‘The Recruit’ Is Fair But Fun In Its Depiction Of Our Intelligence Agencies 'The Recruit' succeeds at being interesting and fun, but it also succeeds in conveying how chaotic and messy U.S. intelligence agencies are.
Even With Perfectly Cast Jeff Bridges, ‘The Old Man’ Falls Short In Understanding Male Aging Upon this flattened terrain of a TV series rides not man’s deeper senses of purpose, but old men’s fever dreams.
Cold War Thriller ‘The Courier’ Explores The Personal Side Of Espionage Featuring Benedict Cumberbatch as a salesman-turned-unlikely-spy, this potent biopic portrays how secret agents sacrifice for the good of others.
Washington State Launches ‘Public Health’ Task Force To Address ‘Domestic Violent Extremism’ dailycaller.com
Cenk Uygur experiences leftist intolerance firsthand after volunteering to help Trump admin www.theblaze.com
EXCLUSIVE: Red States Paint Grim Picture In Supreme Court Brief If Men Are Allowed To Compete In Girls’ Sports dailycaller.com