Activists Defend Canceled ‘Minor-Attracted Persons’ Camp In Vermont Next To School

Locals said in a public meeting that the camp owner said she is 'best friends' with a 'minor-attracted person' who visits her camp near a school.

The P. Diddy Indictment Is Also An Indictment Of Our Depraved Culture

For decades, Diddy made music about coercive, drug-fueled sex fantasies. Now he stands accused of living a lifestyle that matched his bravado.

Germany's suicidal, rape-friendly immigration policy

If the decline of Ireland is a tragedy, what's going on in Germany is equivalent to a piece of experimental theatre: difficult to fathom and even more difficult to explain.

It’s a darkly comic reflection of how a nation can fully embrace both the absurd and the profoundly unjust at the very same time. Once celebrated for its order and intellectual prowess, Germany now finds itself in a bizarre scenario where its responses to crime and dissent are nothing short of farcical.

'Das Land der Dichter und Denker (the land of poets and thinkers) has become das Land der Narren und Schurken (the land of clowns and criminals).

The joke, however, is on the people of Germany. And no one is laughing. Well, almost no one.

You see, foreign nationals with a penchant for robbery and assault have plenty of reason to smile.

Immigrants make up about 15% of Germany's population, yet they were responsible for a record 41% of all criminal activities last year. Government statistics show that crimes involving foreign suspects rose by 23% in 2022 and by 18% in 2023.

In the nation’s capital, Berlin, where knife crimes are a regular occurrence, the police came up with a "solution" that sounds like something straight out of a Monty Python skit. These cerebral custodians of community safety suggested that victims should sing loudly to fend off attackers. Yes, really.

In other words, if you find yourself threatened by a knife-wielding lunatic, instead of calling for help or trying to escape, you’re encouraged to belt out a bit of Whitney Houston. Naturally, this advice was immediately met with widespread ridicule, and the police quickly walked back their suggestion, admitting it was both impractical and detached from reality.

But the absolute idiocy doesn’t stop there. Consider the German government’s recent decision to hand out €1,000 to an Afghan man even as it deported him for raping an 11-year-old girl. This financial aid, intended to ease his reintegration into Afghan society, also sparked inordinate amounts of outrage and confusion. This wicked soul was one of 28 Afghan criminals expelled from Germany. The other 27, it's important to note, also received financial aid. All funded by taxpayers, of course.

To make matters worse, while dangerous delinquents are being rewarded, authors are being punished and persecuted.

This brings us to CJ Hopkins, a figure I’ve discussed elsewhere. This American-born playwright, novelist, and political satirist has lived in Berlin for nearly 20 years, using his sharp humor to critique modern politics and surveillance. His latest work, "The Rise of the New Normal Reich," highlights how authoritarian tendencies are creeping in under the guise of pandemic measures and the suppression of dissent.

Hopkins’ career, which once thrived in the city that inspired his writing, is now under attack.

This has been the case for more than two years. His troubles began in August 2022 when he criticized COVID-19 mask mandates as symbols of ideological conformity. His provocative comparisons between contemporary Germany and Nazi-era tactics ignited a firestorm, leading to an investigation by the Interior Ministry of the Federal State of Hessen and a criminal inquiry.

What followed was a coordinated attempt to silence him, extending beyond Germany to Austria and the Netherlands.

His outspoken views led to book bans, a criminal trial, and a media feeding frenzy. Although he was initially acquitted, the Berlin district prosecutor, unhappy with the outcome, appealed the ruling. This led to a retrial scheduled for September 30 at the Berlin Superior Court.

It’s possible that his nightmarish ordeal will never end. As he told me himself, the relentless, forever-increasing legal fees could lead to complete financial ruin. The physical and psychological toll he endures has become overwhelming, surpassing what most people could bear. While rapists have their bank accounts replenished, Hopkins' finances are being drained dry.

Though Hopkins' ordeal might appear to be a uniquely German issue, he believes that it mirrors a global trend. The sexagenarian argues that his case is a striking example of a broader crackdown on free speech, extending beyond Germany to many parts of the world.

This issue extends beyond the differences in free speech protections between countries like Germany and the U.S., for example. It signifies a broader and more insidious suppression of government critics. It also illustrates the troubling use of ostensibly neutral institutions to silence those who dare challenge prevailing narratives.

