Pro-Palestinian students can’t name the ‘river’ or ‘sea’ they’re chanting about

College students were quizzed by social media influencer Zach Sage Fox, and despite offering them a $100 prize for correct answers, they weren’t able to pull it off.

“Have you guys chanted, ‘From the river to the sea'?” Fox asks one student, who answers, “Yes.”

“Okay, which river? Which sea?” He presses. This particular student is attending Sarah Lawrence, where the tuition is over $85,000 a year.

“She knows it's Jordan and Mediterranean,” Pat Gray says. “She knows that.”

“Because the state of education right now, with Biden in office, is so good that you would think she’d immediately know,” he jokes.

While Gray had hope, the girl, who was holding a pro-Palestinian sign, did not know the answer.

“What does Hamas say their number one goal is according to their charter?” Fox asked another pro-Palestinian student.

“They just want to free Palestine,” the student answers. “No,” Fox says. “Murder all Jews around the world.”

“How many years did Israel occupy Gaza?” he asks more students, who all get it wrong.

“It was actually under Egyptian control for the first twenty or so years, and then Israel actually left Gaza in 2006,” Fox explains to the clueless students, before asking one of the most chilling questions of all.

“How much have our foreign adversaries donated to American universities in the last decade?” he asks, to which again, no one knows the answer. “The answer was over six billion,” he says.

“That says everything right there. You don’t think they have influence over your kid’s education?” Keith Malinak says.

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Blaze News original: Furious, fed-up commuters take matters into their own hands when leftist protesters block their way

We've seen in recent years radical leftists shutting down traffic — particularly during morning and evening rush hour — with greater and greater regularity.

Check out some of their exploits here and here and here. In the last example, pro-Palestinian protesters stopped their cars on a major bridge in a coordinated fashion to halt the movement of traffic — and then tossed their car keys into the water. That stunt necessitated tow trucks to move 29 cars off the bridge, adding significantly to the delay before normal traffic flow could resume.

Video shows motorists grabbing and tossing away protesters' signs, dragging leftists from the line they formed across the traffic lanes — and one driver is seen wrestling a protester on the hood of a car before knocking him to the freeway surface.

Nope, they're not likely winning many allies for their causes among the stranded.

One of their opponents is none other than Democrat U.S. Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, who — among the growing number non-woke things he's said lately — declared last month that "blocking a bridge or berating folks in Starbucks isn't righteous, it just makes you an asshole."

In most cases, those whose lives and livelihoods are delayed and jeopardized by left-wing traffic blockers simply stay in their vehicles and accept the hassle.

But there are limits.

The following dozen examples show what can happen when commuters get fed up with protesters getting in their way — and take matters into their own hands:

LA rush-hour motorists in no mood to play, put the smackdown on pro-Palestinian protesters blocking freeway

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If the pro-Palestinian protesters who blocked traffic on the 110 Freeway in Los Angeles during rush hour last December thought they'd emerge unscathed, they were not thinking clearly. Indeed, angry drivers exited their cars and got physical with the leftists. Video shows motorists grabbing and tossing away protesters' signs, dragging leftists from the line they formed across traffic lanes — and one driver is seen wrestling a protester on the hood of a car before knocking him to the freeway surface. Traffic was shut down for more than an hour; police made 75 arrests.

Antifa militants block intersection; 1 jumps on car's hood. Driver, reportedly an elderly man, hits the gas, goes right through them — and with militant still on hood

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On May Day 2021, Antifa was up to its predictable antics, and a group of about 20 black-clad militants formed a complete blockade of a Seattle intersection just before 11 p.m. But one driver decided to not turn around or otherwise capitulate — and moved the vehicle forward. After one Antifa member jumped on the car's hood, the driver — perhaps deciding it would be wiser to get away immediately rather than endure property damage or worse — sped right through the black-uniformed swarm. The driver also did so with the Antifa militant still atop the hood. Conservative commentator Jason Rantz of KTTH-AM said the driver was was elderly male, and the individual on the hood was a female who claimed she was injured but nevertheless got arrested; still, Rantz said she wasn't being booked.

