Pope Francis’ Removal Of Conservative Texas Bishop Exposes More Cracks In The Vatican’s New Agenda

The Vatican continues to please the rainbow mafia while mercilessly attacking the orthodox, the faithful, and the traditional.

Big Businesses Are Still Woke, They’ve Just Learned To Be Quieter About It

While it seems that conservatives are pushing businesses and nonprofit organizations to return to more neutral positions, it’s all a facade.

Anti-Catholic Hate Has No Place in America, Much Less America’s National Pastime

Why would the Dodgers decide to taint baseball’s legacy of patriotism, faith, and family with a group that exists to defile religious values?

We Need More Christians Like Trevor Williams, Not Anthony Bass

Williams reminds Christians that suffering at the hands of their fellow sinners — while unpleasant — ultimately brings us closer to Christ.

‘The Chosen’ Can’t Serve Both God And LGBT ‘Pride’ Activists

Maybe a pride flag on camera equipment shouldn’t discount the work 'The Chosen' is doing. The show’s unwillingness to do anything but endorse the flag on set, however, does.

The Anti-Christian Los Angeles Dodgers Deserve The Bud Light Treatment

Christians didn't choose this culture war, but it's past time they get involved in it.