When compared to Hopkins' persecution, Germany's aiding and abetting of criminals reveals a concerning trend. Instead of focusing on tangible criminal activities, the state seems more interested in eliminating “thought crimes.” In the eyes of German lawmakers, the pen really is mightier than the sword — or, more accurately, the knife.

Again, though, there's very little, if anything, to laugh about here.

Both issues — the rampant crime, much of it perpetrated by immigrants, and the stifling of free speech — are part of a larger European narrative.

In Ireland, as I have shown previously, the government is actively working on a "hate speech" bill that could severely impact civil liberties. The proposed legislation would give prosecutors sweeping powers to convict individuals based on broad and vague definitions of "hate speech," regardless of intent.

Scotland’s situation is even more concerning. The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act of 2021 introduces a new offense called “inciting hatred,” which encompasses a broad range of categories like age, disability, religion, and gender identity.

The law's vague language and severe penalties — up to seven years in prison — raise significant worries about misuse and the suppression of free speech. Prosecutors only need to show that inciting hatred was “likely” without proving any intent to offend, which makes the potential for wrongful convictions alarmingly high.

As is clear to see, these legislative changes aren’t just isolated national concerns; they’re part of a broader European trend, with Brussels playing a significant role. Earlier this year, the European Parliament backed a report suggesting that hate speech and hate crimes be classified as “Euro crimes.” If this classification goes through, derogatory speech (whatever that looks like in 2024) could face harsh penalties across the continent.

From Metz to Motherwell, Europe faces a troubling combination of rising violent crime rates and increasingly stringent restrictions, which are likely to exacerbate the problems rather than alleviate them. The goings-on in Germany, the economic powerhouse of Europe, reflects the continent's broader state — more precisely, its dire state.

Das Land der Dichter und Denker (the land of poets and thinkers) has become das Land der Narren und Schurken (the land of clowns and criminals). While Hopkins fights for his very existence, violent thugs, quite literally, prosper.

KY Gov. Andy Beshear Equates Democrats’ Radical Abortion Aims With ‘Loving Your Neighbor’

[rebelmouse-proxy-image AM-e1724157533705-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" expand=1]Beshear’s soap box declaration about the ‘golden rule’ is a facade for a party and a platform focused on the destruction of human lives.

'He's a monster': Ex-FBI agent who's now an ex-state trooper gets life in prison for sexually assaulting 11-year-old girl

A former FBI agent was sentenced to life in prison for sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl while he was serving as an Alabama state trooper. The convicted child sexual predator was reportedly booted from the FBI after numerous sexual misconduct claims, including that he raped a co-worker at knifepoint. In the end, a forged letter allegedly enabled him to obtain the state trooper position.

Montgomery County Circuit Judge Jimmy Pool sentenced Christopher Bauer, 45, to life in prison Thursday.

Despite the disgraceful dismissal, Bauer was allegedly able to get a job as an Alabama state trooper in 2019 by using a forged FBI letter.

In June, Bauer was convicted on charges of first-degree sodomy and sexual abuse of a child less than 12 years of age.

Bauer faces similar child sex abuse charges in New Orleans, the Associated Press reported. Louisiana State Police said they plan on extraditing him.

The Montgomery County District Attorney's Office said in a statement that Bauer sexually abused "a young girl over the span of several years" while he was an Alabama state trooper. In April 2021, the victim reportedly confided in a friend that Bauer had been sexually abusing her since the age of 5.

Two days later, the friend told her mother about the sexual abuse allegations. The mother informed school administrators of the alleged child sex crimes, and the school officials immediately contacted the Montgomery Police Department. Bauer was arrested and charged on the same day.

The victim's mother told the judge in court, “He’s a monster." The girl's mother claimed Bauer used his police badge to project the “image of a good person.”

“He had everyone fooled,” she added.

During the trial, Bauer denied the allegations of sexually abusing the young girl and accused the victim of lying.

"If she said I did something to her, then yes, that's a lie," Bauer said.

However, Judge Pool proclaimed during sentencing that he “believed every single word” of the victim’s testimony.

Montgomery County District Attorney Daryl Bailey said, “It is always extremely disappointing when someone who is supposed to enforce and uphold the law commits a crime against the people they have sworn to protect. However, I do not believe Christopher Bauer reflects the character of most of the law enforcement officers who serve our country. He is a bad apple — a depraved monster who abused his power to irreparably harm a vulnerable, innocent child.”

