Democrats Claim Public Schools Mostly Run By Democrats Are Deeply Racist

The knee-jerk reaction that disparities are caused by discrimination is an all-too-common political argument. And in this case, it is not supported by the evidence.

Post-Lockdowns, There’s A Teacher Burnout Crisis In America’s Schools

Districts mismanage their budgets, cutting the core personnel who actually teach classes while maintaining bloated bureaucratic overhead.

School Choice Can Be Your Hall Pass Out Of Increasingly Violent Classrooms

[rebelmouse-proxy-image PM-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" expand=1]Schools don't just tolerate bad behavior -- they're fostering more of it with discipline models like 'restorative justice.'

Porn in schools “is a children’s rights issue.”

If you thought the woke indoctrination going on in schools couldn’t get any worse, well, you were wrong.

Just last week, an 11-year-old boy read an illustrated romance novel, called “Nick and Charlie,” in front of a school board. The book was pornographic, detailing a scene between two boys who steal wine from their parents and decide to sexually experiment with each other.

The boy said he saw the book propped up on a stand and went to check the book out so he could bring it home and show his dad. When he did, the librarian asked him if he wanted more and if he wanted the graphic novel version.

Disturbing doesn’t cover it. This is blatant LGBTQ+ indoctrination.

Not only is pornographic content in a school library, it's being promoted by the school and endorsed by the adult librarian. It’s nothing short of pedophilic.

Sara Gonzales calls it like it is. She says, “This is not a trans issue. This right here is a children’s rights issue.”

Gonzales goes on to say, “This is about protecting children from being sexually abused, exploited, and indoctrinated by adults. This is the most important thing going on in our country right now. You can talk all you want about Russia and Ukraine ... but if we can not agree that we have to protect children from being abused — that we will protect the innocence of children and stop exposing them to sex, to perversions, to irreversible hormones, chemical castration, chopping their [genitals] off, chopping their breasts off — nothing else matters.”

And she’s right. The country can come back from inflation, war, and bad policy — but it cannot come back from sexually mutilating and abusing the next generation.

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'Are you disciplining African-American boys more than you’re disciplining white boys?' School district will consider race when students break behavioral rules

A school board in Washington state adopted a "culturally responsive discipline" policy earlier this month requiring students' race and ethnicity to be taken into consideration after they break behavioral rules and punishment is administered.

What are the details?

The board for Clover Park School District — which is about an hour south of Seattle — passed the measure March 14 by a 3-2 vote after some debate among board members.

"The Board recognizes the negative and disproportionate impact of exclusionary discipline practices," the policy reads, adding that the main goal is to minimize discipline that keeps students out of the classroom.

When one board member asked what a culturally responsive discipline policy "might look like," deputy superintendent Brian Laubach replied that the question for schools would be, "Are you dispersing discipline across the ethnicities, the racial groups, equitably?" For example, "Are you disciplining African-American boys more than you’re disciplining white boys?" he added.

Laubach also noted that "classroom teachers" and "administrators who dispense that discipline" for behavioral violations would be asked why sending students out of the classroom was chosen for discipline instead of other options that would have kept them in class.

The state defines “culturally responsive” as harnessing “knowledge of student cultural histories and contexts, as well as family norms and values in different cultures; knowledge and skills in accessing community resources and community and parent outreach; and skills in adapting instruction to students' experiences and identifying cultural contexts for individual students."

Board member Paul Wagemann wasn't down with the proposed policy.

“Let’s say we both commit the same offense,” Wagemann posed in an analogy, presumably related to students of color versus white students. "Then the question should be, 'What are the consequences of that offense? And how do we go through that process?' That’s how I see it. And to be fair, if we both did the same thing, we should get the same consequence ... and I think that’s how most children on the playground like to see it. Most of us as citizens in our community like to see it that way. That it’s equal.”

With that he dismissed the idea that the powers that be in the district would “have to look at [a student’s] nationality, or where he was born, or where he lived” prior to administering discipline. Instead, Wagemann said, plain and simple, "He did an offense; I did the same offense. We should suffer the same consequence. And I think that’s what our system should do."

March. 14th, 2022 CPSD School Board

More pushback

Conservative commentator Jason Rantz also blasted such policies, which he said are running rampant in Washington state.

"Lazy progressive activists claim it’s racist to punish racial minorities because the presumption should be that those students are already oppressed," he wrote. "White people are deemed oppressors, so you should punish them because of their so-called privilege."

Schools Are Making Lockdown Recovery Even Harder For Kids By Refusing To Remove Violent Classmates

What makes this year particularly bad is that there are more dangerous students in classrooms, and schools have adopted policies that enable them.

North Dallas High School Accents Rising Violence In Public Schools Nationwide

When Dallas administrators let sexual assault allegations go unaddressed, they were forced to call in police who used tasers on rioting high school students.

How School Chaos From Lax Standards Can Lead To Teens Bringing A Gun

A school is like a city. When a city reduces law enforcement and relaxes laws, crime proliferates and the general quality of life declines.

Joe Biden Plans To Revive School Rules Punishing Kids According To Skin Color

As bad as the Obama administration was on public school discipline policy, the Biden administration is shaping up to be even worse.