NY Times reporter: 'Intensity of tweets' from conservatives 'looking to amplify/draw attention to' Philly looting is 'remarkable.' So is the backlash.

New York Times investigative reporter Eric Lipton noted Wednesday how conservatives were reacting on Twitter to Philadelphia looting on the heels of the fatal police shooting Walter Wallace Jr., a black man, who approached officers while reportedly armed with a knife Monday:

Watching my Twitter feed since last night very notable the intensity of tweets from conservative voices looking to… https://t.co/yMk4rZvRWf
— Eric Lipton (@Eric Lipton)1603885768.0

"Watching my Twitter feed since last night very notable the intensity of tweets from conservative voices looking to amplify/draw attention to looting in Phila," Lipton tweeted. "Yes it happened. NYT covered it as well. Just remarkable how conservatives want to elevate it."

What did folks react to the tweet?

While left-leaning commenters naturally backed up Lipton's observation, others didn't appreciate the reporter's dismay in regard to a legitimate angle of a legitimate news story, regardless of who is negatively portrayed:

  • "It is telling that progressives don't think it is particularly newsworthy when an American city is lit on fire and looted," one commenter said.
  • "Yes - you're right. It is very notable how 'conservative voices' tell people the truth while liberal media tries to hide it," another commenter noted.
  • "They are burning the city and no one should mention it on a mass social media site?" one user added. "My God the cover work must be exhausting."
  • "Sorry but your efforts to suppress the facts won't work here," another user noted. "We all know exactly what happens in Democratic run cities like Philadelphia where police are told to stand down and violence is allowed to fester. The Democrats are the party of violence."
  • "What a pompous response to the people who have had their business destroyed," another commenter said.

One commenter floated the following zinger:

Image source: Twitter

Anything else?

In case certain news organizations are doing their best to not "amplify/draw attention to" looting in Philadelphia, perhaps you'll find it enlightening to know that the city's deputy police commissioner reportedly obstructed the police response to the looting.

WTXF-TV reporter Steve Keeley tweeted Wednesday morning that police officers were "extremely frustrated" after Deputy Police Commissioner Melvin Singleton allegedly ordered both patrol and commanding officers to "not arrest looters just disperse them."

"By the order of CAR-2, Philadelphia Police will respond to 'priority' calls only," the alleged directive from the department obtained by Keeley said. "This means no calls for disturbance, missing person, stolen vehicle, burglary or theft will be answered."

Keeley added that some officers believe the order "leaves no deterrent to stop looting."

Philadelphia Protest: Looting, Vandalism Marks Second Night of Unrestyoutu.be

Philadelphia DA warns President Trump on election poll-watchers: 'Break the law here, and I've got something for you.'

The district attorney in Philadelphia issued a fiery statement warning President Donald Trump about supporting uncertified poll watchers for the election.

Larry Krasner issued the statement on Wednesday as a third night of violent protests were expected to erupt in the historic city.

"The Trump Administration's efforts to suppress votes amid a global pandemic fueled by their disregard for human life will not be tolerated in the birthplace of American democracy. Philadelphians from a diversity of political opinions believe strongly in the rule of law, in fair and free elections, and in a democratic system of government. We will not be cowed or ruled by a lawless, power-hungry despot. Some folks learned that the hard way in the 1700s," read the statement.

Krasner went on blame the president for coronavirus pandemic deaths, and then addressed the rioting over the lethal police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr., a black man.

"Philadelphians are grieving the fatal shooting by police of a Black man who appeared to be in mental health crisis. Instead of working with cities and states to improve accountability and efficacy in policing, instead of supporting and strengthening Black communities, the Trump Administration seeks to throw gasoline on a long-burning fire in order to provoke further unrest and violence ahead of an election he is terrified to lose," he said.

Krasner then said his office was pursuing serious charges against a suspect who allegedly ran over a police sergeant, seriously injuring her, during the protests.

"My office is also investigating the police shooting death of Walter Wallace, Jr., because justice demands accountability for every death at the hands of government actors — whether on the streets or in prisons or in the ICE facilities where Donald Trump is caging children," he added.