Bailey continued, “I commend the victim for having the courage to speak up about what was happening to her. She was so brave throughout her testimony, which was undoubtedly difficult for her. I hope she and her family take solace in knowing Christopher Bauer will never harm her nor anyone else ever again. My office fought for the maximum sentence in this case, and I extend my gratitude to Judge Jimmy Pool for sentencing this sexual predator to life in prison, as that is where he deserves to die.”

Bauer previously worked for the FBI in New Orleans until he reportedly was dismissed from the bureau after several sexual misconduct claims.

A May 2021 Associated Press story stated that Bauer was suspended without pay and stripped of his FBI security clearance in late 2018 over a "string of sexual misconduct allegations" that included a co-worker’s claim that he raped her at knifepoint.

Despite the disgraceful dismissal, Bauer allegedly was able to get a job as an Alabama state trooper in 2019 by using a forged FBI letter.

Bauer reportedly indicated on his state trooper application that the FBI never let him go or had any derogatory claims against him.

Bauer allegedly furnished a fake letter from the FBI to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency that said he had a decade of “creditable service” and was “eligible for rehire.”

However, the FBI informed the AP: “The letter is not legitimate.”

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Just days after her sudden resignation, mayor of small Louisiana city charged with raping juvenile

Just days after declaring her sudden resignation, a Louisiana mayor has been charged with raping a juvenile.

Misty Dawn Clanton Roberts, 42 — now-former mayor of the City of DeRidder — was arrested Thursday, booked into the Beauregard Parish Detention Center at 10:13 a.m., and released 77 minutes later on a $75,000 bond, according to the Beauregard Parish Sheriff's Office jail roster.

'My client maintains her innocence and, as it stands, she is in fact innocent.'

Roberts was hit with charges of third-degree rape and contributing to the delinquency of juveniles, the Louisiana State Police said in a news release.

Roberts became the first female mayor of DeRidder — a city with a population of approximately 10,000 located about 20 miles east of the Louisiana-Texas border — in 2018. She was serving her second term after winning re-election in 2022. Newsweek reported that Roberts is an independent.

On July 26, Roberts said she was stepping away from the office for two days and had appointed DeRidder Fire Chief Ken Harlow as mayor pro tempore. The next day, Roberts resigned, according to KPLC-TV.

"For nearly 15 years, my love and passion for DeRidder has been my foundation while serving as Mayor," Roberts wrote in a letter of resignation to the city council.

"This role has rewarded me with many great relationships," Roberts continued. "I am humbled to have witnessed the hard work that took a community to come together and overcome through unprecedented times. However, I must adjust my focus and priorities."

Also on July 26, the Beauregard Parish Sheriff’s Office requested the Louisiana State Police Special Victim’s Unit to investigate a complaint regarding allegations of sexual relations between a juvenile and Roberts.

Investigators conducted interviews with two minors regarding the child sexual abuse allegations. One of the minors interviewed was the alleged victim. Both minors told police that the alleged victim had sexual intercourse with Roberts when she was the mayor of DeRidder.

Law enforcement obtained an arrest warrant for Roberts from the Beauregard Parish 36th Judicial District Court.

Adam Johnson, Roberts' attorney, declared that his client is innocent.

"My client learned late last night of a warrant, despite not being contacted to be interviewed prior to investigators obtaining the warrant," Johnson said in a statement, as reported by WAFB-TV. "My client maintains her innocence and, as it stands, she is in fact innocent."

Johnson added, "And we trust the public will respect her constitutional presumption of innocence which is fundamental to our system of justice. Misty and her family are very grateful for the support they have received from their friends and neighbors and we look forward to putting this unfortunate situation behind them."

Roberts' information page on the City of DeRidder website has been scrubbed. An archived version of the page states that Roberts is a past board member and supporting member of the Greater Beauregard Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Hope Village board of directors, an Agape Community Clinic trustee, a Beauregard Prevention Coalition board member, a board member of the DeRidder Rotary Club, and a member of the Fort Polk Progress board of directors.

The Lagniappe local news outlet said in a May article that "it’s been a rough few years for her. She’s had to navigate two hurricanes, a freeze, fires, a divorce, and loss." The DeRidder archived page states that Roberts got married in 2008.

Roberts said of her divorce, "Contrary to what some were saying, there was nothing salacious that led to it. It was a personal decision and going through that publicly has changed me. I’m far from a feminist, but through this experience, I’ve learned there are a group of people who expect women to be perfect — to look and act a certain way."