Viral video shows woman confronting climate protesters blocking traffic — and dragging one off the road by her hair

Last July a German woman went viral on social media after a video showed her grabbing the hair of a climate activist blocking traffic — and dragging the female activist off a road. The dragged-away protester was undeterred, however, going back to sit in front of traffic again — but she soon was dragged away a second time. Transport Minister Volker Wissing said the protesters — part of Letzte Generation, or the Last Generation — aren't protecting the climate; instead he said they're "engaged in criminal activity."

Motorist navigates around apparently unsanctioned protest — and leftists blocking traffic absolutely lose it

This late 2021 protest took place in downtown Minneapolis outside a courthouse where the trial for Kim Potter — a Brooklyn Center police officer who fatally shot Daunte Wright during a traffic stop months before — was taking place, WCCO-TV reported. But when a motorist managed to navigate through the protesters blocking traffic, the enraged leftists screamed bloody murder as they climbed atop, pounded on, and chased the car. Potter ultimately was convicted of manslaughter and served 16 months in prison before her April 2023 release.

'Extinction Rebellion' protester stands atop London train, delaying furious commuters — so they drag him right off it

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No, it didn't happen on a roadway — or in the U.S. But rest assured, more than a few folks in the United Kingdom aren't happy when left-wing protesters interrupt their commutes, either. In October 2019, climate change activists from the radical Extinction Rebellion group climbed atop London trains during rush hour, and commuters weren't having it. Video shows one protester on the roof of a London Underground train at the Canning Town station before he was grabbed around his legs and dragged off as commuters cheered. BBC News said the protester appeared to be kicked and hit by the swearing crowd on the platform. A second protester was chased along the top of the train by a commuter before being dragged off as well, the outlet said.

'Bunch of f***ing arseholes' blocking traffic in UK quickly learn motorists have little patience for them

About 40 members of "Insulate Britain" blocked traffic during rush hour one morning in October 2021 at an intersection near Dartford Crossing in London as they held signs protesting for the insulation of Britain's social housing. But motorists in front of them had jobs and things to do — real responsibilities — so the gainfully employed proceeded to drag the protesters out of the roadway, ripping their signs away and disposing of them. A mother was angry because she was trying to get her 11-year-old son to school, while a man called the protesters a "bunch of f***ing arseholes."

Furious motorist confronts Black Lives Matter protesters blocking traffic, gets charged; Texas AG blasts 'mob rule'

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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton blasted "mob rule" and Plano's police chief after an angry driver caught on video confronting Black Lives Matter militants for blocking traffic was the only person charged in the May 2021 incident. Paxton's statement said after "a group of militant BLM protesters illegally shut down traffic underneath a major highway," an "Antifa-like character pulled what appears to be a gun and pointed it at the man," who had exited his car "to demand the mob clear the way." Paxton added in his statement that "only one person from this whole incident is being charged with a crime: the one man who told the protesters to go away. Why? For 'assault with contact' because he slapped a person's hand out of his face. No one else is being charged with anything. None of the law-breaking traffic-blockers, not the guy who pulled a weapon — no one!"

Left-wing protester gets on top of car's hood as his comrades surround vehicle — but driver isn't messing around

In May 2020, George Floyd protesters surrounded a vehicle in a downtown Denver intersection, and one of them got on top of the hood. The driver, however, was in no mood to chat about social justice. The motorist accelerated, the protester hopped off — but the driver made contact with the protester amid a U-turn attempt, knocking him to the street. Oh, and was the mob furious. They reacted like they always do — chasing after the car on foot, as if they'd ever catch it.

Livid motorist trying to get home to his daughter gets in faces of pro-Palestinian protesters in front of his vehicle — and shoves them out of the way. The masked mob quickly backs down.

The incident caught on video in January took place near the Manhattan Bridge, the New York Post said. The motorist later said, “I wish that I had not been captured on video in such an angry state and behaved in such a way, but I could not allow those people to impede my passage and, in essence, hold me hostage," the paper added.

