Not Really A Heartbeat, Clump Of Cells, Property Not People — It’s The Same Old Lie

Democrats are once again spouting flat-earther claims to excuse taking others' lives for political and financial profit.

Why Democrats Oppose Emancipation For The Unborn

The Supreme Court’s decision in Roe was as shameful as its decision in Dredd Scott — and for the same reason.
Supreme Court To Decide If Dred Scott Should Apply To All Americans On Guns

Supreme Court To Decide If Dred Scott Should Apply To All Americans On Guns

Opponents of the right to bear arms want everyone to be treated as badly as the Supreme Court once treated Dred Scott.

Democratic House Whip James Clyburn Says Supreme Court Could Soon Be ‘A Throwback To Plessy V. Ferguson’

‘I know what the Supreme Court was like during the Dred Scott decision’

FACT CHECK: Lincoln Didn’t Delay His Supreme Court Nomination Because He Cared About Election Integrity

A closer look at history reveals that Kamala Harris's Lincoln ancedote lacked important details and context in order to make it an accurate modern day comparison.