Argentina's 'chainsaw' president tells the UN to shove its 'socialist' 'Pact for the Future'

Javier Milei, Argentina's self-proclaimed "anarcho-capitalist" president, took office in December 2023. In the months since, he has taken a "chainsaw" to his predecessors' failed leftist policies as well as to some critics' doubts.

This week, he shredded globalist hopes that the Argentine Republic would be party to the United Nations' "Pact for the Future," telling the General Assembly, "Argentina will not back any policy that implies the restriction of individual freedoms or trade, nor the violation of the natural rights of individuals."

Milei — whose debut address to the U.N. took place within hours of reports indicating that Argentina's economic activity beat estimates, growing 1.7% in July — invited other nations to join him not only in "opposing this pact, but in the creation of a new agenda for this noble institution: the freedom agenda."

After noting that the U.N. served a noble purpose in the wake of World War II, Milei stated it has since "stopped upholding the principles outlined in its founding declaration and begun to mutate" — from an organization that once defended human rights to "one of the main drivers of the systematic violation of freedom."

Milei dragged the U.N. for its support of "global quarantines during the year 2020," which he suggested qualify as crimes against humanity, as well as its appeasement of "bloody dictatorships," such as Venezuela, and criticism of Israel.

According to the Argentine president, the U.N. was created "as a shield to protect the realm of men" but has "transformed into a multi-tentacled leviathan that seeks to decide not only what each nation-state should do but also how all the citizens of the world should live."

'It is basically an attempt to build a totalitarian system of conformity across the business sector.'

Milei suggested that instead of seeking peace, the U.N. now seeks to impose an ideology on its members.

Distinguishing himself from a great many onlookers as a "libertarian liberal economist" rather than a politician, Milei warned of the threat posed by "collectivist policies" baked into the U.N.'s doomed 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The U.N.'s 2030 agenda includes 17 interlinked global goals designed to "transform the world."

Paul Tice, an adjunct professor of finance at the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University, indicated in his recent book, "The Race to Zero: How ESG Investing Will Crater the Global Financial System," that:

Climate action (SDG #13) provides the intersectional glue for the entire progressive agenda embedded in the UN's sustainability program, with each individual cause drawing strength and further validation from the moral imperative of saving the planet from fossil fuels because, in the UN's telling, climate change also affects global health, poverty, hunger, and national security, and 'its adverse impacts undermine the ability of all countries to achieve sustainable development.

Tice emphasized that sustainability is part of a broader anti-capitalist campaign that "borrows elements from both the totalitarian and reformist approaches of the past."

"It is basically an attempt to build a totalitarian system of conformity across the business sector based on moral suasion, thereby avoiding the administrative cost and public sector responsibility associated with outright state ownership or direct government intervention," wrote Tice.

'[The sustainability agenda] is nothing more than a super-national socialist government program.'

The professor noted further that "it embraces both state and progressive priorities but is mainly the fabrication of a permanent supranational bureaucracy of technocrats residing at multilateral agencies led by the UN and international NGOS such as the WEF, which effectively insulates it from accountability at the ballot box."

Sharing similar concerns about the U.N. agenda and its broader sustainability push, Milei suggested that the U.N. is now effectively a model of "super-national governance by international bureaucrats who intend to impose a certain way of life on the citizens of the world."

According to Milei, the "Pact for the Future," which 143 countries approved Sunday, is par for the course.

The pact overlaps with the 2030 sustainability agenda, laying out objectives for a multilateral approach to addressing changing weather patterns, so-called reproductive rights, and digital cooperation.

"Although well-intentioned in its goals, [the pact] is nothing more than a super-national socialist government program that aims to solve the problems of modernity with solutions that undermine the sovereignty of nation-states and violate the right to life, liberty, and property of individuals," said the Argentine president. "It is an agenda that aims to solve poverty, inequality, and discrimination with legislation that only deepens these issues."

Milei suggested that the pact is another poorly conceived utopian program that will not withstand or tolerate humans' incompatible nature and choices.

