Scientists acknowledge COVID vaccines and containment protocols may have boosted excess mortality
Dutch researchers indicated in a new peer-reviewed study that COVID-19 vaccines and governmental containment policies may have boosted excess mortality in the West.
The study, published Monday in the peer-reviewed journal BMJ Public Health, explored excess all-cause deaths in 47 Western countries from 2020 to 2022. It indicated that during this period, there were 3,098,456 excess deaths: 87% of the countries under review suffered excess mortality in 2020; 89% in 2021; and 91% in 2022.
The researchers made clear that excess mortality "includes not only deaths from SARS-CoV-2 infection but also deaths related to the indirect effects of the health strategies to address the virus spread and infection."
What caught the researchers' attention was not only the persistence of high excess mortality following the pandemic but that "the highest number of excess deaths [1,256,942] was recorded" in 2021 — the year containment measures were coupled with experimental vaccination.
In 2020, when Western citizens largely only had to contend with the virus, government-limited mobility rights and shuttered schools, churches, workplaces, restaurants, and parks, there were 1,033,122 excess deaths.
In 2022, when most containment protocols had been lifted and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines was in fast decline, researchers indicated there were 808,392 excess deaths.
'This is unprecedented and raises serious concerns.'
These massive figures reflect the difference in the number of reported deaths in a country in a given year and the expected number of deaths under normal conditions. For a baseline, the Dutch researchers used Ariel Karlinsky and Dmitry Kobak's linear regression estimate model, which draws on "historical death data in a country from 2015 until 2019 and accounts for seasonal variation in mortality and year-to-year trends due to changing population structure or socioeconomic factors."
"Excess mortality has remained high in the Western World for three consecutive years, despite the implementation of COVID-19 containment measures and COVID-19 vaccines," wrote the researchers. "This is unprecedented and raises serious concerns."
"During the pandemic, it was emphasized by politicians and the media on a daily basis that every COVID-19 death mattered and every life deserved protection through containment measures and COVID-19 vaccines," continued the researchers. "In the aftermath of the pandemic, the same morale should apply."
The Dutch researchers noted at the outset of their study that while experimental COVID-19 vaccines and draconian containment measures may have been effective in protecting segments of the population — particularly those with comorbidities and the elderly — they nevertheless had "detrimental effects that cause inferior outcomes as well."
"Although COVID-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the COVID-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well," wrote the researchers.
The secondary analysis of the placebo-controlled, phase III randomized clinical trials of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines showed that the Pfizer trial had a 36% higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group. The risk difference was 18.0 per 10000 vaccinated (95% CI 1.2 to 34.9), and the risk ratio was 1.36 (95% CI 1.02 to 1.83). The Moderna trial had a 6% higher risk of serious adverse events among vaccine recipients. The risk difference was 7.1 per 10,000 vaccinated (95% CI −23.2 to 37.4), and the risk ratio was 1.06 (95% CI 0.84 to 1.33).39. By definition, these serious adverse events lead to either death, are life-threatening, require inpatient (prolongation of) hospitalization, cause persistent/significant disability/incapacity, concern a congenital anomaly/birth defect or include a medically important event according to medical judgement.
Previous comparisons of established flu vaccines to the novel mRNA vaccines — which the Dutch researchers indicated have been classed in multiple French studies as "gene therapy products requiring long-term stringent adverse events monitoring" — have revealed the latter to carry a far higher risk of serious adverse reactions.
'Both medical professionals and citizens have reported serious injuries and deaths following vaccination.'
COVID-19 vaccines have also been linked to various ailments, including heart disease, blood clots, hemorrhages, gut issues, thromboses, myocarditis, pericarditis, and autoimmune diseases. A number of these linkages have been well-demonstrated and even admitted by pharmaceutical giants, as in the case of AstraZeneca.
The Dutch researchers indicated that some of the risks these experimental vaccines carry were realized overtime outside of clinical trials: "Both medical professionals and citizens have reported serious injuries and deaths following vaccination to various official databases in the Western World, such as VAERS in the USA, EudraVigilance in the European Union and Yellow Card Scheme in the UK."