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Blaze News investigates: Tim Ballard accused of sexual assault by multiple women, 1 of whom may have DNA evidence against him

Last fall, Blaze News reported on a group of women who leveled accusations of sexual misconduct against Tim Ballard, the founder of Operation Underground Railroad and whose professed work of rescuing victims of sex trafficking spurred the 2023 hit film "Sound of Freedom."

Now, nine months after that initial Blaze News report, DNA evidence may connect Ballard to an allegedly nonconsensual sexual encounter with yet another woman. At the very least, it seems to directly contradict Ballard’s claim in response to the previous accusations that he never touched any female OUR operatives in any sexual fashion whatsoever.

In light of this new evidence, Blaze News spoke with three women who agreed to go on the record and use their real names to tell about their interactions with Ballard: Celeste Borys, Kira Lynch, and Mary Hall. Of the three, Hall is the only woman who spoke with Blaze News in connection with our investigative piece last year. However, Borys and Lynch also made accusations against Ballard at that time without involving Blaze News.

All three women became involved with OUR sometime in the fall of 2021 and worked closely with Ballard for anywhere from a few months to a year.

Blaze News also spoke with the women’s attorney, Suzette Rasmussen, who provided us with further information about the challenges she has faced in bringing these women’s allegations to the attention of law enforcement and the courts.

Blaze News also offered to interview Ballard about the accusations, as we did for our previous piece, as long as that interview was on the record. Instead, a spokesperson for Ballard provided a written response to some of the accusations leveled by the women.

'Centeredaround being sexual': Ballard, OUR, and the couples ruse

As Blaze News reported last October, during his time at Operation Underground Railroad, Ballard worked with many female operators who would pose as his girlfriend on field operations to give him cover for not wanting to engage in sex with other women or children even as he pretended to be a predator. Ballard dubbed this tactic "the couples ruse."

Like the women who spoke with us last year, Borys, Lynch, and Hall insisted that the couples ruse itself was a ruse that Ballard used on female operatives to persuade them to engage in sexual contact with him for the sake of "rescuing children."

'There wasn't any talks about how to physically prepare for this,' she said. 'There wasn't any talks about really doing really concentrated self-defense stuff.'

Perhaps to enhance their determination, he allegedly told prospective operators that other female operators in the past had failed him.

Hall recalled one of her first conversations with Ballard, in which he encouraged her to consider becoming an operator: "He had said that he was looking for a new partner to go on these ops with. He had briefly touched on how his other partners … all fall in love with him."

Lynch added, "I just keep telling myself, 'You can do this. This is so important. You can do this.'"

The women also claimed Ballard wanted to "practice" the couples ruse frequently in the U.S. to establish chemistry that would then fool traffickers, convincing the women that their lives and the lives of the trafficked victims depended on a flawless performance of amorous attraction to Ballard.

"Traffickers can smell the pheromones!" he often said, according to court documents and multiple women who spoke with Blaze News.

During training, Ballard even gave female operators a hypersexual code phrase to say to him during an operation whenever they felt in danger: "I want you to f*** me!" Ballard apparently convinced the women that this public declaration of urgent lust would allow them to leave a situation involving traffickers without blowing their cover.

Hall, an actress by trade who had no prior field experience, told Blaze News she was shocked at how much emphasis Ballard placed on working on sexual chemistry with his female operators and how little he placed on tactical training.

"There wasn't any talks about how to physically prepare for this," she said. "There wasn't any talks about really doing really concentrated self-defense stuff. When he was talking to me about it, it was all sexual and intimate and physical and practicing."

"It was so centered around being sexual."

In a conversation with Blaze News last year, Ballard denied that he ever engaged in any physical contact with a couples ruse partner that went beyond "hand-holding, arms around shoulders, stuff like that."

He also alleged that some female operatives wanted to kiss him during a mission to put on a more convincing performance but that he always refused. "There's no reason to do it. It's not appropriate," he claimed he told them.

'Beyondinappropriate': Women who worked with Ballard speak out

Of the three women who spoke with Blaze News this month, Lynch made the most terrifying allegation against Ballard. To wit: In early January 2022, Ballard allegedly went to her home, pushed her onto the stairs, and forcibly raped her.

Borys had the longest professional partnership with Ballard, working as his executive assistant as well as an operator. During this time, she and Ballard had 30 sexual encounters that Borys and her attorney described to Blaze News as "assaults," ostensibly since the encounters allegedly occurred while Ballard was her direct supervisor and while Borys was under the belief that failure to convince traffickers of their sexual chemistry might threaten their lives or the lives of trafficking victims.

