‘The Wrong Side Of History’ Is The One With Air Conditioning, Dishwashers, And Gas Stoves

Gas stove bans will one day make their way onto the DNC platform. The case for it just needs to be calibrated, euphemized, and normalized.

Gas Stoves for Me But Not for Thee: Energy Sec Backs Gas Stove Restriction But Concedes She Has a Gas Stove

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm acknowledged Thursday that she owns a gas stove, a remark that came as she simultaneously defended a rule that would ban at least half of all gas stoves on the U.S. market from being sold.

The post Gas Stoves for Me But Not for Thee: Energy Sec Backs Gas Stove Restriction But Concedes She Has a Gas Stove appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

Corrupt New York Times Freaks Out Over Gas Stoves, Downplays Poisonous Chemical Spill In Ohio

According to the press, gas stoves are deeply hazardous, but a chemical spill equivalent to a World War I-era bioweapon is perfectly safe.

Media: Biden Isn’t Banning Gas Stoves, And It’s Good That He Is

Last April, President Joe Biden announced and then quickly abandoned a “Disinformation Governance Board,” i.e. the White House’s official Ministry of Truth. It’s obvious now that the administration doesn’t need to establish an internal Ministry of Truth — it’s had one in the corporate media all along. Biden has been able to distort reality quite […]