8-week-old baby has been added to the 'terrorist watch list' for J6 events

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If you clicked on this article expecting it to be some kind of satire, sadly, you’re mistaken. This is all too real.

Glenn Beck invites former federal air marshal Sonya Hightower-LaBosco to discuss this utterly absurd situation.

If you weren’t already aware, our Department of Homeland Security has ordered federal air marshals to closely monitor people affiliated with January 6, and apparently that includes a 2-month-old baby who wasn’t even conceived at the time the J6 events took place.

“You have to tell me if this is true: did we actually use the air marshals to track a 4-week-old baby?” Glenn asks.

“Yes, Glenn, we’re doing that now,” Sonya sighs. “It’s an 8-week-old baby that’s on the terrorist watch list.”

You’re probably thinking there must have been some kind of error in the system, but no. Not one but three federal air marshals have been assigned to follow this baby should he/she travel.

“Did the parents do something?” asks Glenn, who cannot fathom what he’s hearing.

“I think the father” faced a charge “for parading at January 6,” Sonya explains. “He either walked through the Capital or he did something of that nature on January 6.”

However, it wasn’t until the child’s mother (without the father present) went on a trip to visit family that she noticed her infant’s boarding pass was marked with an “SSSS,” signifying that the baby had been placed on the federal watch list.

The entire situation is so ludicrous, it’s almost funny — except for the fact that since the beginning of Biden’s disastrous reign, our borders have remained wide open, allowing any number of actual terrorists into our country, but instead of monitoring those people, we’re using federal resources to track an infant who wasn’t even conceived at the time January 6 took place.

If that wasn’t bad enough, there’s more.

“The air marshals are not on board of our planes now because they're not only just following babies and children, but they are also on our border,” says Glenn.

“That is correct,” confirms Sonya, explaining how the air marshals “have been forced to go down to the border for over two years now” to fulfill “non-law enforcement duties” instead of doing what the department was created to do: prevent terrorist attacks on planes.

“They are doing nothing — nothing – that they should be doing to thwart hijackings in the aircraft,” she sighs. “My biggest concern is that we’re going to have another 9/11.”

“We're ushering in illegals, we're catering to the illegals, and the American people, who buy plane tickets and pay security fees and expect to be safe, have no nobody looking out for them.”

This absence of air marshals on our aircrafts has likely contributed to the increasing number of plane incidents we’ve seen, such as the United flight attendant who was stabbed on a flight back in 2022 or the number of incidents where passengers attempted to breach the cockpit.

“22 years that we have tried to prevent [9/11] from happening again, and we are being handcuffed by this administration,” laments Sonya.

To get the full story, watch the clip below.

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Border Patrol: 50 migrants on terror watch list arrested at border so far this year

Under President Joe Biden's watch, the number of people on the terror watch list apprehended at the southern border has spiked compared to the years former President Donald Trump was in office.

There were 50 arrests of migrants on the Terrorist Screening Dataset at the southwest border in FY 2022, according to new data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Friday. That's a dramatic increase from 15 such encounters in FY 2021, President Joe Biden's first year in office.

While Trump was in office, the highest number of terror watch list arrests at the border was six in FY 2018. There were three such arrests in FY 2020, zero in FY 2019, and just two in FY 2017 when Trump occupied the White House.

To sum up, there have been 65 terror watch list arrests at the border under Biden compared to just 11 under Trump.

\u201cNew CBP data reveals 50 people on the FBI\u2019s terror watchlist have been arrested by Border Patrol at the Southern border so far in FY\u201922. That\u2019s already higher than the previous 5 years combined.\nCBP sources tell me there have been 440,000+ known gotaways since October. @FoxNews\u201d
— Bill Melugin (@Bill Melugin) 1655489585

CBP said there were a total of 192 encounters at points of entry in FY 2022, with 50 at the southern border and 142 at the northern border. That's compared to 157 total encounters in FY 2021, 196 in FY 2020, 538 during the border surge in FY 2019, 351 in FY 2018, and 333 in FY 2017.

These numbers come after CBP reported a record high 239,416 migrant encounters in May, which was a 2% increase over April's number. Data showed that a whopping 25% of those encountered had been previously arrested and deported by CBP.

The actual number of migrants crossing U.S. borders illegally is far greater than what's reported because many of them are not apprehended. Fox News reported Friday there were as many as 440,000 "known gotaways" since October, with more than 50,000 in May alone. Adding that number to 400,000 known gotaways since the beginning of FY 2021, Fox reported there were more than 800,000 illegal immigrants who got past U.S. border agents since October 2020.

Last month, the Center for Immigration Studies estimated that illegal immigration has surged 10% during Biden's presidency. The administration has faced intense criticism from Republicans who blame Biden's decision to undo many of Trump's restrictive immigration policies for the surge in illegal immigration.

Biden officials have blamed factors outside their control for rampant migration to the U.S., including natural disasters, poor economies, corruption, and violence in South and Central America.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told migrants not to come to the U.S. in late May, warning that immigration laws will be enforced and that anyone without legal permission to remain in the U.S. will be expelled.

Report: At least 23 illegal immigrants caught in 2021 were on terror watch list

At least 23 people attempting to illegally cross the southern border in 2021 were on the terror watch list maintained by the FBI, according to a report.