"We want to officially express our dissent regarding the 'Pact of the Future' signed on Sunday," said Milei, concluding with a version of a quote from Thomas Paine: "Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, endure the fatigue of defending it."

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NASCAR introduces electric vehicle as part of commitment to 'decarbonization' and 'sustainable' operations by 2035

NASCAR revealed an electric vehicle prototype at a Chicago event and spoke about its plans to "decarbonize" operations.

The racing organization showed off its new EV at the Chicago Street Race and published materials riddled with activist jargon regarding sustainability goals that have been heard ad nauseum from large corporations.

Touting a mission to strengthen its communities by advancing sustainability, NASCAR partnered with Swedish-Swiss electrical equipment manufacturer ABB.

'We actually have the opportunity to evaluate not just the battery electric part, but then also the crossover vehicle part.'

The beloved American stock car league's commitments to electrification echo those of the most basic plans put forth by limitless jurisdictions and manufacturers, stating that it would decarbonize its facilities and reach a net-zero carbon footprint in its core operations by 2035.

Simply put, while NASCAR said it will still use combustion engines in its cars, it would like to be able to tell people that its nonracing operations are sustainable.

"The combustion engine is our core product, and that will remain so for the coming future," Riley Nelson, NASCAR's head of sustainability, told CNN.

NASCAR hopes to have 100% renewable electricity at its racetracks and facilities by 2028 and also to have on-site electric vehicle charging stations. The partnership with ABB will supply the infrastructure needed at operational sites.

The EV itself, the ABB NASCAR EV Prototype, debuted in 2022 and was an attempt to make race cars look more similar to cars on the street, NASCAR said in a press release.

The car has three electric motors (one front, two rear) and regenerative braking. The braking is when an electric vehicle slows its speed to revert surplus energy back to the battery to allow for a longer driving time. This can be an irritating feature of a commercial electric vehicle, as certain driving modes will automatically put the brakes on the EV when it is at very low speeds, such as in a car wash.

"The pilot programs that we've implemented within operations of our core business, and then also the events, has been going really well," NASCAR's Nelson continued. She added the company is "still in the early stages of this journey."

NASCAR’s senior vice president of racing development, John Probst, told CNN that some fans will reject the very idea of electric racing and said that the gas cars are in no immediate danger of extinction. But like Nelson, Probst did not say they will never be eliminated.

The company reportedly has plans to change its fuel to become more sustainable in the future as well, despite currently using 85% gasoline and 15% ethanol.

"We actually have the opportunity to evaluate not just the battery electric part, but then also the crossover vehicle part," Probst said. "So it may be that one or both of these will become something in the future for us."

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Lego's attempt to ditch oil-based bricks is a costly failure; 'sustainable' alternative would have created higher emissions: Report

Fossil fuels keep people around the world clothed, fed, mobile, housed, entertained, and comfortable. Despite the extensive utility of oil and gas, there is a concerted effort in the West to instead drive reliance upon resources of dubious environmental benefit. This endeavor has been long pursued by governments and companies alike, sometimes at great cost.

The Danish toy company Lego, among the organizations that vowed to cut down on oil usage, has recently discovered that transitioning is not as clean or as easy as it looks on paper.

Lego, like other large woke corporations, is captive to ESG goals, claiming on its website to be playing a "part in building a sustainable future and creating a better world for children to inherit."

The company indicated in 2018 that it had set a target to swap the oil-based plastics it uses in the 110-120 billion pieces it produces every year for sustainable materials by 2030. This would mean that the 4.4 lbs of petroleum required for each 2.2 lbs of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastic granules — used to make up to 85% of the company's bricks — would need to be replaced.

"Everything about them is plastic," said Sharon George, a senior lecturer in environmental sustainability at Britain's Keele University. "It's certainly not an easy challenge for them. But I really hope that Lego can do something innovative because if anybody can they can, thanks to their prices."

Tim Brooks, Lego’s head of sustainability, told the Financial Times at the time, "We are making a toy for children. ... We can't make a toy that harms their future. If we are not doing a good job on the environment, then we have short-changed them."