"Keep your Proud Boys, goon squads, and uncertified 'poll watchers' out of our city, Mr. President. Break the law here, and I've got something for you," Krasner concluded.

The Trump campaign had said they were prepared to sue the city over their lack of cooperation with the insertion of "poll watchers" for the election. The president tweeted about the issue in September.

Wow. Won’t let Poll Watchers & Security into Philadelphia Voting Places. There is only one reason why. Corruption!!… https://t.co/mkWsQx48e7
— Donald J. Trump (@Donald J. Trump)1601414045.0

Krasner said during an interview on Democracy Now! that the law would apply to any federal officers that the president might send to the city and if they attempted to arrest people without probable cause that he would press charges against them and litigate the issue as a crime. He went on to say that he believed Trump was a "wannabe fascist," during the interview.

Here's more about Kresner's threats:

Philly DA Larry Krasner: Trump Is a “Wannabe Fascist." I Will Charge His Agents If They Break Lawwww.youtube.com

Report: Philadelphia PD ordered officers not to arrest rioters and looters — just disperse them — as city was ransacked

As looters and rioters ransacked the city of Philadelphia again Tuesday night in response to the deadly police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr., the city police's response was reportedly obstructed by their own deputy commissioner.

WTXF-TV reporter Steve Keeley tweeted Wednesday morning that police officers were "extremely frustrated" after Deputy Police Commissioner Melvin Singleton allegedly ordered both patrol and commanding officers to "not arrest looters just disperse them."

"By the order of CAR-2, Philadelphia Police will respond to 'priority' calls only," the alleged directive from the department obtained by Keeley said. "This means no calls for disturbance, missing person, stolen vehicle, burglary or theft will be answered."

Keeley added that some officers believe the order "leaves no deterrent to stop looting."

It was not immediately clear if and when the order became effective, as police made at least 90 arrests, most for burglary, during Monday's riots. However, Keeley's tweet seems to indicate that the order was given heading into Tuesday night.

Yesterday when police announced the number of arrests in the Mon-Tues looting,charges were for “burglary”. And in… https://t.co/EIkUUGP7Lv
— Steve Keeley (@Steve Keeley)1603890736.0

Rioters first took to the streets Monday night after video of 27-year-old Wallace's death went viral on social media. In the video, Wallace appeared to be walking toward police as they yell at him and eventually open fire. The officers said that Wallace was carrying a knife and refused to drop it as he approached them.

Philadelphia police reported that on Monday night alone at least 30 officers were injured amid the chaos and lawlessness. Videos on social media showed rioters and looters facing little resistance as they burnt property and ransacked shops.

BlazeTV's Elijah Schaffer recorded Black Lives Matter protesters chanting, "Every city, every town, burn the precincts to the ground!"

Schaffer was later attacked by a mob while recording looters inside a Philadelphia Five Below store, resulting in a bloody mouth and swollen lip.

Schaffer described the assault in a video posted on Twitter, in which he said he "was jumped by BLM rioters while they were looting more than a dozen stores, including Wal-Matt [sic], T-Mobile, & 5-below."

PHILADELPHIA: This is the footage I was recording when BLM assaulted me. Other journalists were filming but I was… https://t.co/Jz69QaFImN

Walter Wallace Jr.'s family condemns violence and looting in Philadelphia, begs for justice and peace

The family of Walter Wallace Jr., calling for justice and peace, denounced the violence and looting taking place in Philadelphia after video of the deadly police shooting went viral.

"I don't condone no violence, tearing up the city, looting up the stores, and all this chaos going," Walter Wallace Sr. said Tuesday night. "I would like that everybody having respect for my family and my son to stop this violent and chaos, what's going on in the city."

Speaking to reporters, Wallace Sr. asked for answers on the police shooting of his 27-year-old son, which was captured on bodycam footage. According to the Wallace family, police had visited their home three times on Monday. They said the younger Wallace suffered from mental health problems for years and that night the family called 911 for an ambulance but instead, the police arrived.

Police fatally shot Wallace, who was reportedly armed with a knife, after he allegedly strode toward the officers and refused to drop the knife.

"I was telling the police to stop, don't shoot my son. They paid me no mind and they just shot him," said Cathy Wallace, the deceased's mother.

