Taliban leaders reportedly got into major brawl over who did the most to expel US from Afghanistan, who deserves cabinet positions. One prominent leader hasn't been seen since.

Only days after installing a new government in Afghanistan, several top leaders of the Taliban reportedly got into a major dust-up over who did the most to boot U.S. troops from the country and who was most deserving of certain coveted cabinet positions.

Two rival factions of the militant regime brawled at the presidential palace in the capital city of Kabul late last week, BBC News reported.

The skirmish — which started after strong words were exchanged between Taliban deputy prime minister and co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar and the regime's new head of security, Khalil ur-Rahman Haqqani — has reportedly resulted in Baradar's disappearance.

Here's more from the BBC:

One Taliban source told BBC Pashto that Mr. Baradar and Khalil ur-Rahman Haqqani — the minister for refugees and a prominent figure within the militant Haqqani network — had exchanged strong words, as their followers brawled with each other nearby.

A senior Taliban member based in Qatar and a person connected to those involved also confirmed that an argument had taken place late last week.

The sources said the argument had broken out because Mr. Baradar, the new deputy prime minister, was unhappy about the structure of their interim government.

The row also reportedly stemmed from divisions over who in the Taliban should take credit for their victory in Afghanistan.

The Taliban has publicly denied that the argument took place and insisted that Baradar is alive and well despite the fact that the deputy prime minister hasn't made a public appearance in days.

A Taliban spokesman, Sulail Shaheen, told Reuters on Tuesday that Baradar has been busy attending meetings in the southern city of Kandahar. The spokesman has shared video footage of the meetings, but the footage has not been independently verified.

"He says it is lies and totally baseless," Shaheen added, claiming to pass along a message from Baradar himself.

The BBC noted that the Taliban has issued "conflicting statements" in regard to Baradar's whereabouts. Some have maintained he is away on business, while others said the leader was "tired and wanted some rest."

Baradar's supposed rival, Khalil ur-Rahman Haqqani, is known for carrying out violent attacks against Western allies in Afghanistan. He is the leader of the Haqqani network, a group designated by the U.S. as a terrorist organization.

Haqqani currently has a $5 million bounty on his head for links to al Qaeda operations. His nephew, Sirajuddin Haqqani, has been appointed interior minister in the new Taliban regime in Afghanistan. He is on the FBI's "Most Wanted" list and has a $10 million bounty on his head.

Taliban allegedly executes Afghan folk singer days after terror group declares 'music is forbidden in Islam'

The Taliban executed an Afghan folk singer just days after the terrorist group declared "music is forbidden in Islam," the New York Post reported, citing the singer's family.

The Post noted that Fawad Andarabi's family told the Associated Press that he was shot dead Friday when "enforcers returned to his home after earlier searching it and even drinking tea with him."

"They shot him in the head on the farm," the folk singer's son, Jawad, said of his father's execution in the Andarabi Valley after which he was named, the paper reported.

"He was innocent, a singer who only was entertaining people," Andarabi's son said, the Post noted, adding that the folk singer also played a bowed lute called a ghichak and sang traditional songs about his country.

More from the paper:

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told the AP that the insurgents would investigate the incident, but had no other details on the killing in the area about 60 miles north of Kabul.

It came just days after Mujahid told the New York Times that music was being outlawed, just as it had been during the group's brutal rule from 1996 until 2001.

"Music is forbidden in Islam," Mujahid told the paper, while insisting, "We're hoping that we can persuade people not to do such things, instead of pressuring them."

Afghanistan's former interior minister, Masoud Andarabi — who is not related — shared footage of the singer performing, saying he was "brutally killed" simply for "bringing joy to this valley and its people."

