Why Making Babies In Test Tubes Is Not Pro-Life

The IVF industry enables the abortion industry by feeding the cultural entitlement to God-like powers over life and death.

IVF Kills Children While Idolizing Them

How can it be ethical to create one human, or a few, at the expense of other humans?

The Conservative, Pro-Life Case Against Surrogacy

Here's your cheat sheet for how to respond next time a gay or straight conservative celebrates creating a motherless child.

The Global Fertility Industry Seeks To Erase Women From Procreation One Manufactured Egg At A Time

As scientists ramp up their fantasies about fabricated female gametes, concerns about technology outpacing our humanity should be high.

California Bill Would Make Insurance Fund Unlimited Attempts To Create Motherless And Fatherless Children

In the marriage and family world, 'equality' based on adult emotions and preferences will always result in true inequality for children.

Oklahoma Judge: Sperm-Donor Baby Belongs With Mother And Father, Not Mom’s Lesbian Ex

This ruling demonstrates how enabling and protecting the deliberate creation of motherless and fatherless babies violates children’s natural rights.