What Socrates Would Say About Whether To Wear A Mask

Socrates tells the jury that actions born of the fear of death are the most blameworthy, and our world today is in desperate need of that message.

Next Time You’re Sparring With A Leftist, Try Asking A Question

Conservatives cornered in spaces of conformist ideology would do well to master the powerful rhetorical weapon of Socrates.

No, Free Speech Doesn’t Mean Porn In Schools

Free speech is not freedom to degrade public morals and destroy the order necessary for liberty. Some speech is beyond the pale.

Why Homeschooling Is The Most Effective Political Resistance

When the left calls homeschoolers ‘reactionary,’ we should take it as a compliment: Our actions are hindering their goals.

Codevilla’s Final Work: Stopping The Decay Of Western Civilization Begins With A Great Educational Reset

Problems with education bespeak civilizational ones, of which the phenomenon of Davos Man is but one manifestation.

This Author’s Intricately Designed Picture Books Seek To Cultivate Children’s Souls

In a culture that teaches children they can choose what they are meant to be, Matthew Mehan's latest picture book couldn't be more timely.

To Further Politicize Curriculum, Teachers Are Dumping More Classic Literature

The woke left rejects Homer, and the rest of the Western canon, because they hate any art that doesn’t reinforce their narrow-minded ideology.