The Unspoken Warning In The Durham Report: American Self-Government Is Collapsing

Without a civic life shaped and guided by Christian moral virtue, our republic will eventually descend into tyranny.

As Moral Relativism Replaces Christian Values, Americans Will Suffer More Mass Shootings

The devolution of American society began when moral relativism supplanted biblical truth in education, government, and eventually the family.

How Ditching Social Norms Guarantees Failure, Not Freedom

American society has largely abandoned universal norms — of appearance, language, and behavior — in favor of an à la carte culture.

‘What Is A Woman?’ Documentary Displays Chilling Hostility To Truth

It’s unsettling enough to confront moral relativism as an abstract idea, but it’s downright chilling to see it in real people who let it dictate their lives.
How Scenes From Kabul Play In The Post-Truth Minds Of America’s Young

How Scenes From Kabul Play In The Post-Truth Minds Of America’s Young

Like every generation, the Zoomers who end up in charge will lie about wars. But lying is made all the easier when there's no belief in truth.

How Donald J. Trump Accidentally Revived ‘Objective Truth’

At the very least, Donald J. Trump served to convince the left that objective truth does indeed exist and it does make unbending claims on all of us.