'I'm telling you one last time!' Fed-up man exits vehicle to physically move protesters blocking road

Last July a group called "Just Stop Oil" marched on London streets during rush hour "in hopes of disrupting traffic and crucial road networks," the Daily Mail said, calling its members "eco-zealots." The outlet added that the group pledged at the time to "paralyze London" with slow-marching columns 10 times bigger than any previous marches in order to force the "murderous government" to abandon new domestic oil and gas licenses. Well, one man wasn't about to let them march so easily in front of the car he was in, as video shows him confronting several protesters and physically getting them out of the way.

Watch how quickly these protesters in Portugal fold up after drivers, angry that they're blocking a road, get physical

Angry motorists in Portugal took matters into their own hands last fall, exiting their vehicles and physically dragging away climate activists who were blocking a busy roadway, Sky News Australia reported. The outlet added that members of climate activist group Climáximo were the ones blocking motorists.

Protesters try and fail to halt forward progress of bus. But they're quite adept at hollering 'stop!' — and do so over 40 times.

The video title from the Scottish Sun is just a tad overblown: "Bus driver rams Just Stop Oil protesters' blockade nearly running them over." Uh, rams? The bus driver from last October's get-together traveled at a snail's pace. In the end, the protesters' constant "stop!" refrain fell on deaf ears. Oh, and nearly running them over? Watch the clip. The patient driver just isn't the first one to blink.

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UC Irvine professor goes on unhinged rant after arrest at encampment

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Multiple law enforcement agencies in southern California cleared out the anti-Israel encampment that was set up on Wednesday at the University of California, Irvine. The occupiers not only set up a zone on campus but also took over a nearby building, prompting the massive police response.

Police made many arrests during the clearing operation, with one of them apparently including a tenured professor in the global studies department.

As the woman was being led away by police, she went on a rant to members of the press.

"I'm doing a democratic peaceful protest! Shame on them!" the professor said.

"Why are you here today?" a reporter asked.

""We cannot have a genocidal foreign policy in a democracy," the woman replied. "These young people are going to be the ones to pay the price for these horrible decisions. These police officers out here today, that's thousands of student scholarships! Thousands of students could've been able to go to school and have books and have housing!"

'I was prepared to allow a peaceful encampment to exist on the campus without resorting to police intervention.'

When asked if she is concerned her arrest will jeopardize her job, she replied, "What job do I have if the students don't have a future!"

UC Irvine professor detained at pro-Palestinian protest speaks

Chancellor Howard Gillman released a statement after the chaotic day explaining he had hoped to avoid having to have police come to campus, but the building takeover went too far.

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"I was prepared to allow a peaceful encampment to exist on the campus without resorting to police intervention, even though the encampment violated our policies and the existence of the encampment was a matter of great distress to other members of our community. I communicated that if there were violations of our rules we would address them through the normal administrative policies of the university and not through police action," Gillman explained.

"And so after weeks when the encampers assured our community that they were committed to maintaining a peaceful and nondisruptive encampment, it was terrible to see that they would dramatically alter the situation in a way that was a direct assault on the rights of other students and the university mission," he added.

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Israeli singer Eden Golan elegantly responds when asked whether her very existence at Eurovision poses a threat

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Undeterred by boycotts and anti-Semitic abuse, Israeli singer Eden Golan made it to the final round of the Eurovision Song Contest Thursday only to discover that the thousands of pro-Hamas radicals outside were not the only people in Malmö, Sweden, who regarded her presence as intolerable.


Eurovision is an international music competition organized annually by the European Broadcasting Union and has been around since 1956. Despite its name, entrants hail from beyond the European Union's porous borders. Australia, the United Kingdom, Georgia, and Israel are among the other nations further afield that also regularly participate.

Although the contest has long prohibited "messages promoting any organization, institution, political cause or other, company, brand, products or services," politics and world conflicts nevertheless bleed into the competition.

For instance, in 2016 there was outrage over an Armenian performer's display of the flag of the Republic of Artsakh — an autonomous region within Azerbaijan's borders that was largely populated by ethnically Armenian Christians up until its brutal capture by Islamic Azerbaijani forces late last year.

In 2022, the inclusion of a Russian entry was prohibited "in light of the unprecedented crisis in Ukraine."

Whereas other political controversies are sporadic, Israel's involvement since 1973 appears to be a constant sore spot for various radicals. Various Arab states have refused to take part on account of the Jewish state's presence and various leftist groups have called for boycotts. This year is no different.