On one such instance, traces of Ballard's semen were apparently deposited on Borys' skirt. That incident will be discussed at greater length in this article.

Hall had just a brief professional relationship with Ballard. On at least one occasion, Ballard allegedly attempted to practice the couples ruse with her in a way that she described as "wrong" and "beyond inappropriate," especially since her training as an actress had already prepared her to pretend to be Ballard’s girlfriend whenever necessary.

In that "inappropriate" incident, Ballard made such ardent advances that he allegedly "pinned" Hall "up against the door" and stopped only when someone else unexpectedly entered the room, she indicated to Blaze News.

'Violentand forceful': The alleged rape of Kira Lynch

Kira Lynch met Ballard through her work as a hairstylist and spent only a few months training to be an OUR operator, she told Blaze News. During that time, she said, Ballard often acted like he was her "boyfriend."

"I love when you giggle at me," or "I love that I make you blush," he would supposedly say.

Lynch told Blaze News that she found Ballard's attentions embarrassing and tried to deflect them by asking him about his wife, Katherine Ballard. "I wanted to know so many details. I wanted to know what she knew, how she felt, how she was dealing with it. I wanted to know if she knew if I was his partner. I wanted to know everything because I didn't want to feel like I was doing something wrong," Lynch said of Katherine.

'These things are natural. And sometimes these things happen, and it's good.'

"He assured me multiple times she knew. He told me multiple times that she wanted me to be his partner and she felt good about it."

So Lynch continued to train as an operator. As part of that training, Ballard apparently planned for several OUR operatives, including Lynch and Hall, to spend an evening bouncing around various strip clubs in Salt Lake City.

When Ballard arrived to pick Lynch up at her home that night, he walked upstairs to her bedroom under the pretense of using the bathroom, she told Blaze News. When he exited the bathroom, Lynch said, he began lifting up her dress without consent and started "making out" with her "stomach." Lynch claimed she tried to distract Ballard by reminding him that their friends were waiting for them at the strip club but that Ballard kept asking her to "relax" and even tickled her at one point so she would stop being so "stiff."

Once at the strip clubs, Ballard's advances continued, making Lynch feel ever more uncomfortable and humiliated, she said. At one club, Ballard allegedly rented a private room where he invited Lynch to sit on his lap while a stripper performed for them. As they sat together, Ballard allegedly began grinding against Lynch.

"This is what I’m talking about," Ballard reportedly whispered in Lynch's ear as the striptease continued. "These things are natural. And sometimes these things happen, and it's good."

Then one of Ballard's sons — who was an adult at the time and had recently returned home from a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — apparently arrived to join them at the strip club. The young man's presence infuriated Lynch, who told Blaze News she stormed out, unable to withstand any more, bringing the night to an immediate close.

He also told Lynch during the alleged assault that he 'had been wanting this' and claimed he knew that she 'wanted' it too, but Lynch told Blaze News that she 'asked him to stop multiple times.'

Despite her horror at the events both before and at the strip clubs, Lynch kept in regular contact with Ballard over the next several weeks. So she was not surprised when he called her in January 2022, asking for a haircut, she said.

According to Lynch, from the moment Ballard arrived at her house either late on January 7 or early on January 8, 2022, he was emotionally out of sorts, unable to "snap out of Brian Black," the alter ego Ballard assumed while on operations. "I couldn't even get him to look at me," she said. Lynch claimed that she repeatedly attempted to console Ballard but that he remained on edge.

Suddenly, she said, he turned "violent and forceful" and ultimately raped her.

"He finally had pushed me up against my stairs after I tried to back away and forced himself on me and held me down," she told Blaze News.

He also told Lynch during the alleged assault that he "had been wanting this" and claimed he knew that she "wanted" it too, but Lynch told Blaze News that she "asked him to stop multiple times."

A graphic statement in a court document submitted last fall closely resembles the story Lynch told Blaze News:

He starts grinding on me. I just remember squeezing my legs closed tight as I could. He starts telling me how beautiful I am. I'm starting to feel like I'm going to freeze up. I feel very trapped. I tried to get him to look me in the face. He wouldn't. He just kept almost talking to himself like he was talking himself into whatever mad state he was in. Finally, when he did look me in the face I said Tim you don't want to do this. "Please. Tim" he stood up, zipped his pants up … grabbed his shirt and walked out my front door.