Fox News on Monday revealed that U.S. Customs and Border Protection data shows that between Jan. 20 and Dec. 27, 2021, there were 23 border encounters with individuals whose names were on the FBI's Terrorist Screening Database.

Eleven encounters happened in Texas, four in Arizona, and eight in California, according to data Fox News reportedly obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request filed in December.

The terror watch list is maintained by the FBI's Terrorist Screening Center, which was established after the 9/11 attacks to consolidate several different terrorism watch lists. This watch list has information on people reasonably suspected to be involved in terrorism (or related activities)," according to the FBI.

In March, Fox News reported that House Republicans on the Oversight and Homeland Security committees had asked the Biden administration to make public the number of migrants encountered at the southern border who are on the terror watch list.

"Reporting indicates that multiple individuals with terrorist ties have been recently apprehended after illegally crossing the border, and that such encounters may be increasing," Reps. James Comer (R-Ky.) and John Katko (R-N.Y.) wrote in a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

"The American people deserve to know whether President Biden’s weak border policies are allowing terrorists to enter our homeland," they said.

Republicans have argued for years that an unsecured southern border and rampant illegal immigration endanger national security by letting terrorists, drug cartels, human traffickers, and other criminal elements into the country. Former President Donald Trump, a Republican, won office in 2016 by bringing this issue to the forefront of his campaign, famously pledging to build a wall on the southern border and create other physical barriers to illegal immigrants.

Democrats say they also support border security, but have criticized hard-line Republican policies as unfair and exclusionary toward legitimate asylum-seekers. Democratic President Joe Biden, since assuming office in 2021, has worked to undo many of Trump's restrictive immigration policies and halted construction of the border wall.

Most recently, the Biden administration has announced it will end a Trump-era pandemic health order, called Title 42, which required migrants to wait outside the country for their asylum claims to be processed and gave expedited authority to border agents to deport those who entered the country illegally. The order will expire on May 23, but some administration officials have warned that illegal immigration will surge even higher once the policy is rolled back.

Officials estimate that as many as 18,000 additional migrants will be encountered at the border each day once Title 42 ends.

Illegal immigration has surged under Biden's watch as a result of perceptions that he is more lenient toward migrants than his predecessor. In March, border authorities arrested 210,000 migrants attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, the highest number recorded since February 2000 and a 24% increase from the same month one year before, Reuters reported. About half of the migrants encountered in March were expelled under the Title 42 order, the report said.

Republicans and even some moderate Democrats have called on President Biden to delay rescinding Title 42 and have introduced legislation to that effect in the U.S. Senate.

4 people with names on terror watchlist arrested at US southern border since October 1: reports

Four people whose names match those of suspects on the FBI's Terrorist Screening Database have been arrested trying to enter the U.S. from Mexico since Oct. 1 of last year, according to multiple reports.

What are the details?

Axios first reported that U.S. Customs and Border Protection confirmed to Congress Tuesday that three of the individuals apprehended were Yemen nationals and another was Serbian, citing an unnamed congressional aide who was purportedly "briefed on the correspondence."

Fox News then confirmed the report, citing a congressional aide "familiar with CBP information," noting that the "Serbian national was encountered on Jan. 28, amid an increasing surge in migrant numbers in recent months."

The outlet pointed out that "House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy [R-Calif.] said on Monday, during a visit to the border, that Border Patrol agents had been warning lawmakers about foreign nationals on the terror watch list getting in," adding that "McCarthy said migrants were coming from Yemen, China, Sri Lanka and Iran." Fox also reported that "Border Patrol agents arrested 11 Iranian citizens in Arizona last month."

The Daily Wire reported that Rep. John Katko (R-N.Y.) also warned that terror suspects were "starting to exploit the southern border" under President Joe Biden's loosened policies on border security.

"Individuals that they have on the watch list for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border," Katko — the top Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee — said during a press conference at the border. "People who they've got in the last few days… have been on the terror watchlist."

Meanwhile, The Washington Post reported that Democrats dismissed McCarthy's claims, even calling him a liar.

Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) tweeted in reaction to the minority leader's comments, "Weird as the Chairman of the subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations and a border state member of Congress haven't heard anything about this. Gonna ask for a briefing. Pretty sure he is either wrong or lying."

Weird as the Chairman of the subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations and a border state member of Congr… https://t.co/WPTcVrHGPB
— Ruben Gallego (@Ruben Gallego)1615852391.0

The Post wrote:

McCarthy's claims echo repeated assertions by President Donald Trump and members of his administration that terrorists were using the southern border to sneak into the United States, a line Trump often used to justify his attempts to build a wall and tighten immigration rules.

But those claims withered under scrutiny.

McCarthy shared the Axios story on social media on Tuesday, tweeting, "The crisis at the border is a national security vulnerability for the U.S. As I said yesterday and Border Patrol confirmed today, they have caught individuals on the Terrorist Watch List attempting to enter our country. We must secure our border now."

The crisis at the border is a national security vulnerability for the U.S.As I said yesterday and Border Patrol c… https://t.co/4H9kK9JmYb
— Kevin McCarthy (@Kevin McCarthy)1615922596.0