The researchers framed the dangers posed by the vaccines as even more troubling given the understanding that the threat posed by the virus was overblown.
The pre-vaccination infection fatality rate for persons over 60 was reportedly 0.03% and the rate was 0.07% for those over 70. It posed virtually no threat to people ages 19 and younger, who alternatively faced an infection fatality rate of 0.0003%.
Gordon Wishart, chief medical officer at Check4Cancer, told the Telegraph, "The authors are correct to point out that many vaccine-related serious adverse events may have been unreported, and point to the fact that the simultaneous onset of excess mortality and Covid vaccination in Germany is worthy of further investigation on its own."
Just as the vaccines were nowhere near as "safe and effective" as promised, the supposed health safety protocols appear to have had an inverse effect.
The study acknowledged that it is challenging to differentiate between the various causes of excess mortality, particularly because national mortality registries "not only vary in quality and thoroughness but may also not accurately document the cause of death," and there was a lack of consensus in the medical community on whether to label deaths of persons infected with COVID-19 but not caused by the disease as COVID-19 fatalities.
However, they appeared confident enough to assert that "indirect effects of containment measures have likely altered the scale and nature of disease burden for numerous causes of death since the pandemic," citing a study that indicated there was a "substantial increase" in American deaths attributed to non-COVID causes in the first two years of the pandemic.
American heart disease deaths were apparently 6% above baseline in 2020 and 2021. Diabetes deaths were 17% over baseline in 2020 and 13% over in 2021. Alzheimers disease mortality was up 19% in 2020 and 15% in 2021. Alcohol-related deaths were 28% over baseline in 2020 and up 33% in 2021. Drug-related deaths were 33% over baseline in 2020 and up 54% in 2022.
The study noted that "lockdowns, school closures, physical distancing, travel restructions, business closures, stay-at-home orders, curfews, and quarantine measures with contract tracing" had numerous adverse indirect effects such as "economic damage, limited access to education, food insecurity, child abuse, limited access to healthcare, disrupted health programmes and mental health challenges" that increased morbidity and mortality from other causes.
The researchers concluded by recommending policymakers and government officials to "thoroughly investigate underlying causes of persistent excess mortality and evaluate their health crisis policies."
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Rate of American babies dying before their first birthdays increases for the first time in 20 years
The Biden administration announced another bleak signal for life in the United States this week. The rate accounting for the number of babies to die before their first birthdays jumped 3% in 2022 — the first year-to-year increase since 2002, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The CDC indicated that the infant mortality rate was 5.44 in 2021. Last year, the rate was 5.6. The total number of reported infant deaths in 2022 was 20,538, up 610 from the previous year.
Referencing infant birth and death certificates collected from all states and the District of Columbia by the National Center for Health Statistics, the CDC concluded there were increases from 2021 to 2022 more or less across the board. Some of the most significant increases were seen among baby boys, whose mortality rate leaped from 5.83 deaths per 1,000 to 6.06; among premature babies, those who had been in the womb for fewer than 37 weeks and 34 weeks; and among infants of women ages 25-29.
For babies under a month old, the mortality rate increased 3%, from 3.49 to 3.58. For post-neonatal babies, there was a 4% increase, from 1.95 to 2.02.
There were also increases in mortality rates for babies of all races, except for Asians, who saw a decrease from 3.69 to 3.5.
Over 30 states saw rises in the number of babies who didn't make it to their first birthdays.
The top five causes of death provided, in order, were congenital malformations; short gestation and low birth weight; sudden infant death syndrome; accidents; and maternal complications of pregnancy. Among the causes, there were glaring year-over-year increases in the number of deaths by "maternal complications" and bacterial sepsis, 9% and 14%, respectively.
Dr. Eric Eichenwald, a Philadelphia-based neonatologist, told the Associated Press the data was "disturbing," suggesting that experts can presently only speculate as to the cause behind the sharp increase in infant mortality.
Sandy Chung, the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, told CNN, "The infant mortality rate in this country in unacceptable."
Chung intimated that race and poverty might be factors.
