Charging Daycares For Flooding Parks With Kids Is Only A Band-Aid Solution

My kids and I don't enjoy being in a park, indoor garden, or play space with teeming mobs of largely unsupervised young children.

You’d Be Surprised Which States Persecute Religious Schools And Charities

States throughout the country, including some red states, are breaking the law by persecuting religious schools and charities.

Democrats’ Massive Entitlement Plans Include Banning Christians From Government Childcare

Research shows programs that separate small children from their parents reduce children's learning and increase their aggression, risky behavior, and later likelihood of committing crimes.

7 Exorbitant Welfare Proposals Packed Into Biden’s ‘American Family Plan’

Biden's American Family Plan would doll out free college, free child care, free meals, and more. But does the math add up? Nope.