Attorney Suzette Rasmussen noted that Lynch had undergone major surgery involving her upper torso and legs just a few weeks prior to the alleged attack and had very little physical strength to resist Ballard.

According to Lynch, Ballard forgot his belt at her house the night of the alleged rape and later messaged her asking for it back. She told Blaze News that she left it on her porch for him to pick up. A screenshot of text messages she exchanged with Ballard — whose undercover name was Brian Black — appears to corroborate that aspect of her story.

Screenshot of text message shared with Blaze News

Despite the violent nature of the alleged attack, Lynch did not report it to law enforcement for nearly two years. A deputy report from the Utah County Sheriff’s Office confirms that Lynch filed a claim of "sexual abuse — forcible" on October 16, 2023.

"Delayed allegations of sexual assault by an adult female against an adult male. Please see Investigative Report Supplement for additional details," read the entire offense description included on the document.

'I have nothing to hide.'

Between the time of the alleged rape and the time she reported it, Lynch had minimal contact with Ballard, repressing the memory in favor of attending to other emotional concerns, she said. Her father, who had been terminally ill for some time, passed away several weeks after the alleged rape. She was also still reeling from "a horrible divorce" a couple of years before.

Lynch admitted, however, that she did reach out to Ballard barely a week after the alleged attack, fearing that another female operative had compromised an OUR mission. "I found out that one of his operators had maybe been telling people that she was an operator and not a hairdresser," she told us.

So Lynch sent Ballard some text messages and eventually had a phone conversation with him, during which Lynch conveyed "what happened and what [she] had heard" about the other operator’s alleged misstep. Those text messages were the first messages they exchanged following the conversation about the belt.

Screenshot of text messages shared with Blaze News

When Blaze News pressed Lynch about reaching out to Ballard so soon after he allegedly raped her, she explained that while she felt relieved after she hung up the phone with him that day, she also felt she needed to inform him about the other operator's alleged misstep because she still believed that absolute secrecy regarding operations was necessary to save trafficking victims.

"I felt like, my gosh, children are not going to be rescued … people are going to be compromised, and I felt like I had to tell him this," she told Blaze News. "So then I did, and that was it."

While she acknowledges that some people will not be convinced by her story, Lynch told Blaze News that nothing can change what Ballard did to her. "I don't want to prove my innocence," she said. "I only have facts, and I only have the truth."

"I have nothing to hide."

Lynch also claimed she ran into Ballard at an event in May 2023 and was so traumatized by the unexpected encounter that she started trembling and eventually became physically ill. "I ran to the restroom and just started puking," she said.

Ballard was apparently likewise shaken by the meeting. Lynch told Blaze News that he quickly turned pale and looked like "a deer in headlights."

Blaze News reached out to Chad Kolton, Ballard's spokesperson, regarding the allegations of rape and the allegedly forgotten belt. Kolton did not directly respond to questions about the alleged rape but claimed that we had only "cherry-picked details" about Lynch's story overall.

'A 100%match': Borys' skirt and Ballard's DNA

In October 2022, Celeste Borys, who was already an OUR employee, began working as an operator. She also eventually became Ballard's executive assistant, and over the course of the next 11 months, Ballard allegedly convinced her to engage in various sex acts on 30 separate occasions for the sake of the couples ruse.

One such incident allegedly occurred on January 8, 2023, the day Borys and Ballard left for a supposed operation in Mexico. Ballard had asked Borys to pick him up from his office in Lindon, Utah, so that they could go to the airport together.

Though Borys continued to work with him, she slowly began to realize that every OUR operation that she had gone on was 'fake' since they had never managed to rescue any women or children, she told Blaze News

When Borys arrived at the Lindon office, Ballard had just gotten out of the shower and was apparently still in a state of undress, she said. Borys then offered to find the wig Ballard intended to wear as part of his undercover identity, and when she returned, they had an encounter that she and her attorney characterized to Blaze News as an "assault."

Borys had been wearing a leather skirt that day. When she returned from the alleged mission to Mexico, she stuffed that skirt into the back of a drawer, she said.

A few months later, several former OUR operators had come forward to accuse Ballard of sexual misconduct, and Ballard and OUR parted ways sometime that summer.

Though Borys continued to work with him, she slowly began to realize that every OUR operation that she had gone on was "fake" since they had never managed to rescue any women or children, she told Blaze News.