"We know that for people who live in or near poverty and for certain racial and ethnic groups there are significant challenges with getting access to a doctor or getting treatments," said Chung, "This can lead to moms and babies showing up for care when they are sicker and more likely have serious outcomes, even death."
Rachel Hardeman, a leftist professor of health who refers to pregnant mothers as "birthing people," was more explicit in her speculation, suggesting racism and marginalization were might be to blame even though most racial groups saw spikes in infant mortality.
Tracey Wilkinson, an associate professor of pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine, suggested to ABC News that what may have instead driven the increases in infant deaths were post-Roe limits on abortion.
"Any pregnancy that is intended and planned tends to be a healthier outcome and healthy infant outcome," said Wilkinson. "So when you remove the ability for people to decide if and when to have families and continue pregnancies, ultimately, you are having more pregnancies continue that don't have all those factors in place."
Pat Gabbe, a clinical professor of pediatrics at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, told NBC News one factor may have been that mothers did not receive proper medical care on account of pandemic protocols.
"Every time we've measured infant mortality, it has trended down, and what’s changed? COVID. It's disrupted all the community support we developed that helped women access prenatal care," said Gabbe.
The infant mortality rate is not the only concerning metric to be released in recent months.
In March, the Journal of the American Medical Association published research that revealed the mortality rate for minors ages 1 through 19 jumped by nearly 20% between 2019 and 2021 — a spike that could not reportedly be attributed to the COVID-19 virus.
Between 2019 and 2021, the mortality rate for youths ages 1 through 19 increased by 10.7%. For the same demographic, the mortality rate jumped an additional 8.3% between 2020 and 2021.
The researchers noted that "this reversal in the pediatric mortality trajectory was caused not by COVID-19, but by injuries."
While the CDC has yet to release its estimates for 2022, it indicated last summer that the life expectancy for the U.S. population dropped in 2021 to its lowest in over two decades.
Blaze News reported that the data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics indicated that men can expect to live 73.2 years, down from 74.2 years in 2020. Women can expect to live 79.1 years, down from 79.9 two years ago. This 5.9-year delta between life expectancy for men and women is the highest it has been in over 25 years.
COVID-19 deaths accounted for half of the negative contributions of cause-specific death rates to the decline that occurred from 2020 to 2021.
Among the other negative contributions to the decline were unintentional injuries (14.9%); heart disease (4.1%); chronic liver disease and cirrhosis (3%); and suicide (2.1%).
Not only have mortality rates spiked and life expectancy dropped, but Americans now stand a better chance than ever before of dying alone. Whereas in 1960 just 13% of American households had a single occupant, that number has nearly trebled such that 26 million Americans 50 or older may face aging and death alone.
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Transvestites taking confusion-affirming hormones face up to 93% greater likelihood of heart disease
The cross-sex hormone therapies Democrats and other leftists want to make sure youths can access aren't just deformative and destabilizing, but deadly.
A new study published in the European Journal of Endocrinology revealed that male transvestites taking feminizing hormones are 93% more likely to suffer heart disease than other men. Female transvestites taking testosterone are 63% more suffer heart disease than other women.
Lead author Dr. Dorte Glintborg of Denmark's Odense University Hospital noted in a 2021 study that "epidemiological studies in transgender women reported increased risk of acute myocardial infarction and stroke during feminizing treatment, whereas long-term, controlled studies regarding feminizing treatment and risk of arterial CVD are lacking."
In an apparent follow-up last month, Glintborg determined that male transvestites taking cross-sex hormones were nearly twice as likely to suffer from any cardiovascular disease as men not taking hormones, reported the Telegraph.
While men are especially at risk, all individuals undergoing cross-sex conversion therapy face "significantly increased risk" of heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels.
Glintborg and her team reportedly tracked the health of 2,671 transvestites from Denmark — 1,270 of whom were women and 1,402 of whom were men — over a five-year period. The average age for the men was 26 and the average age for the women in the study was 22. Over 1,000 appear to have undergone a legal sex change.
Relative to the incidence of heart disease in a control group of 26,700 people, male transvestites taking estrogen were 93% more likely to suffer the ailment than men not on feminizing hormones and 73% more likely to suffer the ailment than women.
