Judge Presiding Over Trump’s Jan. 6 Trial Has Track Record Of Politically Charged J6 Rulings

Judge Chutkan has repeatedly expressed strong and settled opinions about the issues at the heart of United States v. Donald Trump -- the criminal case she is now presiding over.

The Purpose Of The Jan. 6 Select Committee Is To Suppress Free Speech

The message is clear: if you exercise your First Amendment rights for a cause that those in power have not approved, you will be targeted.

Militarized Capitol Police Use Fences And Razor Wire To Keep Preschoolers From Sledding

Since lawmakers often act like children (and the rioters who stormed it far worse), why not close the Capitol to Congress so the sledders can return?

‘We Just Wanted Our Voices To Be Heard.’ Capitol Protesters Speak Out

In the wake of the U.S. Capitol riot during a Donald Trump rally, corporate media won’t talk to the protesters or try to understand their point of view. So I did.

Left-Wing Terrorists Bombed The Senate In 1983. Bill Clinton Let Them Out Of Prison Early — At Jerry Nadler’s Request

President Bill Clinton, at Jerry Nadler's request, commuted the sentence of a radical leftist serving time for bombing the U.S. Capitol.