At that point, she also had to come to terms with the fact that the couples ruse was never necessary and that all the sexual encounters she allegedly had with Ballard in the hopes of saving victims had all been for naught, she added. By September 2023, Borys had left OUR and soon afterward joined the growing group of women accusing Ballard of misconduct.

In an effort to find evidence that might substantiate her claims against Ballard, Borys remembered the skirt still sitting in the back of her drawer, having never been washed or dry-cleaned.

Borys brought that skirt to law enforcement in November 2023, and a Utah County detective later reportedly discovered a semen stain on it and sent the skirt off to a Utah state crime lab. The lab found that the DNA from the semen was "a 100% match of Ballard’s DNA," recent court documents said.

'The victims and the public are not being protected.'

In the state of Utah, sexual assault victims are entitled to the results of "a sexual assault kit or … other crime scene evidence," so long as sharing such evidence does not impede an investigation. Thus far, investigators seem to be relying on that stipulation in order to delay releasing the results officially.

Though a detective reportedly informed Borys in June 2024 that the DNA testing on the semen sample had excluded her husband and had instead matched Ballard's DNA profile, she has yet to receive a copy of these test results, attorney Rasmussen told us.

Screenshots of text messages apparently exchanged between Rasmussen and an unnamed "Sargeant" on June 21 were included in the recent court filing. In one apparent text message, Rasmussen asked for a "verification letter" confirming the DNA test results, but the sergeant demurred.

"I will need to check with my Lieutenant before I release anything and he is in training in Florida through next week," the sergeant seemingly replied before alluding to a possible "meeting" sometime in the following week

Screenshot of court documents

In the messages, Rasmussen also apparently expressed concern that any "delays" from law enforcement in submitting these results would undermine Borys' case in a court of law and in the court of public opinion. "The victims and the public are not being protected," Rasmussen insisted, according to court documents.

Screenshot of court documents

In response to questions regarding the reported DNA evidence, Chad Kolton, Ballard's spokesperson, gave Blaze News the following statement:

Tainting an ongoing investigation to desperately try to generate some PR is consistent with the other illegal and unethical behavior that has been a hallmark of the Borys case from the beginning – and a reason the whole case is now in jeopardy. We’ll wait for the court’s judgment on their actions and for law enforcement to complete its investigation, if that’s even possible now.

OUR also provided a statement about the possible DNA evidence implicating Ballard:

OUR Rescue will not comment on newly alleged evidence that is part of a pending civil matter and an ongoing investigation by law enforcement. In sharp contrast to our commitment to uphold the integrity of that process, counsel for the plaintiff publicly released private text messages with law enforcement during an ongoing investigation in attempt to control the media. Such conduct violates public trust and undermines the investigative process. OUR Rescue holds strong to its position that our organization has acted in accordance with the law and look forward to defending the integrity of our work.

'Allthis darkness': Court cases reach standstill

Though multiple civil suits have been filed and accusations of criminal wrongdoing reported to law enforcement, there has been little movement on any cases regarding Ballard and alleged sexual misconduct. In fact, it appears that none of them has progressed into the discovery phase, and several cases have even been dismissed.

Kira Lynch, Celeste Borys, and Mary Hall all indicated to Blaze News that they are frustrated by the slow process.

They also feel betrayed by Ballard, someone they once considered a friend, as well as OUR, an organization ostensibly founded to help victims of sexual abuse. Hall claimed that OUR had been far too "blasé" about the similar accusations made by so many women.

"It shows that this organization really does not maybe do or follow through with all the things they say they do," she said.

For Borys, the most dispiriting aspect of her time with Ballard is that it never led to the rescue of a single sex-trafficking victim. "There were so many times where I said, 'I'm going to quit' because it was sucking the life out of me," Borys said through tears. "But I just kept thinking, I just want one win. I need to see one kid because I have all this darkness."

"My soul was slowly dying."

Lynch told us that she is still coming to terms with the loss of her father and the alleged sexual assault by Ballard. "I'm still trying to figure this out in my mind," she said. "And the problem is that nothing will ever be okay. Nothing can justify my dad dying or Tim Ballard raping me."

"So what I can do now is try to get the truth and the facts out there so that he doesn't harm anyone else."

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Rapes spike 11% in NYC amid illegal immigration crisis, limited police resources: 'Should be a wake-up call'

New York City, a sanctuary jurisdiction for illegal aliens, has experienced an 11% increase in reported rapes this year, according to the New York Post.

