Former Teacher Amy Rolfes Shows How Normies Can Help Make Their Local Elections More Secure

[rebelmouse-proxy-image AM-1200x675.png crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//" expand=1]St. Joseph County Clerk Amy Rolfes recently alerted Indiana state elections officials to potential ballot petition fraud.

Apparent Ballot Petition Fraud Involving Democrat Campaign Discovered In Another Indiana County

'Most of what they turned in to us were not even registered voters,' Roush said.

Indiana Police Investigate Apparent Election Fraud In County With History Of Democrat Ballot Crimes

St. Joseph County Clerk Amy Rolfes and her staff discovered hundreds of what appeared to be fraudulent petition signatures and addresses.

Indiana County Takes National Lead In Pushing Back Against Vaccine Passports

With the Biden administration a lost cause and Indiana passing only limited vaccine protection measures, St. Joseph County citizens were wise to take matters into their own hands.