Shocking rise of anti-Semitism on campus

When Obama made it a priority to import immigrants into the United States from Muslim countries, there was a massive jump in the number of refugees and immigrants who came into the United States.

The list of issues that have followed is long, but as anti-Semitism and Marxist indoctrination on college campuses reach all-time highs, Mark Levin can’t help but focus on this one.

“People who come into the country with their own culture are not assimilated into our culture because our culture is being attacked from our educational institutions — that is public schools, colleges, and universities — through our media and our entertainment,” Levin says.

“It’s why CRT, DEI, ESG, and all the rest of the Marxist alphabet soup is so damaging to the country,” he adds.

This is why Levin believes that anti-Semitism is rising on college campuses.

“When you have the importation of individuals from countries or cultures that have almost nothing in common with our country, and from places that hate our country, this is the consequence,” he says.

“When you have Marxist ideologues as tenured faculty members, and elsewhere, pushing their Marxist agenda on American citizen children, this is what you get. A fusion of Marxism and Islamism, and they all are involved in anti-Americanism,” he adds.

And it’s all by design.

“All this extremist radicalism is being taught, it’s being embraced, and now, it’s being practiced, and it’s also being funded. It’s being funded by Democrat Party billionaires through dark money contributions laundered through organizations,” he explains.

“Which is why they almost, almost, uniformly line up against Israel and line up against America and line up against Trump. They will do anything for power,” he adds.

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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Endorses DEI Cult With Demands For Jewish ‘Safe Spaces’

The policy sounds necessary and well-meaning until one realizes it establishes a priviledged class on the hierarchy of identity politics.

All midshipmen at U.S. Naval Academy to receive 'diversity' re-education from a 'walking safe space'

Navy documents published by CDR Salamander on Thursday revealed the nature of the U.S. Naval Academy's so-called "Diversity Peer Educator Program," now in effect and planned to run until 2032. All midshipmen are subject to instruction by a "walking safe space," whose expertise will include "sensitive topics like race, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity."

This diversity educator position is the product of a 2021 initiative taken by the USNA's Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The office indicated that it would create "a position in each company that specializes in the education of peers and the facilitation of proper reporting procedures for instances of discrimination."

The academy's diversity re-educator program was thereafter described in a February 16, 2022, memo sent by the USNA's Commandant of Midshipmen. Its purpose: "to create an inclusive environment that fosters dignity and respect throughout the Brigade by equipping midshipmen to lead across cultures in support of the USNA Mission."

In advancement of such an "inclusive environment," the academy's diversity peer educators will facilitate small group conversations as a means to "inform midshipmen, faculty, and staff and foster a culture of cohesion." Inclusivity and cohesion are regarded as being linked to sailors' "moral development."

CDR Salamander procured a partially redacted copy of the USNA's "Diversity Peer Educator Education Discussion Guide," wherein these group conversations are discussed along with best practices.

"Create a Safe Space" is listed as the #1 best practice for facilitating group conversations around diversity. This best practice is not limited to the group discussion, however.

The diversity re-educator is expected to serve "as a walking safe space for peers." Extra to providing a mobile refuge for midshipmen, the re-educator is tasked with advising "company midshipmen leadership on best practices to make equitable decisions" and serving as a "resource for peers who need to seek help in all matters of diversity and inclusion."

When is a maritime exercise racist? When is a direct order actually a micro-aggression? The diversity educator should know.

The re-educators are expected to morally develop and inform the academy's constituents in accordance with the USNA's "Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan." Since the USNA "remains an inclusive campus," the plan released last year explained how all programs "must intentionally aim to advance the understanding of, and address the challenges of, underrepresented populations."

The USNA's DEI office noted that inclusion "requires commitment and intentionality from everyone to increase self-awareness of biases, to learn how experiences and environments form biases, and understand how those biases impacts their everyday decisions."

Although "psychological, physical and emotional toughness" was identified by the DEI office as an asset to the fleet and necessary to the Navy's "warfighting excellence," safety and equity on campus were also greatly emphasized.

It has recently been alleged that the Navy is currently prioritizing diversity training over actual combat training.

One active-duty Navy lieutenant told members of Congress: "Sometimes I think we care more about whether we have enough diversity officers than if we'll survive a fight with the Chinese navy. ... It's criminal. They think my only value is as a black woman. But you cut our shop open with a missile and we'll all bleed the same color."

Republican Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton's 2022 "Report on the Fighting Culture of the United States Navy Surface Fleet" pointed out that programs encouraging diversity "come with a cost. The non-combat curricula consume Navy resources, clog inboxes, create administrative quagmires, and monopolize precious training time."

Programs such as the USNA's diversity peer educator initiative weigh down sailors "with non-combat related training and administrative burdens," such that sailors may ultimately be sent "into battle less prepared and less focused than their opponents."

Extra to the prioritization of warfighting, Cotton's report recommended the Navy depoliticize the war room and "remove all political and sociological topics from Professional Military Education and replace them with essential warfighting courseware."

