Help Wanted: RNC Needs Poll Workers To Protect The Vote

With 165,000 volunteers, the RNC’s ground game hinges on organizing more Republicans to work the polls.

A New ‘Election Integrity Minded’ Coalition Is Helming The Georgia Elections Board

[rebelmouse-proxy-image AM-1200x675.jpg crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" expand=1]The Georgia elections board has shown a lack of enthusiasm for addressing election integrity concerns. But now this appears to be shifting.

Lawsuit: Arizona’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Elections Manual Criminalizes Free Speech, Disenfranchises Voters

'The Vote Nullification Provision is particularly problematic ... given Arizona’s status nationally as both a swing and potentially tipping-point state.'

In Nevada’s Pivotal Clark County, Election Transparency Misses The Mark

Clark County election officials need to do more to assure transparency and accountability before the 2024 election.

‘We Have The Army’: Pennsylvania Grassroots Eager For Direction As RNC Trains Poll Watchers

'We've got a big army of door knockers, poll workers, committee people. We'd like to hear what the Trump campaign is going to be doing,' said Andy Meehan.

All The Money Trump Just Raised Won’t Matter If It’s Not Spent Turning Out Voters

Trump raised more than $50 million in 24 hours after his show trial conviction. But it means nothing if it's not spent turning out voters.

How To Talk To Your Normie Neighbor About Election Integrity

You don't have to be a legal expert to understand these fundamental things about what makes elections free and secure.

Georgia Achieves Major Election Integrity Wins In Recently Wrapped Legislative Session

A proposal that would have given the State Election Board the power to investigate Georgia’s secretary of state died a painful death, however.

Georgia Legislature Tackles Key Election Integrity Measures Before Session Ends

A Peach State elections watchdog believes a package of transparency and ballot security provisions would be huge election integrity wins.

Virginia Democrats Behind ‘Harassment’ Bill Really Want To Make Election Oversight A ‘Hate Crime’

SB 364 arrives as Democrats push the narrative that conservatives are a threat to democracy at large and election workers in particular.