Left-Wing Financial Apparatus Pumped Millions Into Organization Hosting Terrorist Front Group 'Masquerade as charitable actors'
Rashida Tlaib Speaks At Conference Endorsed By Founding Member Of Palestinian Terrorist Group 'Where's your red line, President Biden?
Congressman Asks Attorney General, Secretary of Treasury To Investigate Funds Raised By Left-Wing Charity Platform, Citing Terror Concerns 'If this is true, then there are Americans that are fundraising and raising money for terrorist organizations that want to destroy Israel'
FACT CHECK: No, Millions Of Households In UK Are Not Being Asked To Shut Off Power As Part Of Energy Secretary’s Plan checkyourfact.com
FACT CHECK: No, Arnold Schwarzenegger Did Not Wear Shirt That Reads, ‘I Didn’t Vote For The McFelon’ checkyourfact.com
‘They Hate Trump’: Bill O’Reilly Says Major Cable Company Is Throwing MSNBC ‘Overboard’ To Protect Reputation dailycaller.com
Catholic Joe Biden Awards Medal To Former Planned Parenthood Head Who Oversaw Hundreds Of Thousands Of Abortions dailycaller.com