Rogan and Trump challenge the 'Spirit of the Age' in an epic interview

I just finished Joe Rogan’s interview with Donald Trump and wanted to share my thoughts while it’s still fresh in my mind.

This interview will likely be the most consequential political event of my lifetime — maybe ever. Future interviews will try to emulate its style and influence, making it a generational harbinger much like the Kennedy-Nixon presidential debate of 1960. But whatever comes next will only build on the precedent set here for the following reasons.

If the culture war needs voices like Rogan and Trump, so be it.

Rogan arguably has the widest reach of any show since Oprah Winfrey, and his audience is distinct: men who see themselves as truth-seekers and who distrust the current political and media landscape.

For better or worse, Rogan now guides more of the next generation of male discipleship and leadership in this country than the church does — an influence shift that the church has allowed.

Trump is arguably now the most famous living person in human history. And yet the largest platform in the country was still able to grant him the opportunity to counter so many misconceptions of who he actually is, what he actually thinks, and the resistance movement he represents.

This interview alone won't erase nearly a decade of malevolent corporate journalism, but it's a D-Day invasion-level event. The marriage of the largest alternative media platform yet devised and the biggest living threat to the current media-political-industrial complex has established a beachhead in the enemy's occupied territory. Just as June 6, 1944, forever shifted the momentum in the last great war, it is quite possible that October 25, 2024, will be seen by future generations as the great momentum-shifter in the great information war.

The benefit of this interview for candidate Trump could be equivalent to the largest and most expensive media ad buy in political history — something unattainable given the resources and precise messaging required to pull it off effectively.

This may become the most-watched interview in human history, featuring a candidate whose last two campaigns were decided by a combined margin of fewer than 130,000 votes in key swing states. It granted him an unrestricted platform to redefine himself for millions just as the election unfolds.

This single conversation inflicted more epistemological damage on the Spirit of the Age that threatens Western civilization than the Christian Church has managed in a generation. Once the institution that shaped this civilization, the church has become weakened and passive in confronting today’s cultural battles.

It was just two individuals, each with their own unconventional beliefs, pursuing truth, common sense, and the common good. It’s clear why the Spirit of the Age attempted to dismantle Rogan’s platform during the COVID-19 pandemic and has targeted Trump himself for assassination not once but twice. By contrast, it’s equally clear why many pastors don’t face such opposition — they simply aren’t seen as a threat, and tragically, few even aspire to be.

The conversation about environmentalism may be the best example. Trump demonstrated a surprising command of the issue and, in one interview, inflicted more damage on a core tenet of the left’s occult religion than I’ve ever seen in a single setting. Given Rogan’s largely post-partisan audience, the reach and impact of this moment are significant.

This was cultural evangelism in action. Trump dismantled the left's climate narrative as effectively as John of Damascus challenged Islam or Francis Schaeffer deconstructed the counterculture. This approach poses a serious threat to the prevailing Spirit of the Age.

If Trump and Rogan can reframe common sense in a way that transcends the mostly artificial partisan divide, they present a far more existential threat to societal darkness than the current state of the church, sadly. This conversation unfolds against the backdrop of leftists attacking publications like the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times for not rubbing their bellies.

This interview also signals where the culture war may go post-Trump. With the church caught up in self-censorship and essentially emasculating itself, something else must emerge to confront the darkness. Would God prefer to use our family-values pastors who speak with little vice? Absolutely. But just as Gideon sounded the trumpet for battle, the church has decided it has better things to do.

So if the culture war needs voices like Rogan and Trump, so be it. As believers, we shouldn’t compromise our core principles — we’re not allowed that luxury. But we should recognize where the battle is, go there, and stand with those willing to fight. Not everyone storming the beaches of Normandy was a devout believer, yet they fought. Cast aside your sweater vests and furrowed brows and join this fight while we still can. Joe Rogan’s interview with Donald Trump confirms that this battle will happen — with or without us.

Deace: If we think it can't happen to us, we're dead wrong

Mike Lindell, aka the My Pillow Guy, aka MAGA threat to the republic, had his car surrounded at a fast food drive-through and is now being investigated by Biden’s totes legit (we promise!) Department of Injustice for (of all things) identity theft.