"Justice got to be done to help my son and help my family," Wallace Sr. told WTXF-TV. "That's all I'm sending out, is an S.O.S. to help, and not to hurt and cause no chaos, violent looting, fire ... I wasn't brought up like that."

In the aftermath of the deadly shooting, riots have erupted in Philadelphia. More than 30 police officers were injured Monday as police are being targeted for assault. Looters are taking advantage of the chaos as well to rob Philadelphia stores. BlazeTV reporter Elijah Schaffer was assaulted inside a Philadelphia store while covering the violence.

The Wallace family has repeatedly called for peace.

"I ain't got time to loot, burn up, and destroy where I live. It's uncalled for, it really, really is and the people doing it ain't helping my family. They are showing disrespect," Wallace Sr. said.

In a statement released Wednesday morning, the White House announced it is prepared to deploy federal resources to stop the violence at the request of Pennsylvania officials.

"The riots in Philadelphia are the most recent consequence of the Liberal Democrats' war against the police," the Trump administration said.

"All lethal force incidents must be fully investigated. The facts must be followed wherever they lead to ensure fair and just results. In America, we resolve conflicts through the courts and the justice system. We can never allow mob rule," the statement said. "The Trump administration stands proudly with law enforcement, and stands ready, upon request, to deploy any and all Federal resources to end these riots."

A statement from Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris expressed sympathy for the Wallace family, while condemning the violence in Philadelphia.

"Walter Wallace's life, like too many others', was a Black life that mattered — to his mother, to his family, to his community, to all of us," the statement said in part. "At the same time, no amount of anger at the very real injustices in our society excuses violence. Attacking police officers and vandalizing small businesses, which are already struggling during a pandemic, does not bend the moral arc of the universe closer to justice. It hurts our fellow citizens. Looting is not a protest, it is a crime."

Biden and Harris attacked President Trump in their statement.

"All Donald Trump does is fan the flames of division in our society. He is incapable of doing the real work to bring people together. We will," they said.

BLM protesters chant 'Every city, every town, burn the precincts to the ground!' as second night of Philadelphia riots erupt

Black Lives Matter protesters in Philadelphia were recorded reciting a violent anti-police chant during the second night of rioting over the deadly police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr. on Monday.

The protesters' chant was recorded by Blaze TV reporter Elijah Schaffer, who was told to stop recording shortly after capturing the video.

“Every city, every town, burn the (police) precincts to the ground” BLM chants in the streets of Philadelphia and… https://t.co/bu7QL4y6tH

"Every city, every town, burn the precincts to the ground!" They chanted on the video before the frame jerks as an Antifa girl hits his camera. She is heard saying, "Stop filming!"

Protesters immediately mobilized after video of the police shooting of 27-year-old Wallace went viral on social media.

The video shows Wallace walking toward police as they yell at him and eventually shoot him. Police say he was armed with a knife and allegedly had it out as he approached them and ignored their commands.

Philadelphia erupted in violent protests and looting caught on social media that evening. On Tuesday, the rioting sparked up again with more videos of looting across the city.

Earlier in the evening, Schaffer documented some of the protesters, which he estimated at 400, marching through the streets.

PHILLY: 400+ BLM, Antifa, socialists, & angry citizens are marching through neighborhoods right now to protest th… https://t.co/2MxwQb814g

Looters have reportedly struck at a Foot Locker, a Five Below store and a Walmart.

BREAKING: looting is taking place all around Philadelphia. This is a five below store being ransacked by black live… https://t.co/H79bxt53Fd
— TheBlaze (@TheBlaze)1603849082.0

More than 30 officers were hurt in the rioting on Monday, including a 56-year-old sergeant who was intentionally struck by a truck racing through an intersection with police officers attending to the riot. She suffered a broken leg as well as other injuries, police said.

More than 90 people were arrested during the rioting on Monday, most of which were charged with burglary, while 11 were arrested for assault on a police officer.

Here's news video of looting in Philadelphia on Tuesday:

Chopper 6 over looting in Philadelphia following the police shooting death of Walter Wallace Jr.www.youtube.com