The paper revealed that from January 1 through July 14, 880 rapes were reported across the city. New York Police Department data showed that over the same period the previous year, 796 rapes were reported.

'Rate of cases being dismissed has gone up, [and] the rate of cases not being pursued has gone up because of the progressive prosecutorial methods.'

Jane Manning, director of Women's Equal Justice, told the Post that the alarming increase in reported sexual assaults "should be a wake-up call."

"The NYPD needs to allocate more investigators to its understaffed Special Victims Unit so that every case is investigated well and dangerous offenders are apprehended," Manning stated.

In March, the Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York released a statement warning that the NYPD is experiencing a staffing crisis.

PBA President Patrick Hendry told News 12, "No one is becoming an NYPD police officer right now for the long term. They're taking it for a stepping stone to get something better – something with better salary, pensions, quality of life."

The 10th precinct, located in Manhattan, experienced the most significant jump in reported rapes with a 300% increase. Midtown South, which covers Times Square, saw a 111% year-to-date uptick, according to NYPD stats.

While most rapists know their victims, there has been a recent increase in "stranger rapes," the NYPD reported.

One such instance included a caught-on-camera attack on May 21 at East 152nd Street and 3rd Avenue. The assailant walked up behind a woman on the street, threw a belt around her neck, dragged her to the ground, and attacked her between two vehicles, the video showed.

Christian Inga, a 25-year-old foreign national who entered the United States illegally, was accused of raping a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint in New York City on June 13.

Rafael Mangual, a criminal justice policy expert and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, told the Post, "It's no secret that the NYPD is down significantly in terms of force size. Because it's down, whenever it decides to prioritize something — say for example subway offenses — that's going to make the topside slightly more vulnerable, as far as more cops are now below ground."

Mangual also blamed the uptick in crime on the state's Raise the Age law and soft-on-crime Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

"The rate of cases being dismissed has gone up, [and] the rate of cases not being pursued has gone up because of the progressive prosecutorial methods of Bragg, [Brooklyn DA] Eric Gonzalez, and [Bronx DA] Darcel Clark," Mangual also told the paper.

An NYPD spokesperson told the Post that the department "vigorously investigates every single rape complaint and will continue to work to bring justice to the survivors of these heinous crimes."

Anything else?

Other nonviolent crimes, including retail theft, also have become an issue in New York City since the increase in illegal immigration under the administration of President Joe Biden.

Chris Sciacco, the owner of Kaiya's Pallets at 36-37 31st St. in Long Island City, recently told the Post in a separate story that his business "won't survive" if the rampant shoplifting crisis continues. He claims illegal aliens target his 4,500-square-foot variety store up to six times per week, costing him about $3,000 each month in losses.

"It's affecting the business and affecting our overhead," Sciacco told the paper. "I don't know if we can continue to survive at this rate."

On July 11, one man stole an entire pallet of Gatorade from Sciacco's store, he stated.

"I called [the NYPD] six times, waited over eight hours, and not one cop showed up to help me," he said. "I also tried to flag down over 30 cop cars on the street, and not one stopped to help me or even see what was wrong."

New York's sanctuary policies have prevented local law enforcement officials from cooperating with federal immigration officials. However, the Biden administration's acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director P.J. Lechleitner recently told NBC News that some sanctuary jurisdictions appear to be reconsidering their policies.

"For many, many years, certain states and jurisdictions just have been really reticent about dealing with us because of the civil immigration piece of it," Lechleitner explained. "You've seen some examples of this where some individuals unfortunately were encountered by local law enforcement and because of the policies put in place, either at the state or local level, they weren't allowed to notify immigration authorities ... and all of a sudden you have people being released and reoffending."

He added that "at-large arrests put the citizenry at risk because we have to do an arrest in neighborhoods. We shouldn't have to do that. Let's do it in a controlled setting, so everyone's safe. My folks are safe, the local community's safe, and the non-citizens are safe as well."

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1 In 10 K-12 Students Has Been Sexually Abused By A Teacher

The rate of sexual misconduct in public schools far exceeds the high-profile abuse scandals that rocked the Roman Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts of America.

Biden Judicial Nominee Sent Trans Male Rapist to Female Prison, Arguing Safety Concerns Were Overblown. Now, Sources Say He is Exposing Himself to Inmates.

A judge nominated by President Joe Biden to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, Sarah Netburn, is facing questions from lawmakers after recommending that a transgender, twice-convicted male sex offender be placed in a female prison.

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