Deace: In the fight for Western civilization, no one expected to find hope in Canada and San Francisco. But here we are.
I’m truly tired of being right about the things I’ve been right about these last few years. I’d like to be right about those things a lot less often, because it would mean our culture and our way of life would be showing signs of possessing an improved heartbeat instead of an aggressively metastasizing cancer.
Knowing how competitive I am, you know I don’t say such a thing lightly. But being wrong more often would truly be a gift to me personally. I don’t want to cram for perpetual COVID analysis any longer because the medical "experts" who should be leading us on that front keeping lying to us at deadly cost. I don’t want to believe that I’m living in a time of judgement that would make some Old Testament prophets blush. I want to be wrong that this nation called by President Abraham Lincoln to “once again be seen as the last best hope of earth” has been seen "once again" to pass us by for good.
And lately on the front, my cup very unexpectedly runneth over.
I very publicly wrote off Canada as a nation beyond help not so very long ago. Then came the Canadian truckers, who stepped out of the constant and years-long fog of propaganda and cultural rot to reclaim their rights as citizens of Western civilization. With every additional day that they plug up the highways and directly air their grievances in the common tongue of frustrated, everyday people instead of through the sickly prism of increasingly tyrannical bureaucratic or journalistic filters, my hope grows.
Could it finally be that instead of people being afraid of their government, the time has come where we — as children ultimately governed by the laws of nature and nature’s God — are ready and willing to reclaim what is ours and declare beyond any doubt that it is in fact the government that should and must be afraid of its people?
Trusting such a thing at this point in the game, no matter how badly I want it to be true, is very, very hard for me. But then came another light in the darkness. Three school board members in the San Francisco 666 school district were thrown out of office last week, in a recall election as punishment for their destructive political radicalism and dismissal of scientific reality during the last two years of the COVID crisis.
I could hardly believe it. I’ve been calling for spiritual revival for as long as I can remember, and then something happens in a devil’s playground like San Francisco — a place I have been telling people for months now to leave as if they were fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah — that seems impossible without the direct intervention of God himself.
May these eyes to see and ears to hear not be a mirage or fool’s gold. I want to believe. I need to believe. So stand with me now as I step out in faith and prostrate myself yet again as I pray for yet another glorious miracle.
Lord, you humbled me about Canada. You humbled me about San Francisco. I have seen you let mercy triumph over judgement in great and mysterious ways. My condemnation of others has led to your glorious correction and revival. Thus, here I am with one more lamentation that I know to be true in my very bones, but I seek the sort of rescue from that fate which only you can provide.
I will utter it now and put my trust in you. Here goes:
The Republican Party hates its own base and has an agenda that has nothing to do with the people's interests and concerns.
Thy will be done.