Taliban’s brutality continues in Andarab. Today they brutally killed folkloric singer, Fawad Andarabi who simply wa… https://t.co/Avy0IIz5vL

— Masoud Andarabi (@andarabi) 1630166928.0

"Taliban's brutality continues in Andarab. Today they brutally killed folkloric singer, Fawad Andarabi who simply was brining [sic] joy to this valley and its people," Masoud Andarabi tweeted. "As he sang here 'our beautiful valley….land of our forefathers…' will not submit to Taliban's brutality."

Anything else?

Karima Bennoune — the United Nations special rapporteur on cultural rights — said she felt "grave concern" in regard to Andarabi's killing, the Post reported.

"We call on governments to demand the Taliban respect the #humanrights of #artists," she tweeted, according to the paper.

Agnes Callamard, secretary-general of Amnesty International, tweeted in regard to Andarabi's reported execution that "there is mounting evidence that the Taliban of 2021 is the same as the intolerant, violent, repressive Taliban of 2001. 20 years later. Nothing has changed on that front."

Biden calls withdrawal from Afghanistan an 'extraordinary success,' insists his admin was 'ready' to handle every difficulty

In the face of mounting criticism, President Joe Biden defended his administration's course of action relating to the bungled U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan, going so far as to tout the operation as an "extraordinary success."

What did he say?

"We completed one of the biggest airlifts in history, with more than 120,000 people evacuated to safety," Biden said Tuesday during a national address following the U.S.'s official departure from Afghanistan. "No nation has ever done anything like it in all of history."

Biden has been roundly condemned for the botched evacuation, which has resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. service members and the endangerment of tens of thousands of Americans and Afghan friendlies seeking to evacuate the country now under Taliban control.

The last U.S. plane exited Afghanistan on Monday, leaving behind hundreds of American citizens and thousands of Afghan nationals who worked with the U.S. during the last 20 years of military occupation.

President Biden Delivers Remarks on Ending the War in Afghanistan www.youtube.com

Yet in Tuesday's speech, Biden rejected the criticism and rebranded the fiasco as a triumphant success story.

As part of the success, he claimed that "more than 5,500 Americans were airlifted out" of Afghanistan, a figure which the administration now says accounts for 90% of those stranded in the country. A passing grade, Biden implied.

"The bottom line: 90% of Americans in Afghanistan who wanted to leave were able to leave," he said. "And for those remaining Americans, there is no deadline. We remain committed to getting them out if they want to come out."

Prior to Tuesday, however, officials were inexplicably vague about the number of Americans they believed to still be in the country.

What else?

In the speech, Biden granted that his "assumption" was that the Afghan National Security Forces would be able to defend themselves against the Taliban at least until Americans and Afghan nationals could be evacuated. And he even acknowledged "that assumption ... turned out not to be accurate."

But that's as far as he would go in terms of owning up to any mistakes.

"We were ready," he insisted in regard to the Taliban's advance.

"We were ready," he insisted again in regard to the subsequent rushed evacuation efforts.

"I take responsibility for the decision," he later said, though evidently not the fallout.

"Let me be clear: Leaving August the 31st was not due to an arbitrary deadline; it was designed to save American lives," the president proclaimed.

"Now some say, 'We should have started mass evacuations sooner' and 'Couldn't this have been done in a more orderly manner?'"

To those, he replied, "I respectfully disagree."

Shocking video shows man hanging from US Black Hawk as Taliban parades the skies over Afghanistan

Shocking new videos have emerged on social media showing Taliban fighters parading the skies over Afghanistan in seized U.S. Black Hawk helicopters — one appearing to display a man hanging from one of the aircraft.

The video was reportedly taken over the weekend during a Taliban "patrol" of Kandahar, Afghanistan, following the U.S. military's withdrawal, the Independent reported.

The last U.S. plane departed Kabul airport on Monday leaving behind hundreds of Americans and thousands of Afghan nationals who worked with the U.S. government during its 20-year military mission. Billions of dollars worth of military equipment were also left behind during the bungled evacuation.

In a tweet posted Sunday, the Talib Times — which claims to be the English language official account of Islamic Emirate Afghanistan — celebrated the maneuver.