US Navy's LBGTQ-themed video touting 'correct pronouns,' gender identity, creating a 'safe space' is getting lambasted: 'You're gonna lose the next war'

An LBGTQ-themed video from the U.S. Navy that champions the usage of "correct pronouns," the importance of gender identity, and the goal of making a "safe space for everyone" is getting soundly ridiculed — in fact, one commenter reacting to the clip wrote to Americans that "you're gonna lose the next war."

What are the details?

The nearly four-minute video — posted in late May on the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service website — features Conchy Vasquez and Jony Rozon, "both engineers at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Division Newport" who "discuss the importance of using correct pronouns as well as polite etiquette when you may not be sure of someone's pronouns."

The clip is listed as an "Official US Navy Video" and uses "LBGTQ" and "Pride" tags. The Defense Visual Information Distribution Service is run by Defense Media Activity, which "keeps Department of Defense audiences around the world informed, collects and preserves the Department’s visual information records, and trains the Department’s Public Affairs and Visual Information professionals."

The clip begins with Rozon — sporting a bright rainbow shirt — and Vasquez introducing themselves by using their preferred pronouns.

"Using the right pronouns is a really simple way to affirm someone's identity," Rozon says. "It is a signal of acceptance and respect."

"If it's a signal of acceptance and respect," Vasquez continues, "how do we go about creating a safe space for everybody?"

The pair offers pointers on correct pronoun usage in conversation and interaction with others and the importance of using "inclusive language" and "gender-neutral language."

"Instead of saying something like ‘Hey guys,' you can say, ‘Hey everyone,' or ‘Hey team,'" Rozon adds.

"Another way that we could show that we're allies and that we accept everybody is to maybe include our pronouns in our emails or, like we just did, introduce ourselves using our pronouns," Vasquez explains.

How are folks reacting?

The majority of those reacting to the video on the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service website are ridiculing the clip.

  • "What in the absolute crap is happening with our military?" one commenter asked.
  • "Such BULL-S**T... when the bullets fly and the ... bombs start hitting... 'pro-nouns' won't matter in the military," another commenter wrote.
  • "The one thing that unites a work force is one mission, not pronouns," another commenter stated.
  • "Hello to my American friends. Just a short message: you're gonna lose the next war," another commenter warned.

(H/T: Washington Free Beacon)

San Francisco police officers denied service at restaurant because their weapons go against eatery's 'safe space' ideology

A San Francisco restaurant is facing backlash after its staff denied service to three police officers. The owners of the restaurant said the eatery didn't feel comfortable allowing the police officers to eat there because the presence of their weapons goes against the establishment's "safe space" ideology. However, the owners of the restaurants are walking back the original decision to boot the cops.

On Friday, three San Francisco police officers frequented the Hilda and Jesse restaurant – that offers "Breakfast without boundaries." The police officers were seated, but shortly after, the "staff felt uncomfortable with the presence of their multiple weapons."

The police officers were then "politely asked them to leave," according to the restaurant.

The owners of Hilda and Jesse reportedly issued a response that said, "Our restaurant is a safe space – particularly for queer and BIPOC individuals."

The brunch spot wrote on social media that they "respect the San Francisco Police Department and are grateful for the work they do." The owners – Kristina Liedags Compton and Rachel Sillcocks – said the cops are welcome into the restaurant "when they are off duty, out of uniform, and without their weapons."

According to KNTV, the San Francisco Police Officers Association issued a statement on the refusal of service.

"Three foot-beat officers looking to eat where they patrol are treated without any tact or class by this establishment," the organization stated. "Fortunately, there are plenty of restaurants that don't discriminate and will welcome our officers working to try and keep all San Franciscans safe."

San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott pointed out how the restaurant's refusal to accommodate cops hurts community policing.

"Community engagement is a core principle of SFPD’s 21st century police reforms, and we are intentional about asking our officers to support local businesses and get to know those they’re sworn to safeguard," Scott wrote on Twitter.

"The San Francisco Police Department stands for safety with respect, even when it means respecting wishes that our officers and I find discouraging and personally disappointing," the police chief said. "I believe the vast majority of San Franciscans welcome their police officers, who deserve to know that they are appreciated for the difficult job we ask them to do — in their uniforms — to keep our neighborhoods and businesses safe."

(1/3) Community engagement is a core principle of SFPD\u2019s 21st century police reforms, and we are intentional about asking our officers to support local businesses and get to know those they\u2019re sworn to safeguard.\u00a0\u2026
— SFPD Chief Scott (@SFPD Chief Scott) 1638677238

(3/3) I believe the vast majority of San Franciscans welcome their police officers, who deserve to know that they are appreciated for the difficult job we ask them to do \u2014 in their uniforms \u2014 to keep our neighborhoods and businesses safe.
— SFPD Chief Scott (@SFPD Chief Scott) 1638677238

There was local and national backlash against the restaurant. "Online reviewers voiced their disappointment by giving the restaurant 1-star reviews on several websites including Yelp," according to NBC News Bay Area.

The owners of Hilda and Jesse issued an apology on Sunday night.

"We made a mistake and apologize for the unfortunate incident on Friday when we asked members of the San Francisco Police Department to leave our restaurant," the owners of the Hilda and Jesse restaurant wrote on Instagram.

