Woke Semantics Like ‘Birthing Persons’ Erases Women, Ignores Real Problems In Women’s Health

How can we expect to improve women's health care when we are focused on re-labeling woman-specific anatomy as to not offend those who have no female anatomy?

MSNBC Analyst Compares Amy Coney Barrett In Mask To Sex Slave In ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’

Maxwell compared a photo of Barrett at her confirmation hearing wearing a mask to images from "The Handmaid's Tale" television series.

People of Praise Accuser Has Long History Of Far-Fetched Lawsuits and Online Partisanship

An Oregon woman with widely aired allegations against the People of Praise, a Christian charismatic group to which Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett is connected, has a track record of hyper-partisan online posting, farfetched lawsuits, and fantastic grievance peddling that casts doubt on her credibility.

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