"Our Air Force! At this time, the Islamic Emirate's air force helicopters are flying over Kandahar city and patrolling the city," the tweet read.

Our Air Force! At this time, the Islamic Emirate's air force helicopters are flying over Kandahar city and patroll… https://t.co/qpQhD1RLTq

— Talib Times (@TalibTimes) 1630328754.0

Another share of the video has been viewed on Twitter more than 2 million times since Sunday.

It remains unclear whether the hanging man is dead or alive or whether he is friendly to the Taliban or a victim of the militant group. Though many have speculated that the man was hung from the aircraft as punishment and then paraded around the skies.

"According to reports, the man who was seen hanging by the Balck [sic] Hawk helicopter is believed to have worked for the Americans as an interpreter," Republic World determined.

Sudhir Chaudhary, the editor-in-chief of Zee News and WION, came to a similar conclusion.

"Another landmark picture taking the world in a new era of terror," he said in a tweet. "Taliban hang a person, presumed to be an American interpreter, from a U.S. Blackhawk helicopter. The leftover US helicopters will now be used in #Afganistan like this."

"If this is what it looks like ... the Taliban hanging somebody from an American Blackhawk ... I could vomit. Joe Biden is responsible," conservative commentator Liz Wheeler added.

While those reports have yet to be confirmed, it is not hard to imagine the Taliban carrying out such brutality. In the weeks since wresting control of the country, several reports have surfaced indicating that the militants have been violently persecuting women, children, the elderly, Christians, and anyone who worked with the West.

As new information comes out, TheBlaze will update its reporting.

American University of Afghanistan students 'terrified' after being told they can't evacuate and their names have been given to the Taliban

Hundreds of students at the American University of Afghanistan have been left "terrified" for their lives after being denied evacuation from Kabul and told that the U.S. government gave their names to the Taliban.

What are the details?

In a stunning report published Sunday, the New York Times relayed that roughly 600 students, staff, and their relatives had been left stranded in a safe house in Kabul amid the Taliban's violent takeover of the country — their hopes of evacuation dashed.

The group reportedly boarded buses set for Hamid Karzai International Airport on Sunday in a final attempt to flee the country. But after seven hours of waiting for clearance, the group was told to turn around. The airport remained a security threat and civilian evacuations were to be halted permanently on Monday.

"I regret to inform you that the high command at HKIA in the airport has announced there will be no more rescue flights," read an email sent to students from American University president Ian Bickford Sunday afternoon, obtained by the New York Times.

"The scholar pilgrims who were turned away today while seeking safe passage to a better future need the help of the U.S. government who gave them the hope they must not lose," Bickford added.

While being instructed to return home, the defeated group received even worse news: their names had been shared with the Taliban by the U.S. government.

"They told us: we have given your names to the Taliban," recounted Hosay, a 24-year-old sophomore who was aboard the bus on Sunday. "We are all terrified, there is no evacuation, there is no getting out."

"Our hopes and dreams have turned into dust," several other students reportedly said.

What else?

Critics blasted the Biden administration last week amid reports that U.S. officials had carelessly supplied the Taliban with a list of names of U.S. citizens, green card holders, and Afghan allies in an effort to expedite their entry into the Kabul airport.

"Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list," one defense official told Politico. "It's just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean."

The Biden administration appeared to exercise its outsized trust in the terrorist militant group, but the university students have legitimate reason to fear. Here's more from the Times report:

When the Taliban took over Kabul on Aug. 15, one of the first sites the group captured was the sprawling, modern American University campus. Men in traditional Afghan outfits swinging AK-47 rifles brought down the university flag and raised the flag of the Taliban, according to student and social media photos.

The Taliban posted a picture of themselves on social media standing at the entrance of a university building with an ominous message, saying this was where America trained infidel "wolves" to corrupt the minds of Muslims.