The gathering storm

Eden Golan, 20, entered as Israel's representative in the contest earlier this year. She wanted to sing a song entitled, "October Rain." Presuming her song to be a vague commentary on the horrific Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks on Israel, contest officials barred her from singing it, citing their rules on political neutrality, reported the BBC.

The English version of the lyrics included the lines, "There's no air left to breathe," and, "They were all good children, each one of them."

Israel's public broadcaster Kan initially vowed not to change the lyrics. However, Israeli President Isaac Herzog signaled the acceptability of "necessary adjustments" to ensure Golan could represent the country, and the broadcaster complied.

Kan reportedly said, "The president emphasized that at this time in particular, when those who hate us seek to push aside and boycott the state of Israel from every stage, Israel must sound its voice with pride and its head high and raise its flag in every world forum, especially this year."

Provided with the updated song, entitled "Hurricane," the European Broadcasting Union confirmed that the "official submission from its Israeli member Kan has been deemed eligible to compete in the Eurovision song contest in May," reported the Guardian.

The prospect of a Jewish singer taking the stage sent various radicals into apoplexy.

Belgium's culture minister, Bénédicte Linard, tweeted, "Like Russia, excluded from competitions and Eurovision following the invasion of Ukraine, Israel must be excluded until it puts an end to its flagrant violations of international law, which are causing thousands of victims, starting with the children."

Various music industry groups in countries such as Iceland and Finland called for boycotts against Eurovision, demanding a ban on Israeli performers.

On the flip side, some pro-Israel celebrities signaled their support for the country's involvement. Deadline indicated that Oscar-winner Helen Mirren was among those to sign a public letter demanding that Golan should be able to compete.

"You are successfully competing against an ugly wave of antisemitism, and are standing up to it," said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Artists representing nine European countries in the contest issued a statement in March indicating they would not boycott the contest. However, they attempted to placate protesters by calling for a ceasefire and condemning so-called Islamophobia.

Some performers — such as Ireland's entry, Bambie Thug — have since flouted the contest's rules, showing off their pro-Palestinian colors. The Greek entry, Marina Satti, opted to show her contempt instead by pretending to snore at a press conference when Golan was responding to questions.

The opposition has not only been behind the curtain.

During a rehearsal Tuesday, Sky News indicated audience members booed Golan and chanted "Free Palestine." One audience member waving a Palestinian flag was escorted out of the auditorium.

"It is outrageous that Israel is allowed to participate," said climate alarmist Greta Thunberg.

Golan was unfazed by the bitterness in the stands and successfully secured a spot in Saturday's final along with nine others in the second semi-final Thursday — all to the chagrin of the thousands of radicals who had gathered outside in the streets of Malmö to protest her presence.

Among those desperate to see Israel eliminated from the competition was climate alarmist Greta Thunberg, who — wearing a keffiyeh — said, "It is outrageous that Israel is allowed to participate."

Some pro-Hamas protesters seized control of a nearby train stop in an apparent effort to block fans from attending the concert.

MALMO, SWEDEN \n\nThousands of anti-Israel protesters congregates in the Swedish city of Malm\u00f6, protesting against the participation of a 20-year-old Israeli singer in the Eurovision Song Contest.\n\nIt is reported singer Eden Golan required the protection of 100 police officers as\u2026
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The Guardian indicated that additional protests and an alternative concert dubbed "a song contest without genocide" are planned for Saturday.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cheered Golan on, stating, "You are competing, proudly and impressively, not only in the Eurovision but you are successfully competing against an ugly wave of antisemitism, and are standing up to it, honorably representing Israel."

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A threat to radicals

Golan attended a press conference Thursday evening after securing her spot in the final. A reporter from the Polish radio outlet Newsletter put a "personal question" to Golan: "Have you ever thought that by being here, you bring risk and danger for other participants and the public?"

Golan, who has to travel through Sweden surrounded by a small army of security guards due to the danger posed by pro-Hamas protesters, appeared stunned by the apparent intimation that her Jewish nationality makes her a danger.

Swedish moderator Jovan Radomir told Golan, who remained smiling and composed, that she did not have to answer.