On the flip side, women taking testosterone were found to be 63% more likely than women not taking the hormone and twice as likely as men to develop some form of heart disease.
"Cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes were more prevalent in transgender persons compared to controls. Gender-affirming hormone therapy exposure could contribute to the elevated cardiovascular risk in transgender men, assigned female at birth," the researchers concluded. "Future studies will be able to bring further knowledge regarding mechanisms for higher cardiovascular risk in transgender men and women."
Glintborg, who runs her hospital's endocrinology department, presented her findings this week at the Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes.
She noted a possible silver lining for female transvestites, stating, "While increased rates of cardiovascular disease might normally go hand-in-hand with increased rates of diabetes, for trans men (assigned female at birth AFAB), use of testosterone usually increases lean body mass and this could be protecting against an increased risk of diabetes," reported Medical Xpress.
Conversely, for male transvestites, "hormone treatments such as estrogen will increase fat mass and lower lean body mass, and increased estrogen is usually associated with increased risk of autoimmune disease and inflammation," said Glintborg, adding, "Some studies found a higher risk of type 2 diabetes in transgender women, but this could not be confirmed by others."
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CDC Data Suggest Lockdowns Could Kill As Many People As COVID
COVID has clearly been devastating. But our reaction has turned a bad pandemic into an unrivaled self-inflicted national disaster.
New study: Drugs caused DOUBLE the official death count in 2016
Just how bad is the drug crisis? A new study finds that when all direct and indirect harms of drug use are factored in, the real number of drug-related fatalities in 2016 was 141,695, 2.2 times the official tally of drug-coded deaths (63,600) published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
The study, funded by the University of Pennsylvania and Georgetown University, found that by examining the increase in midlife mortality relative to the expected baseline decrease that should have continued between 2010 and 2016, one can conclude that 141,695 people aged 15-65 lost their lives early in 2016 due to drug use.
“In the absence of drug use, we estimate that the probability of dying between ages 15 and 65 would have continued to decline after 2010 among men (from 16.2% in 2010 to 15.4% in 2016) and would have remained at a low level (9.9% in 2010, 10.0% in 2016) among women,” write co-authors Dana A. Glei and Samuel H. Preston. Glei and Preston are both professors of sociology and demography at Princeton University who have written extensively about mortality trends.
While the CDC estimates 63,000 drug fatalities in 2016, those are the people found dead as the result of an immediate drug overdose, as reported by state toxicology reports. Glei and Preston write that “in addition to its direct effect on deaths from poisoning, drug use may inflate mortality resulting from infectious diseases, respiratory diseases, external causes, mental/behavioral disorders, digestive diseases, circulatory diseases, and neoplasms.” Suicide is also a big factor in many deaths that are not reported as drug-related but are indirectly caused by drug addiction.
The impetus for studying decreased life expectancy as a whole, rather than limiting the scope of research on drug deaths to toxicology reports on drug poisoning, stems from the shockingly sad government and private reports showing life expectancy sliding backward in recent years due to the drug crisis. According to a 2018 report by the National Center for Health Statistics, life expectancy declined from 78.9 years for those born in 2014 to 78.7 years in 2015, then decreased again between 2016 and 2017 to the current 78.6 years. That is simply astounding given the advancement of medical technology. It’s the first time life expectancy rates have declined since the outbreak of the influenza epidemic during World War I.
In addition to drug poisoning deaths skyrocketing, deaths due to suicide and liver disease are also on the rise, which lends credence to the premise that the rising tide of drug addiction is likely increasing other illnesses and suicide. Rises in midlife mortality rates, according to Reuters, were most acute in New Hampshire, 23.3%; West Virginia, 23.0%; Ohio, 21.6%; Maine, 20.7%; Vermont; 19.9%, Indiana; 14.8% and Kentucky, 14.7%; These are all states that top the list of drug overdose crisis states.
Using elaborate statistical modeling, the authors of this new study conclude: “In terms of life expectancy beyond age 15, we estimate that drug use cost men 1.4 years and women 0.7 years, on average. In the hardest-hit state (West Virginia), drug use cost men 3.6 and women 1.9 life years.”
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