In 2021, the company indicated it had found a winning alternative: older oil-based plastics in the form of recycled drink bottles. Lego's reliance on such a recycled supply would demand the continued primary manufacture of oil-based bottles for their expensive bricks.

The company has since blown $1.2 billion on "sustainability initiatives" only to discover that secondhand plastics weren't all they were cracked up to be.

Niels Christiansen, the CEO of Lego, told the Financial Times Sunday that the use of recycled polyethylene terephthalate would have led to the creation of higher carbon emissions.

"In order to scale production [of recycled PET], the level of disruption to the manufacturing environment was such that we needed to change everything in our factories. After all that, the carbon footprint would have been higher. It was disappointing," said Brooks.

Christiansen admitted that the company's search to "find this magic material or this new material" that could replace oil-based plastics while still affording Lego bricks comparable "clutch power" and durability has come up wanting.

"We tested hundreds and hundreds of materials," said the Lego CEO. "It's just not been possible to find a material like that."

While defeated and decided against adopting recycled plastic as the stuff of its bricks, Lego has attempted to give hope to climate alarmists and fans of its oil-based pro-renewables wind turbine kit.

The Times indicated that Lego will kick the can farther down the road such that by 2032 it hopes both to be using only so-called sustainable materials and to see a 37% reduction in emissions compared to 2019.

The BBC reported that as of 2021, the company was emitting roughly 1,322,773 tons of carbon a year. By way of comparison, the average American emits roughly 17.85 tons a year.

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American adventure is UNDER ATTACK, and THIS story proves it

Back in 2008, Disney released the movie “WALL-E.” In the film, humans, who have departed Earth on a galactic cruise ship, are so engulfed in their screens that they don’t even know what a real tree looks like any more. Their pathetic lives have become entirely virtual.

Although undoubtedly exaggerated, “WALL-E,” in some sense, was oddly clairvoyant.

Our heavily digital world will likely become even more digital, as VR has been named the answer to many questions around sustainability.

With new “green” initiatives, travel and adventure – things that once made someone interesting and enviable – have been rebranded as selfish and myopic.

Why? Because airplanes and cars allegedly emit harmful emissions and pollutants into the air, and that certainly isn’t in line with the various environmental protection movements gaining momentum across the United States and Europe especially.

“They are trying to get you to now look at traveling the world or the country as a bad thing,” Glenn Becks explains.

He then tells the hypothetical story of Johnny, a boy who was born with wanderlust coursing through his veins. By the time Johnny turned 16, he was already making plans to venture to the moon, much to the dismay of his mother, who had been busy forming plans of her own.

One night, “she sneaks into her son’s bedroom while he’s asleep,” Beck says, “and straps [a VR] headset to him.”

“When he wakes up, he finds himself on the moon, and he never leaves his room again. … Johnny is safe.”

“Isn’t that what adventuring and exploring is all about? Safety?” Glenn mockingly asks.

“Now this sounds insane, but this is exactly where we’re headed.”

This theory can’t be chalked up to mere speculation, either. There are seeds being planted to villainize travel right now.

In response to the Titan submersible tragedy, MSNBC released an article that read: “I think this tragic incident affords us an opportunity–in fact, gives us a mandate–to devise safe ways for people to satisfy their adventurous spirits and educational urges.”


“As people consider safer ways to explore, I can’t help but think this terrifying scenario is precisely why the concept of the Metaverse, that is a virtual world reachable through a wearable device, will never die.”

“This is where we’re headed,” Glenn responds. “The death of adventure, the death of exploration in exchange for safety.”

“Just put your kid behind a screen or in glasses until they become the people of ‘Wall-E,’” he criticizes.

Glenn wants us all to ask ourselves these questions this July Fourth:

“Are giant corporations in charge? Is government in charge?”

“Are we going to be told what to do and how to do it at all times?”

“How do we have human experiences when we’re in a world of VR?”

“What are we willing to allow tech to replace in our lives?”

“We as America should be asking ourselves this coming holiday: Who are we, where did we come from, and more importantly, where is it we are headed? Is that where we want to go? If not, we should chart a different course,” he concludes.

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