Sky News reported that Joost Klein, a competitor from the Netherlands, yelled, "Why not?"

Golan responded, "I think we're all here for one reason and one reason only, and the EBU is taking all safety precautions to make this a safe and united place for everyone. So I think it's safe for everyone or we wouldn't be here."

Golan's response received a round of applause. Klein, on the other hand, missed his slot in the dress rehearsal Friday and is apparently under investigation.

Apart from having to deal with thousands of antisemitic protesters on the streets of Malm\u00f6 and a booing anti-Israel audience in the arena, Israel\u2019s Eden Golan also has to deal with other Eurovision Song Contest contenders being nasty against her\n\nHere\u2019s Netherlands\u2019 Joost Klein\u2026
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Teenage anti-Israel protester learns actions have consequences after arrest for allegedly defacing WWI memorial

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New York City police have arrested a teenager for allegedly vandalizing a World War I memorial in Central Park.

On Monday, a group of anti-Israel protesters desecrated the 107th Infantry Memorial that sits on the edge of Central Park on the Upper East Side. Protesters defaced the memorial by spraying "Gaza" and "Free Palestine" on it, while another protester burned an American flag near the memorial.

"These people are just nuts and violent."

The group of anti-Israel protesters reportedly tried to disrupt the Met Gala, but police blocked them from doing so. They apparently settled for vandalizing the war memorial instead.

On Thursday, NYPD Deputy Commissioner Kaz Daughtry announced the arrest of the one of the alleged vandals, a 16-year-old boy, according to the New York Post.

"The despicable vandalism we saw earlier this week on the WWI Memorial will not be ignored, and will not go unpunished. One of the culprits was placed in handcuffs today thanks to the World’s Greatest Detectives. This isn’t simply juvenile hijinks — it’s an act of desecration that undermines the freedoms our heroes fought and died for," Daughtry said on social media.

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Investigators were able to identify the teenager with the help of a "school safety agent," Fox News reported.

The teenager is charged with four crimes: two counts of criminal mischief in the third degree, a felony, and two counts of making graffiti, a misdemeanor.

Fortunately, a cleanup crew was able to wash the graffiti from the war memorial the day after the incident.

Meanwhile, Upper East Side residents who live near the memorial did not hide their feelings about the anti-Israel protesters.

"These people are just nuts and violent," Michael Skol told the New York Post. "There’s not much thinking going on on the part of these Palestinian supporters. It's pure violence; it's pure stupidity."

"In this country, you have a right to voice your opinion, but not destroy memorials that pay tribute to heroes who died for our country," added Ron Zucher. "The protesters don't know our history and are ignorant of the sacrifices people made before them."

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Campus Terrorists Demand A Steady Supply Of Gluten-Free Meals

'I mean it’s crazy to say because we’re on an Ivy League campus but this is, like, basic humanitarian aid we’re asking for.'

Karine Jean-Pierre LIES, says Biden's NOT playing 'both sides' of pro-Palestinian protests

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The Biden administration is doing its best to play both sides of the argument when it comes to the pro-Hamas protests in universities — and it’s not going unnoticed.

When White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was pressed on the issue by Fox News’ Peter Doocy, it was clear she did not know how to respond.

“I understand that President Biden historically has spoken very forcefully about anti-Semitism, but this week he’s not. He’s MIA. Is he that worried about losing the youth vote with these protesters?” Doocy asked.

“I’ll speak more broadly. I can’t speak to youth and support and voters, that’s not something I can do from here,” Jean-Pierre answered.

“The president has taken a lot of policy actions here, a lot that he knows that young people care about, and a lot of those actions are popular with those young folks,” she continued, noting that the president is offering the youth “breathing room” in regard to student debt.

She then went on to ramble about the climate crisis, which of course also had nothing to do with Doocy’s original question.

When questioned about whether or not Biden is playing both sides, she said, “No, he’s not doing a both sides scenario.”

Pat Gray doesn’t buy it for a second.

“You’re going to continue to lie and not answer questions that have been asked of you. That’s what you’re going to continue to do,” Gray says, annoyed.

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To enjoy more of Pat's biting analysis and signature wit as he restores common sense to a senseless world, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.