The photograph was widely shared among Afghans and sent students and alumni into hiding. They had reason to be scared. In 2016, the Taliban attacked the campus with explosives and guns in a terrorist assault that lasted 10 hours and killed 15 people, including seven students.

Meanwhile, the Taliban's promises of tolerance and leniency in the new regime have been coupled with violence against all who associated with Western governments and organizations during the last 20 years of U.S. military occupation.

VIDEO: Afghan TV anchor tells residents 'don't be afraid' as Taliban fighters stand behind him with guns

With Taliban fighters standing behind him brandishing guns, an Afghan news anchor nervously urged viewers over the weekend not to be "afraid" amid the fall of the Afghan government and the formation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

The bizarre scene demonstrates the danger that Afghan journalists are likely to face under Taliban rule and foreshadows the end of journalistic freedom in the country.

What happened?

Armed Taliban militants stormed into the building of Afghan television network Peace Studio during a live recording on Sunday, proceeding to hold the anchor hostage while he granted favorable coverage to the new regime, Republic World reported.

"Don't be afraid," the anchor reportedly said during the broadcast.

"With the Taliban militants breathing down his neck, the TV anchor addressed the news bulletin, talking about the collapse of the Ashraf Ghani-led government and the formation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan," the news outlet reported. "Visibly afraid and uncomfortable, the presenter then went on to tell the nation to not be scared of the Taliban."

Video of the incident has since gone viral, having been viewed more than one million times on social media.

Afghanistan TV - surreal This is what a political debate now looks like on Afghan TV, Taliban foot soldiers watch… https://t.co/htlNQvcjqW

— Yalda Hakim (@BBCYaldaHakim) 1630262717.0

"Afghanistan TV - surreal," tweeted BBC World News anchor Yalda Hakim along with a video of the incident.

"This is what a political debate now looks like on Afghan TV, Taliban foot soldiers watching over the host," she added. "The presenter talks about the collapse of the Ghani govt & says the Islamic Emirate says the Afghan people should not be afraid."

A subsequent photo posted on Twitter by Afghan journalist Zaki Daryabi shows that at least eight Taliban fighters were involved in the news station storming.

This is what @Etilaatroz can’t accept. If so, we will stop our work. https://t.co/FueAC4c9cz

— Zaki Daryabi (@ZDaryabi) 1630259162.0

This is what [we] can't accept," she tweeted along with the image. "If so, we will stop our work."

What else?

Amid its takeover of Afghanistan in recent weeks, Taliban leaders promised a "lenient" government and "amnesty" for individuals who worked with Western governments and organizations over the last 20 years of U.S. military occupation.

But their promises have been empty ones. In reality, Taliban fighters have been "hunting down" journalists and persecuting women and religious minorities, including Christians.

The bloodthirsty militants reportedly murdered the relative of an Afghan journalist partnered with German news outlet Deutsche Welle last week. They also killed a 33-year-old Afghan who had translated for U.S. Special Forces and who worked with newspaper Die Zeit.

Republic World added that "the Taliban barred two women journalists ... who worked with the public broadcaster Radio Television Afghanistan" and "also attacked two other members of the press for covering the anti-Taliban protests taking place in the eastern Nangarhar province."

Their actions have reportedly caused many journalists and activists to flee the nation in fear.

WATCH: Afghanistan TV Anchor Surrounded By Armed Taliban Fighters on TV | Republic TV www.youtube.com

'They will be the FIRST to die': Oklahoma mom who rescued Afghan girls, now helping SAVE over 200 female Afghan judges

Allyson Reneau is a mother from Oklahoma who has already helped save 10 members of an all-girl robotics team from Afghanistan. But now, more and more desperate women are asking for her help.

Allyson joined Glenn Beck on the radio program to detail what it took to help the girls robotics team escape. And she also explained her next goal: To help evacuate more than 200 female judges who fear that the Taliban who they sentenced to jail are coming for them first.