Otherwise known as whatever the sam hill the Spirit of the Age’s jack-booted thugs wanted to make up out of thin air to justify harassing someone who dares dissent from the regime. Pro tip: Given the current state of our injustice system, Lindell could rest assured he’d be avoiding prison time provided he’d done the following instead:

  • Rape sex-trafficked girls on Epstein Island.
  • Turn hospitals across the country into "The Island of Dr. Moreau" by mutilating the bodies of depressed teenagers, especially if it’s without their parents’ consent.
  • Intentionally run over a teenage Republican “extremist” with your car because you disagree with him and even call 9-1-1 and admit to doing the dirty deed.
  • Mandate knowingly giving healthy young men myocarditis and healthy young women miscarriages.
  • Teach kids how to perform “rimming,” “anal sex,” “bondage,” “domination,” “sadomasochism,” “muffing,” and “fisting” in a public school classroom.
  • Be named Ray Epps.

We are somewhere between the “late republic nonsense” and “banana republic” turnpikes on the Highway to Hell, with the pedal to the metal all the way to the ash heap of history. Devil may care – and trust me, he cares quite a bit – nothing is stopping us from reaching our final destination if the mob outside Lot’s house has its way. A country that once began with “we the people” is now buried under “here lies managed decay.”

The shining city on a hill has been desecrated beyond recognition by demonic Democrats and Jesuit priest Republicans alike into the farce we are now. Their singular goal, despite their respective claims of mutual opposition, is the complete undoing of each and every aspect of reality that tethers our souls to the good, the true, and the beautiful.

The only difference between the two parties isn’t the mission but the motivation. Democrats are agents of chaos and carnage; Republicans just want in on the grift.

Meanwhile, in Iran, God is proving that His cosmic sense of timing shall not be mocked. Because as woke America self-immolates as the only nation ever founded on a creed, a land long subdued by an imposter god may be awakening. Wouldn’t it be something if Iran rose up as we lay down?

Iran may have its Rosa Parks, a woman murdered while in police custody for not wearing her hijab. The Iranians have their mad King George, the ailing Ayatollah Khamenei. They have their ruthless redcoats, the Revolutionary Guard. And as we speak, they may be having their Boston Tea Party/civil rights movement, as people take to the streets to take back the self-evident: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

So once were we, before we traded conviction for comfort and reason for madness. Before we managed to convince ourselves that if they can do this to Lindell, non-violent January 6 protesters, and sexually confused kids, we can trust they’ll totally pump the brakes before their appetite for destruction welcomes us to the jungle.

We’re dead wrong.

Deace: In Iowa, a black woman stands up to the white, woke rage mob

If you are a woke law professor like Berkeley’s Khiara Bridges, you get invited to Congress to insist that men can get pregnant while accusing those who disagree with you of transphobia and inciting violence.

If you are a conservative school board member like Iowa’s Whitney Smith McIntosh, your belief in two genders and insistence that pornographic material doesn’t belong in the school library earns you torches and pitchforks from the local mob outside Lot's house.

What these women have in common, though, is that they are both black.

Smith McIntosh is the first black woman ever to serve in the large and semi-rural Southeast Polk School District orbiting Des Moines. But since her critics are filled with rainbow righteousness, they need not worry about accusations of white privilege or systemic racism – even when one of them approached Smith McIntosh after a recent school board meeting and yelled at her until the police had to intervene.

Earlier in that same meeting, a handful of woke mobsters showed up to speak out against Smith McIntosh, who was elected in 2021, and demand that the district punish her or have her removed from the board because, basically, she dared to be black while Republican on her Facebook page and in appearances on local podcasts. So if this is sounding like the "burn the witch" routine from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," just wait, it gets better.

With the help of local depravity experts One Iowa Action, the Southeast Polk trans mob has now filed a formal complaint of “discrimination against LGBTQ students, families, and district members” with not only the district but with the Chicago Office of Civil Rights as well. Either you guzzle the Kool-Aid like they do, or else.

“It’s disturbing and sad to me,” said Smith McIntosh, 44, who is an Army veteran, was appointed by Gov. Kim Reynolds to sit on the Iowa Commission on the Status of African Americans, and ran for school board on a platform of parental rights and district transparency. “I’ve gotten a lot of supportive feedback, but nothing is going to change if I’m the only person saying things. Sometime in the future it is going to be your turn. You have to get out of the sandbox.”

Well, to the taxpayers of the Southeast Polk School District and decent people across Iowa, that sometime in the future is clearly right now. Because this is nothing short of a public lynching for no other reason than a black woman is deemed too dangerous to have her own independent thoughts, if they deviate from the current Spirit of the Age. Sure, castrate your sons or chest-bind your daughters and they’ll call it normal or even progress, but don’t you dare say you know what a woman is, like a damned biologist or something.

