Weiss Indictment Parrots Bogus Claim That A Chinese Felon Paid Hunter Biden $1M For Legal Representation

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Screenshot-2023-12-11-at-6.17.58 AM-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//thefederalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Screenshot-2023-12-11-at-6.17.58%5Cu202fAM-1200x675.png%22%7D" expand=1]Hunter Biden’s claim that the $1 million payment was 'a retainer' for his representation of Patrick Ho is unbelievable.

James Biden’s Role In The Biden Access-For-Hire Operation Shows It Was A Family Affair

James Biden's participation shows just how much of a family affair the scandal is, with Joe Biden, the family's 'only asset,' at the top.

Hunter Biden Described Client As China’s ‘Chief Of Intelligence,’ New Text Shows

Hunter Biden described one of his business associates as the 'chief of intelligence' of China's communist government, new text messages show.

Joe Biden’s Voicemail To Hunter Means It’s Time To Appoint A Special Counsel

This latest development in the Biden family pay-to-play scandal provides further proof a special counsel is needed to oversee the ongoing criminal probe.

The Biden Family Racket Is Everything Leftists Fabricated About The Trumps, And Media Are Crickets

The real scandal isn't about Trump, it's about the legacy media's lack of coverage of the Biden family's shady dealings.

U.S. Senators Reveal CCP-Controlled Company Funneled Millions To Biden Family To Represent ‘Spy Chief Of China’

Americans must 'seriously consider the implications [of] the Biden family’s vast web of foreign financial entanglements' on national security.

Senators Release Receipts Showing Direct Payments From Foreign Oligarchs To Hunter Biden

These receipts further reveal 'the extent to which President Biden might be -- and almost certainly is -- compromised.'