"Because of the media coverage I've had over the last few days, the cries for help from within Afghanistan, from women who are in hiding, professional women, who have been fired, who are being hunted, who are being tortured. [There were] reports last night of two killed and shot. And these are professional, educated women. Some beaten to death. Some blinded," Allyson told Glenn.

"I was back at ground zero again," she added. "What worked for the girls I helped was not going to work for these people that were in hiding. I said, 'Send me the list. I'm not going to leave one behind.' And I thought there would be 20 people. It was 212 women Afghan judges in hiding, Supreme Court [judges]. And I asked my commander friends on the ground, that are helping me, and they said, 'Yes. They will be the first to die.' The first to die, because they have imprisoned men. They have imprisoned people who were beating their wives. And all those prisoners have been released. These women are being hunted, and it was 212 women."

Glenn offered to assist through the Nazarene Fund's ongoing rescue efforts in Afghanistan. (Read the latest updates on the Nazarene fund's rescue operation here.)

"We're Americans, and we figure it out, don't we, Glenn?" replied an emotional Allyson. "And I just want to say, Mr. President, if you can hear this message, we need more time. We need more time. Please give us more time!"

President Biden has said the U.S. will be able complete its evacuation in Afghanistan by Aug. 31.

Watch the video clip below for more details:

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BREAKING: Biden says he will not extend Aug. 31 evacuation deadline following threats from Taliban

President Joe Biden has decided not to extend the Aug. 31 deadline for U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan even as an unknown number of American citizens and foreign nationals remain stranded inside the country.

The Associated Press first reported the news on Tuesday after communicating with an administration official. The outlet noted the commander-in-chief's decision reflected concerns about "heightened security threats" associated with extending the deadline against the Taliban's wishes.

Just hours prior to Biden's decision, a Taliban spokesman declared that Afghan nationals would no longer be allowed to flee the country and that the U.S. would not be permitted an extension to the Aug. 31 deadline.

The spokesman warned that there would be "consequences" should the U.S. choose to continue evacuation operations after that date.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.


Oklahoma mom flies to Afghanistan, rescues members of all-girls Afghan robotics team

An Oklahoma mother of 11 children dashed to Afghanistan in early August to rescue 10 members of the country's all-girls robotics team as the country fell to the Taliban's control, according to a report from the New York Post.

What are the details?

Allyson Reneau, a 60-year-old Harvard graduate with a master's degree in international relations and U.S. space policy, flew into Qatar on Aug. 9 to see if she could intercept the girls before the Taliban could get to them.

Reneau was previously in contact with the team in 2019 when she worked on Explore Mars' board of directors, the outlet reported.

She said that she knew she needed to do something for the promising young women, who are 16 to 18 years old, before the Taliban could do their worst.

Reneau said that she first called the office of Oklahoma Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe to discuss a possible intervention, but the senator — who serves on the Armed Services Committee — became inundated with requests for help from American citizens in Afghanistan.

Oklahoma mom of 11 rescues members of Afghan all-girls robotics team https://t.co/awrsW3aANt https://t.co/IqWY3Caaum

— New York Post (@nypost) 1629424543.0

That's when lightning struck, she said.

"I remembered my former roommate in D.C. a couple of years ago was transferred to Qatar," she recalled. "She said she worked in the U.S. Embassy in Qatar. ... She was sure her boss would approve helping the girls. ... She wrote up a request and I got all of their passports together. She went back to the Embassy at midnight and worked all night to prepare the documents [and] packets for the girls."

Reneau said that she was thrilled to help out the girls on the team.

"It's a very narrow window of opportunity," she said. "I knew that if I didn't run through that door now — it's now or never. Sometimes you only get one chance."

The young women were able to fly out of the Kabul airport and were transported to a "secure location" in the United States, where they will pursue higher education, Reneau reported.

The outlet reports that Reneau is still working to secure safe passage to America for 25 more girls from the team.