"We are grateful to all members of the force who work hard to keep us safe, especially during these challenging times," the post continued. "We hope this will be a teachable moment for us as we repair and continue to build bridges with the SFPD. These are stressful times, and we handled this badly."

Colleges Offer Safe Spaces, Counseling After Rittenhouse Acquittal

Various colleges released statements following the 'not guilty' verdict in the Rittenhouse case, condemning the decision and advertising safe spaces.

'Trigger warning' — coined to prop up woke students' psyches — is on college's 'oppressive language list.' Why? Because of its gun connotations.

It appears the term "trigger warning" first showed up in TheBlaze way back in 2014 in a story about warning labels being placed on classic books.

The piece, citing the New York Times, noted a movement sweeping across college campuses to employ "trigger warnings," which alert students "that the material they are about to read or see in a classroom might upset them."

As you likely recall, colleges began to create "safe spaces" and call out "microaggressions" while issuing "trigger warnings" — all of which might seem rather innocuous compared to the far-left woke culture that now dominates colleges and many other institutions these days.

But for at least one school, the term "trigger warning" is on the outs.

What are the details?

Brandeis University has issued an "oppressive language list" designed to guide those on campus toward the voluntary use of appropriate speech. It breaks down words and terms that invoke violence, cultural appropriation, and general offensiveness.

And "trigger warning" made the list as as "violent language." Why?

The chart says "the word 'trigger' has connections to guns for many people; we can give the same heads-up using language less connected to violence."

Are there alternatives? Oh, you betcha. Instead, the chart says, you can substitute "drop-in" or "content note" to warn others that what they're about to read or see or hear could be traumatic for them.

But that ain't all

The chart says that the oft-used term "killing it" connotes violence: "If someone is doing well, we don't need to equate that to murder!" Alternative terms listed are "great job" and "awesome."

Also on the outs are "take a shot at" and "take a stab at" as "these expressions needlessly use imagery of hurting someone or something." To be less violent, it's suggested that one use phrases such as "give it a go" or simply one word: "try."

In addition, "go off the reservation" is verboten due to its "harmful history rooted in the violent removal of indigenous people from their land and the potential consequences for someone that left the reservation." Instead, people ought to say, "disagree with the group" or "defect from the group."

Oh, and "rule of thumb" is a no-no because it "allegedly comes from an old British law allowing men to beat their wives with sticks no wider than their thumb." To stay on the safe side, use "general rule" instead.

Under the banner of identity-based language are the phrases "long time no see" and "no can do," which the chart says "stereotypes making fun of non-native English speakers, particularly applied to indigenous people and Asians." Instead one should say, "I haven't seen you in so long!" and "sorry, I can't," respectively.

Here's a sampling of other oppressive words and phrases — along with preferred words and phrases — for your edification:

  • Oppressive: Crazy, Insane, Wild; Preferred: That's bananas
  • Oppressive: Lame; Preferred: Uncool, disappointing
  • Oppressive: Tribe; Preferred: Friends, group, pals
  • Oppressive: Homeless person; Preferred: Person experiencing housing insecurity
  • Oppressive: Prostitute; Preferred: Person who engages in sex work
  • Oppressive: Disabled person; Preferred: Person with a disability
  • Oppressive: Wheelchair-bound; Preferred: Person who uses a wheelchair

(H/T: The Post Millennial)

College offers 'Presidential Debate Support Space' through counseling center so students can share feelings about 'national events' in 'safe space'

Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland — which hosted Tuesday's debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden — has opened up a virtual "Presidential Debate Support Space" through the college's counseling center so students can share their feelings about "national events" in a "safe space."

What are the details?

"Support Space is a confidential safe space for students to have open discussions in a group setting, moderated by University Health & Counseling Services clinical staff," the program's page says. "Students can discuss the impact of recent national events, including the presidential debate and upcoming election."

However, the page adds that the support space "is not a substitute for psychotherapy and does not constitute mental health treatment."

The first hourlong session was scheduled Monday, a day prior to the presidential debate. Another session was scheduled Tuesday evening, just before the debate commenced, and another was scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. Another session is set to take place Friday, and four more are scheduled to run next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Participants must register in advance, the page notes, and they "will be expected to adhere to rules regarding respectful dialogue" — which Trump and Biden pretty much ignored during their testy throw-down:

Biden Tells Trump to “Shut Up" But Isn't Ready for Trump to BRING THE FIRE!

Not the first time

This idea of safe spaces for college students to deal with emotional trauma accompanying elections is nothing new.

You might recall that Marquette University's counseling center advertised a safe space for students to "de-stress" from the ravages of the 2018 midterm elections. Among the perks were "stress busting activities," "a gratitude board," and "self-care strategies."

And a Georgetown University LGBT student group was set to host a "Self-Care Night" featuring "Legos, juice boxes, and more!" on the Monday after Trump's 2017 inauguration — recognizing what students have been through "after a long week." Apparently stuffed animals and coloring books also were on the agenda.

Oh, and a "Meeting of Healing" took place at the University of Connecticut in response to a conservative speaker's appearance at the school in 2017.

(H/T: Campus Reform)