" to the ominous email address Misinformation@Michigan.gov.

The entire Recount video featuring Benson can be seen here. It lasts approximately 13 and a half minutes. The segment about warning county election officials begins around the 3:40 mark.

H/T: Chuck Callesto

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