My goodness. Enough of this madness.

Smith McIntosh was voted in less than a year ago. Attempting to throw her out of office after a legitimate election with nothing but emotional, psychological, and spiritual derangement from a handful of Rainbow Jihad bed-wetters as the impetus is nothing short of a coup against sanity. Full stop.

The strides made to return the balance of power within school districts back to reasonable people, after decades of hijacking by fraudulent education voodoo, have been remarkable on the national level in the last couple of years. However, we would be fools to believe the forces of chaos won’t fight back, as they are now. There’s a reason why I call it “Satan’s youth ministry.” And we will pry our children from his cold, scaly claws. But pry we must! That’s why they are seeking to make an example of Smith McIntosh. They want you to believe that they and their collection of lies, despite anything else you may have been told, are the inevitable way forward.

It is way past the time to be polite with those who think such things. As the late, great Andrew Breitbart said, "This is war." All you have left to decide is whether Smith McIntosh or her rancid accusers will be the casualties in this fight. Pick a side. Ambiguity is for fools. We simply can’t co-exist with this. We should not. We must not. And it was never going to co-exist with you, anyway.

Let’s stand with Smith McIntosh and cast this darkness back into the abyss from whence it came.

Deace: Mom fights woke school district and the spirit of the age. Where are the dads?

Even when you catch them red-handed, you’re still the guilty one.

That’s what Erin Jo Chaskey, 37, discovered about how the “education” game was being played in her small Michigan school district, after seeking out some basic accountability in a place where it should have been expected. Four generations of her family had attended this school, and she was a regular volunteer.

But the spirit of the age is a very jealous god.

Chaskey, as many parents have in the last few years, dared to ask some questions about critical race theory being taught in her children’s school back in the spring of 2021. District officials responded by ignoring emails from her and violating freedom of information (FOIA) requests for months. Finally, when a controversial high school teacher told a boy last fall that his “white privilege was showing,” she had had enough and decided to run for an open seat on the school board.

That’s when the cult struck back.

When she showed up as directed to pick up the appropriate paperwork, she overheard a conversation from her position in a public waiting area between the superintendent of schools and a sitting school board member. They were talking about her and their intention to avoid communicating via school email from now on to avoid Chaskey’s attempts to pin them down using FOIA requests. In fact, they were openly plotting against her, so she pulled out her phone and recorded what she heard.

That’s when all hell – literally – broke loose. Like I said, woke education is a very jealous god, and its minions in the Onaway Area Community Schools proceeded to issue a warrant to seize Chaskey’s cellphone, as well as a no-trespass order. According to the spirit of the age, that domestic terrorist formerly known as a "parent" would have to pay for her blasphemy.

Not being a coward, though, Chaskey refused to wilt. She filed a civil suit seeking relief from the no-trespass order so she could attend her son’s school events. That was met the very next day by the school administration with felony eavesdropping charges. She was fingerprinted and had her mug shot taken. All for being a mom who wouldn’t drink the Kool-Aid.

This was all about intimidation and vengeance. Obey or be canceled, said the jealous gods. Chaskey’s lawyer, Daren Wisely, said the school district’s attempt to use a law in a way that had no precedent since its passage in the 1960s showed the lengths it was willing to go to so the world could be made flat. You’d expect all this in Ann Arbor, said Wisely, but this was all happening just south of the Upper Peninsula in a place where everyone knows everyone, the entire K-12 student population is in one building, and Chaskey had even previously gone on vacation with the school principal.

“That’s what boggles my mind,” Wisely said. “From the get-go they weren’t trying to work with her. They were trying to gaslight her. But she has the most conviction and perseverance of anyone I’ve ever met in my life.” And because she did, the charges were ultimately dropped earlier this year as completely without merit. However, where are the consequences for the ringleaders in the school district who mercilessly attacked a parent in order to cover their own tracks? So far, nothing.

Even in small-town Michigan, the spirit of the age has a very long reach.

“It’s been a complete nightmare,” said Chaskey. “I never even had a speeding ticket before. You have no idea what it’s been like. I’ve been ostracized. But when I’m ready, I’m going to put out everything that happened.”

Mama Bear is still fighting, while too many around her simply stand by and watch the train wreck pass them by as it steals the very souls of their children. How did it come to such a pass, when a single woman must stand alone against such darkness and chaos? Where are the dads of this district?

The answer to that question will be our everlasting shame, if not our complete undoing as a nation.